Labour’s ‘proposta’ report: apparently more top-secret than OLAF’s on John Dalli
January 19, 2013 at 8:34pm
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Because it probably is a back-of-a-fag-packet exercise.
The most important weakness in Labour’s proposal is that there are no long term Power Purchase Agreements on gas-generated power which cover anywhere near the periods of 10 years or more as mentioned by JosephMuscat2013.
If Labour cannot guarantee the purchase price from the private monopolist for the term of the project, Labour cannot promise a reduction in tariffs.
No private monopolist operating Malta’s electricity generation will sell electricity to a Labour government at a cheaper price if the price of gas keeps its current trend upwards.
JosephMuscat2013 can resign now.
I suggest you read to-days Sunday Times front page. and then all you have to do is Shut Up.
Why? Because an expert says that the price may go down and we will be tied down with a long-term contract and therefore buying at a higher price?
You Labourites are good at telling people to shut up.
This is not the 80s anymore, dear silvio, thank God, and NO, we will not shut up.
So take your suggestion and shove it where the sun don’t shine.
– Apologies to other readers for the rant, but these types of people make me sick.
Joseph Muscat from 0:58 to 1:11, when Louis Grech says all data’s available for analysis.
Labour’s proposta stinks to high heaven.
There is no way they will make the details public.
They will have to supply us all with gas masks before they do so.
Hasbuna lkoll boloh.
Malta taghna lkoll boloh.
Tnehhija tal-VAT MKII.
I smell a secret deal similar to the one Labour made with North Korea in 1982.
Yes, this time with China, and our payback will be playing the veto on China’s behalf in the EU when the push gets to shove with Chinese dumping of cheap labour goods in Europe.
Europe will have to protect its jobs from Chinese cheap ones.
Malta will put all the opposition since the MLP will be held by the balls by the energy costs in Malta being controlled by China. Malta taghna ilkoll, what a message from China.
The Times came out with the story that gas might even go down in price, making a 10-year hedging agreement very costly.
More proof that a pipeline is the best solution, buying gas as it flows along with short term agreements renewed from time to time.
Then why did Austin Gatt turn down Eni’s proposal?
Re: hedging, it’s good enough to procure our oil at present.
Sigh. Just effin’ Google it. Eni’s proposal had three eff-ups, namely a high minimum quantity, a long time frame and expensive rates. Would you accept a ‘free car’ if you were obliged to double your weekly mileage and furthermore pay more for fuel, and for no less than twenty-five years?
As regards to hedging, it’s a question of timing. This is always the case with finance. The longer the commitment, the higher the risk. If Konrad Mizzi thinks he’s an energy trading wizard then he’s welcome to try his luck in the finance world – but I, for one, do not appreciate seeing my tax money being speculated with.
I’m not happy seeing the Nationalists subsidizing consumption either – as I’m disgusted by the general lack of awareness in this country (where double-glazing is uncommon, most houses and cars are too big, few buy efficient domestic appliances, etc). Unfortunately the Labour Party, as is too often the case, is even worse on this matter.
Silvio, I have read the front page of The Sunday Times and I won’t shut up.
You have not understood anything of what you read.
If the price, as reported would go down and a 10-year agreement is signed to buy gas at today’s prices, then we stand to lose as we shall be bound with a contract to continue buying at today’s prices.
Exactly why you should Shut up. because it is evident that you don’t have an inkling on how hedging and forward buyings works.
If you think that it’s just the price ,than I suggest you try and go over the twenty or so other pages explaining some of the conditions,obligations and rights,that similar hedging contract endorse.
So as I said before Shutup, and do your homework.
An interesting comment on TOM below article titled ’10-year gas deal possible, but prices may actually go down’
An interesting comment on TOM below article titled ’10-year gas deal possible, but prices may actually go down’
SPiru Attard
Today, 10:20
jM more edible… But we knew that already.
This is from The Times comments board.
SPiru Attard
Today, 10:20
jM more edible… But we knew that already
And he comments evaluates energy proposals.