Lydia and Robert Abela want to know whether You’re In. Because they certainly are.
Labour Party official Lydia Abela has been emailing the nation, talking about klikkek, corruption, who’s in and out, and how we’re all starving and deserve better.
Meanwhile, the man her husband churlishly called GonziPN when speaking to a Labour mass meeting is the very same one who installed her father-in-law as president of the republic, allowing both Lydia and husband Robert the full run of San Anton Palace and Verdala Castle.
And of course, being the sort of people they are, they have to leave their mark for posterity: LYDIA AND ROBERT WOZ ERE.
Who else would plant a tree at Verdala Castle purely as an excuse to put down a whacking great marble plaque commemorating the momentous occasion of their child’s baptism?
There was somebody else, but let’s not go into it. I am quite sure you can rapidly tick off the presidents and work out the One Most Likely To.
There’s also another whacking great plaque to mark the equally important baptism of Robert Abela’s sister’s child, Luca Manconi.
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I’d like to know who paid for those cemetery-reject plaques?
Kemm nixtieq kelli wahda. :(
Issa jkollok, xi darba – fuq il-qabar. Probabbli tkun hafna akbar u tkun verament tishoqqlok.
Does this mean that after 10th March, with Malta being taghna lkoll, the rest of us can have our babies baptised at Verdala Castle with plaques laid down to mark the occasion?
Well at least they are not stuck to a wall which would have been permanently damaged.
As they are they can easily be disposed of with the rest of their ‘personal’ items when he is no longer President.
What an insult to the nation. Those plaques should be removed immediately. And who exactly paid for them?
X’waqa’ ghan-nejk.
Il-veru kaz.
Soon you will get a series of obnoxious emails and comments on the lines of “Ghalfejn qed tattakka t-tfal?!!” from those who totally miss the point.
No need to say who paid for the nice piece of marble. Pajjiz mejjet bil-guh ukoll.
Looks like ALL MALTA is OUT, but the Abelas are IN.
Tal-misthija. Wicchom u sor….xorta. Like father like son. Kollox ghall-pozi u biex jidhru. George Abela dejjem hekk kien u ibnu (u martu) bhalu.
No, my friend. With all the frailties Dr Abela, like the rest of us may have, he has stood up to be counted and on the side of truth when circumstances required.
You may be right.
This time round,however, vera waqa’ ghal sormu.
Zelaq fin-niexef u telaghlu ghal rasu.
Divide et impera
As I read, I couldn’t help inserting some names into the new chairs, boards and whatnots.
Back to mass confusion, conflicting policies and a fragmented agenda. Just what we need.
Good to know that Sandro Chetcuti’s recommendation has been taken up. We can’t have the environment in planning now can we?
Musumeci must be thrilled, what with backdated permits issued on self certification.
NGO’s to carry out research, one hopes a census of baroque houses in Sliema isn’t on the cards.
A revision of planning tariffs and a five year extension of planning permits. Back to the same old speculative sales process; have permit to demolish, make loads of money.
He will destroy Mepa and all we’ve come to expect of it. The glorious 90s.
Tista tghidli min kixef il-plakki.
It was the PN who proposed the presidential candidate.
Can you imaging all the presidents doing this whenever a member of their family uses the chapel for baptism installs a marble plaque?
One would be tripping over them all the time in the garden.
I hope this was not paid for by public funds.
Jistghu mill-ufficcju tal-President jaghtuna aktar informazzjoni dwar dan?
Ghadna wkoll qed nistennew twegiba dwar kif, u min ta’ il-permess dwar il-filmat li sar mill-PL fil-Palazz tal-Belt.
U ismijiet hamalli wkoll. Imbasta l-presidential family.
Are those in the soil? If I were the kids I’d consider that to be an insult.
Taste was never Labour’s forte.
For once I agree with you. These plaques (and the other one that marks the baptism of Fiorella de Marco’s daughter) are an insult to the nation. Does the family of the president think they actually own Verdala Castle?
OMG – are you serious? My guess would have been Agatha as the only other President capable of such a hamallata.
What are the chances that the cost of these plaques were borne by the taxpayer? Shame, shame, shame. Please someone dig them up.
So I see now, Guido DeMarco set a precedent then. If DeMarco, (May he rest in peace) did it, I see no reason why President Abela does not do the same.
I see. If Hitler did it, you see no reason why Merkel does not do the same.
Sorry, I disagree with both presidents. The Abela dynasty wants to leave its name at the palace, like Demarco.
Well, after all that tiling in Peru …
Verdala Castle belongs to the nation and the presidents’ families had absolutely no right to put the plaques there – they should be ordered to remove them immediately.
How classy.
I would rather say ‘how chav’.
Utterly disgraceful!
Looks like trees have been planted to commemorate the event. Question is, who paid for the marble plaques? Hope not us, taxpayers.
U mela min? Dawk hargu mill-budget tal-Ufficju tal-President, i.e. mill-budget nazzjonali.
The top one looks like the right sort for bird target practice.
So we have reluctantly come to the conclusion that with hindsight the nomination of Dr George Abela as president of the Republic was a gross mistake.
During his tenure his relatives have perpetuated gross misdemeanors in public never before done during the tenures of other presidents not even during the”golden days” of Dr Anton Buttigieg.
Don’t the palaces fall under the responsibility of Heritage Malta and under the regulation of the Superintendence for Cultural Heritage? So how were these approved?
Any comment is superfluous…and some even think that this was one of the PN’s best choices!
Mr President, remove those plaques. Verdala Castle is not your personal property, not even for these five years.