Jaqaw gejja xi secondhand power station mic-China?
I think we should be told. Don’t you? A member of my international worldwide network of spies tells me that the new commercial attache at the Chinese embassy is somebody who had a tour of duty here during the Golden Years.
A power station from China and gas from Algeria. Perfect.
Karmenu Vella’s wet dream: the Golden Years revisited, and a two-fingered salute to the EU membership he never wanted in the first place.
No wonder they aren’t squealing. This is not the sort of thing you can discuss in the middle of an electoral campaign, when you’re asking people to vote for change because it’s cool 2BLejber (was there ever a time when it was cool to be bloody stupid?).
And Alex Sceberras Trigona (currently hidden beneath the sofa cushions, gagged with an arma tal-partit in case he squeaks and scares us) must be melting.
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Well, Konrad Mizzi did say they weren’t getting a prototype but I hope they read the not-so-small print: in the advert, the heading and photo caption refer to a “gas-fired power station” but the product details say “coal-fired power station”.
What they looked for in the advert was “guaranteed to reduce electricity bills by 25%” Was it actually written in Chinese? I could find no trace of it in the English captions.
I can’t help but notice that whenever Karmenu Vella speaks about the power station, he always calls it a “power unit”. Is he wilfully trying to confuse the public? Or is it simply that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about?
I have seen that the suppliers have a good business in Nigeria. Back to the 80s without the need for a time machine. This is the real achievement of Labour.
Bazwar minn hemm u bazwar minn hawn should be the MLP slogan for the coming five years.
Something that has me bothered. The power station operator will ‘gift’ a sum (I believe that €30 million was mentioned, but stand to be corrected) so that Muscat can reduce the electricity tarrifs as of next year (2014).
So far so good. However, what will happen if due to unforseen (unforseen for Labour, that is), the power station will be delayed by one year? Will the operator ‘gift’ another €30 million to cover the reductions for the year 2015? That means that the operator will have to ‘gift’ the consumer €60 million to keep him happy.
There is however another path. A tarrif ‘adjustment’. That means that Muscat reduces the price for one year. So what this results is that basically you are selling your vote for a one off reduction in your tariff.
Another issue that seems to have been overlooked is that in case of delays, the operator will sue the goverment for not having completed the infrastructure in time, leading to the operator to make a loss (even the interest on the original €30 million ‘gift’ is a lot of money) for the year when it was supposed to be operating and recuperating its’gift’.
I do wonder if we are supposed to believe that these companies are not answerable to their shareholders, but exist to make the Maltese consumer happy. And if Joseph Muscat believes that his proposal will benefit Malta, I sincerily hope that he will never get to manage his father’s fireworks business, because his business acumen is somewhat lacking.
What about the decrease in tariffs for business IN 2015? So if the project is not finished by 2014 it means a gift of 60 euros for two years plus business deductions.
I hate those websites, sourcing suppliers has become a nightmare.
Konrad has already taken the first step.
The next one is getting a Chinese power station into Malta.
China is building them by the dozen, so I am sure the Chinese could pick one out of the production line an ship it to Malta.
But then just look at China this week – visibility 100 metres due to power station and industrial smoke.
While in China maybe he can also bag a good deal on cheap coal.
Narmaw bir-racanc.
Nahseb li vera ser nergaw nibdew bis-second hand buying. Fil-fatt qed jerga jidher hafna Reno Calleja, habib kbir tac-China u Konrad iridu jiltaqa mal-mara tieghu ghax Ciniza ukoll.