Liberal and progressive: the indoctrination of children in the Brigata Laburista
January 20, 2013 at 7:22pm
In Chinese communist style, the children of Labour supporters were dressed up in red and white uniforms and taught to march in formation, after being indoctrinated with Labour propaganda.
These are the liberal and progressive things they never tell you about. The Brigata Laburista is one of the main reasons we have so many warped minds around us today.
For photographs and information, on the Rabat branch of the Brigata, see the link below.
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The infamous Hitler youths.
Hitler Youth, Balilla, Red Guards, when violence is a justified means to an end, dressing children in uniform removes any sense of individual responsibility.
The ‘sitt punti’ of the 50’s were never repudiated. Nor was violence ever condemned. All Joseph ever said was that it should have never happened.
Why? Were the grounds weak?
It’s why they gloat at the ‘ghaqda fil-partit’ or ‘Joseph ghaqqadna’, it means they’re at an ideological strongest. Nothing else matters.
‘Bidu gdid’, ‘karba ghal-bidla’, nqallbu l-folja, require regimentation, faith.
Given that the concept of a children’s brigade was never rejected, the polemic flaring two years ago, then silenced by Coleiro, one could assume it’s dormant.
My thoughts exactly. The parallels between the two are uncanny (just that the Maltese example didn’t, thankfully, have the time to reach its final form).
I thought that had folded up after they were caught producing porno movies at the Macina.
[Daphne – Come on, that was the Labour Pom-Pom Girls, a slightly older age group.]
Does it still exist or has it been disbanded?
And where numerous paedophiles used to lurk and corrupt young minds….not to mention the porn film produced at one of the brigata’s quarters.
“Sfortunatament fl-1987 il-Partit Laburista tilef il-gvern u bosta familji, mhassbin minn possibilita’ ta’ transfers u vendikazzjonijiet b’rabta politika, kontra qalbhom kellhom jaghzlu li ma jibqghux jibghatu aktar lil uliedhom fil-Brigata. Hekk sfaxxat ukoll it-tieni Brigata Laburista fir-Rabat.”
Mela Joseph ma qalx li mnalla tela Fenech Adami fl-1987?
Int emmintu, sur Bob? Kemm hasibna cwiec.
Dear Daphne,
The brigata which if I am not mistaken was set up in the early 1950s by Joe Debono Grech amongst others, was actually based and drew its inspiration from Lenin’s ‘Pioneers’ in Communist USSR.
At least the Pioneers and Komsomol produced some of the USSR’s finest athletes and soldiers. À propos of which, where is Kevin?
Is Labour actually boasting about the brigati in 2013?
The mind boggles.
These people really have no idea.
All totalitarian regimes had their own version of Brigata Laburista: the Italian Fascist Party had the Balilla and the German Nazi Party had the Deutsches Jungvolk for boys and the Bund Deutscher Mädel for girls.
Does anyone know whether Joseph Muscat was a member of the Brigata Laburista?
According to the website, in 1985 the Rabat Brigata had 80 children, 30 of whom from the tiny hamlet of Baħrija.
No wonder Baħrija is still a Mintoffian stronghold to this day.
Antoine, Bahrija was built during the Labour government of 1970-1987. Who would have permitted the building of a new village on an environmentally sensitive land like Bahrija? The people of Bahrija are ever grateful to the government who gave them the building permits there.
I remember that in school they used to give us ‘free’ copybooks with pictures of Agatha Barbara and Dom Mintoff. I would not be surprised if Joey introduces the same practice in the next scholastic year.
News Flash: ‘Gaddafi Memorial Foundation Awards Fellowships to 20 Promising Young Labouristi thugs. Awards To Be presented by disgaced Former EU Commisioner’, John Dalli.’
“The land of the brave, the home of the free”? But, as they say in Italy, “tutto il mondo e’ paese”. No wonder.
This is shocking. Mela il-brigata ghadha tezisti?
Do the children of Dr and Mrs Muscat make part of the brigata, or they are so busy with the San Anton School activities that they do not have the time to mix with the brigata children?