Jesmond Mugliett joins the queue for the Labour klikka

Published: January 31, 2013 at 10:42am

Jesmond Mugliett was prominently present at’s meeting on planning and building development yesterday.

He stood up to ask a couple of questions and, to quote The Malta Independent (online):

In a not-so-subtle subtle hint, Dr Muscat said he looked forward to having the best minds from the whole political spectrum working together on sustainable development.

They could always put Mugliett in charge of that footbridge they plan to build across the Mriehel bypass – you know, the one that will take a year when the power station+LNG terminal+gas storage tanks will take two years.

Jesmond Mugliett is excellent with bridges. Super One should know all about that.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Adrian says:

    Pulċinell …. no adjective suits him better.

  2. RosanneB says:

    Opportunist iehor!

  3. Brian Ellul says:

    Jesmond Mugliet = Complete Failure. Now confirmed

    Gonzi should have screened his candidates a long time ago. People like Mugliet, Franco form 2 and crying Jeffrey should have been kicked out from the party a long time ago

    • Maximus Aurelius says:

      Brian – they were sidelined back in 2008 however as they were elected to parliament democratically then they could not be kicked out.

      They have taunted the PM since day one and yet he has managed to steer the country through the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

      Nonetheless the majority of the population, instead of thanking him, want to kick him out and elect Joseph Muscat.

      If I was the PM, I’d throw my hands in the air and sigh “Why do I bother?”.

      Small island, small mentality, I’m sorry to say.

      • Catsrbest says:

        I fully endorse your view.

        I view Dr Gonzi as by far and so far the best Prime Minister the PN has produced. Do not get me wrong; it is not that Dr Fenech Adami did not deliver, but Dr Gonzi outweighed him immensely. I shall mention just 3 examples; where Dr Fenech Adami dragged his feet, while Dr Gonzi delivered promptly. These are: the Dockyard, the Valletta project and the public transport.

        Dr Gonzi is a hard-worker and does not tolerate those who procrastinate and never deliver. This is why he is greatly misunderstood and despised by many. Hard-workers are viewed by many as arrogant, especially the ones in his position. I believe that the ones that most dislike him are those who are lazy and do not want to be pursued to deliver.

        The fact that, both Alfred Sant in 2008 and now Joseph Muscat, have deemed it fit to praise Dr Fenech Adami’s achievements, and try to belittle Dr Gonzi, only shows that they (and many in the PL) know too well that Dr Gonzi is by far better than Dr Fenech Adami. Not to mention the fact that Dr Gonzi has steered ‘Malta’s ship’ excellently during the worst world economic recession ever.

      • Wilson says:

        Churchill – Attlee is another case, is it really just small mentality.

      • Jozef says:

        You couldn’t have put it better, Catrsbest.

        He broke those three longstanding taboos.

        Joseph’s getting stuck in his proposals with each individual category. Preserving every caste and their respective privileges.

        Mepa and education, this week’s issues, couldn’t be more indicative of who’s working for the organic whole.

        I mean, being endorsed by Sandro Chetcuti or John Bencini, how sad is that?

  4. steve bonello says:

    ass lickers the three of them

  5. Min Jaf says:

    The report refers to ‘pedestrian crossing’. That is not necessarily a footbridge spanning the road, it could just be a simple zebra crossing. It should be interesting to learn the word/s that Muscat actually uttered.

  6. Betty says:

    Or to have him in charge of a bridge between Malta and Gozo.

  7. Mark says:

    Good for the Labour skip.

  8. Johnnyb says:

    Viva nuxellina!

  9. Steve Forster says:

    They were the weakest link….goodbye

  10. Riya says:

    @ Ctasrbest

    ‘Dr Fenech Adami dragged his feet’

    During the time of Dr. Fenech Adami such issues could not be tackled immediately.

    Dr. Fenech Adami is a very intelligent person and also a great politician. Therefore, he was very catious about our admission into the EU. Had he not been cautious and the electorate voted against the EU Malta is not where it is today.

    With its admission into the EU Malta achieved €1000 million, but Labour is still saying that Partnership was a better option when not even their leaders can explain what this partnership is all about let alone the majority of their stupid supporters.

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