Joseph Muscat: a meeting for Enemalta employees on Wednesday (by postal invitation)
January 14, 2013 at 4:47pm
Today, Enemalta workers have received through the mail an invitation from the Labour Party to a meeting with Joseph Muscat, at the Rialto Theatre in Bormla.
Why there? They’re not drydocks workers.
And only two days’ notice.
He should have called it in front of the Delimara power station, and confronted their irritation at his constant accusations of ‘cancer factory’ and ‘asthma factory’ when they are the ones who monitor, record and control emissions.
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He is preparing them for the same finish the dockyard workers were made to go through by the political madness of Mintoff/Lorry Sant/Debono Grech.
Joseph wants to make a repeat mess.
Just a short and simple question – a dose of Joseph’s medicine – where did he get the addresses from? Data Protection?
From the GWU: they have all the information on all the workers of all companies with employers who are their members. Data protection, my ass.
Tghid ha jaghjarhom ‘bla bocci’ bhal ma ghamel il-perit?
Le, imma bil-linef – quite appropriately.
To copy the perit, that will be after the election
OK, red is out because of the nasty connotations, blue invites comments from Daphne and other like-minded critics, but puke yellow?
Ahem! So the PL can find out the names and addresses of all Enemalta employees? Where was the list obtained from?
Doesn’t anybody have any concerns about privacy?
He’s preparing them for their best case scenario should he be elected to govern: a 10 year wage freeze, to ensure electricity bills do not rise. Worst case they’re out of a job immediately.
L-ewwel nies li se jhossu t-tkabbir ekonomiku ta’ Joseph….u jafuuuha.
Jien immeravilljat b’dawk il-qatta ipokriti tal-GWU specjalment dak il-bravu u hanin Toni Zarb.
Wara li Joseph Muscat habbar dan il-pjan falz tal-power station il gdida, u kullhadd qed jistaqsi x’se jigri mill-haddiema tal-EneMalta anqas biss nislu kellma wahda avolja il-PL qed jghid ukoll li dawn il-haddiema se jispiccaw mal-privat.
Din hija bicca serja ghax tinvolvi il-hobz ta’ numru kbir ta’ haddiema.
Din mhux cajta tafux ghax ma’ hemm l’ebda pjan bhal ma’ gara dwar il-haddiema tad-Dockyard.
U dak in-newtrali Toni Zarb u dawk il-qatta membri irresponsabli li ghandu madwaru u li qatt ma’ swew ghal xejn hlief biex jaghmlu l-hsara lil PN u lil Malta ma’ jitkellmu xejn.
Mur gib din il-proposta ghamilha il-PN!! Holl xaghrek u gibb iz-zejt.
Ara veru ipokriti u nies bla kuxjenza. Basta jghidu li huma il-Union tal-Haddiem imma ghalihom kollha kemm huma l-ewwel il-Partit Laburista u l-ahhar il-haddiema u Malta.
Morru halluna ja qatta tradituri tal-haddiema u tal- Maltin.
This is a very serious accusation and as always GWU – not a word.
Isn’t this panic, just two days’ notice? Last month they criticised gthe PN for sending letters to workers within the civil service, but they are immune to such criticism.
I’m curious to know from where the Malta Labour Party got hold of the names and addresses of the Enemalta employees.
What about the Data Protection Act, and why doesn’t any reporter pick this up?
Smells like a grand scheme to record the names of the ones attending the meeting assuming that the ones not attending are not Lejburisti and so they will be blacklisted.
What is Joseph going to tell them that he has not already told them? That their jobs are safe?
That some may be sent to work for some unknown ‘private investor’?
Will Toni Zarb be there?
Will he keep his mouth shut when he hears that some employees will be transferred to a private company?
Will the private company honour the same salaries, benefits and working conditions as they enjoyed with Enemalta?
Will he promise a raise across the board even if the corporation starts collecting 25% less as he promises?
Who was mentioning the KGB and Gestapo the other day?
A relative of mine works at Enemalta. Ten years ago he was threatened with being fired if Labour came to government.
Mind you, he is just a working level skill employee. And yes, what Grezz said. Where did they get the addresses? It’s obvious – PL have infiltrated the higher echelons of Enemalta ages ago.
If the Nationalist Party had sent a letter like that, everyone – including Labour – would be accusing them of breaching the law on data protection.
Your website is blocked on our school server as is but maltastar isn’t nor is L-Orizzont and It-Torca.
[Daphne – Which school would that be?]