Joseph Muscat says that if his Cunning Plan goes wrong, then he’ll go (and let the ship sink without him)
January 12, 2013 at 3:31pm
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Coraggio fuggiamo,
Si salvi chi puo.
Hekk ser jaghmlina KonradLP:
“Imma hawn id-dlam qed nibza, Joe. Ahjar tirrezenja ghax il-vapur qed jergheq.”
“Iva, halli f’idejn il-Maltin issa jhallsu it-taxxi halli jghamlu tajjeb ghall-dizastru li ghamilna. Aqdef lejn il-Hamrun naghmlu press conference u nghidu li kollu htija tal-PN li ghereq il-vapur. Over and out.”
Another twist to the sales pitch. Muscat will never go because by hook or by crook he will preserve his credibility and reduce the utility costs by 25% (or thereabouts).
Whether this will mean the fulfilment of the gargantuan energy plan or by sourcing alternative income, he will find the Euro 77 million +/- needed and he will reduce the tariffs.
This stance is meant to add credibility to the plan, sending out the message that he is ‘giving his word’.
Muscat will get the hot seat and he will reduce the utility bills because it will be the biggest and most unforgiveable promise of his mandate.
Spot on. He is not the moron many people are making him to be and since he said it, he has already calculated it.
A recurrent annual Eur77 million may not be that difficult to find, and not necessarily from health or education. And it should have also been easy for the PN to find, had they been wise.
Muscat is probably reasoning that the more people he keeps happy, by valuing their money more relative to this administration, the better will be the chances for his party to remain in power.
The PN’s downfall started when they departed from this reasoning.
Take the ministers’ salary increase, or the new proposed car park scheme. Both would have made a few people happy, but many more disgruntled.
Are you saying he won’t build the power station he promised?
Marlene thinks it imperative, to rid the islands of HFO. As does Leo.
You’re very easily convinced. If his calculations are akin to his calculations regarding the new power station, then God help us all. And if you think that 77 million a year is a trivial sum (385 million in five years, and that’s assuming prices don’t go up) you must be in need of a thinking cap.
It will be the drydocks all over again – bir bla qiegh. The only reason Malta weathered the storm as well as it has done is precisely because the PN did not fall into the trap of subsidising the tariffs further than they did.
Thank God we had a Prime Mininster who put the country’s needs before his own. But, if you are putting your trust in Joseph, you will not want to admit it, even to yourself.
The ministers’ salaries and the car park scheme pale into insignificance when compared to 600+ million being thrown onto this useless project. And in which country in the civilised world does a minister earn less than a manager in an average company, Still full of lanzit, this nation of ours.
Jekk ihobb daqshekk ‘il Malta kif jghid fl-ispott elettorali, Muscat imissu jitghallem mill-istorja tal-partit tieghu fil-Gvern. Weghdi bhal dawn li qed jaghmel tar-rohs fil-kont tal-energija imisshom iffakkruh fil-weghdi tat-tnehhija tal-VAT (Sant) u l-bini tal-Freeport (Mintoff/KMB).
Meta fit-80-ijiet bnew il-Freeport (li kien progett mahsub mill-Gvern ta’ Borg Olivier), lanqas is-sodda tal-moll ma bnew suret in-nies. Wara l-ewwel ftit snin beda jixxaqqaq u wahda mill-ewwel affarijiet li ghamel il-gvern ta’ EFA kien li jibnu moll bhan-nies. Wara, gvern tal-PN kompla jizviluppah biex il-Freeport sar is-success li hu llum.
Illum tal-Labour iriduna nafdawhom jibnu power station f’sentejn (li m’ghandiex bzonn), tankijiet ghall-hazna tal-LNG (fuq l-art jew tahtha, skond kif jaqbel – ma nafux!) u moll ghall-vapuri fejn tinhatt il-provista tal-gass. Ta’ dilettanti li huma lanqas il-moll tal-Freeport ma kienu ghamlu sew.
Kemm qeghdin sew: l-ewwel idahhalna gol-hajt biex izomm mal-weghda li ghamel u mbaghad, biex iserrah il-kuxjenza jghid ‘mea culpa’ u jwarrab. L-istess bhal m’ghamel Sant wara l-hofra dejn li gabilna bl-istagnar tal-ekonija taghna.
Mhux ahjar naghmlu l-affarijiet seww, wara xulxin u fis-sod, billi nistennew ftit iehor sakemm isir il-pipeline tal-gass u niffrankaw ir-riskji u l-ispejjez zejda li ggib maghha l-ghaggla li biha Joseph Muscat irid isir prim ministru?!
Have a look at this.
Crozza’s sketch on what Schettino, re-employed, could be doing in 2016, somewhere close to Malta.
Coincidence or what?
Just another gimmick. In 2008, Sant promised that if a Labour government doesn’t find oil, il-Perit Buhagiar would resign.
The Labour proposal is not simply that the utility rates will go down.
It is also that they will build a new private power station in two years, that two large tanks will be built on rubble, that electricity will cost 9.6c a unit and that the price will be fixed for 10 years, among other things.
These other parts of the promise are much more difficult to keep.
Time for major investment in life boats and life jackets for eventual use when Captain Hindsight abandons the sinking ship.