Viva l-Lejberrrrr b’twist modern u progressiv

Published: January 26, 2013 at 4:44pm

U araw, hawnhekk fejn mitna ghall-barrani.

36 Comments Comment

  1. mandango70 says:

    Imnalla hawn das-site, at least I get to watch this clips. QUite cool this one in fact. Qed taghmillhom pubblicita’ iktar mis-site tal-Labour innifsu.

    Are they paying you for this by any chance?

    [Daphne – What if I said Yes? You know what they say about gays in the military: don’t ask, don’t tell.]

  2. ciccio says:

    Il-White House Taghna Lkoll 2013.

    • Mercury Rising says:

      My hubby and I were just joking about that the other day. Little Joey looks like he eventually wants to end up in the Oval Office. World domination is his goal ( and Kurt his ghastly pet).

  3. Min Weber says:

    Sorry. I hope I have not disappointed you. But I just couldn’t bring myself to watch these videos beyond their first 15 seconds. Problems with my stomach. Please accept my sincere apology.

    • Futur Imcajpar says:

      I share your sentiments. I admire Daphne’s fortitude to put up with this. It makes me want to murder someone, or at least swear profusely, which is not my normal style at all.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        You’ll be swearing like hell if the reds are elected. Assholes all. Sorry, always get carried away. Feels so good.

    • Jenny says:

      My exact same sentiments, maybe watched for 10 secs, but couldn’t stomach any more.

  4. TinaB says:

    Lil Antonella tas-snoopy ma dahhluhiex?

    • P Shaw says:

      Min hi Antonella tas-snoopy? (excuse me for asking)

      • TinaB says:

        Tmur taqbez u ixxejjer il-bandiera fil-meetings tal-Labour kif ukoll tippoza liebsa lingerie sexy u titfa ir-ritratti fuq il-Facebook biex tkompli taghti prova li il-partit ta’ Joseph huwa l-aktar partit feminista f’Malta, P Shaw.

        Lit-tabib ta’ Mintoff, Anglu Psaila, tidher li toghgbu mhux hazin ukoll.

    • Dott Abjad says:

      Ta’ lis-Snobby Tin, ta’ lis-Snobby, ma jmurx tiehu ghaliha.

  5. Jozef says:

    Right, so they’re still uploading slide shows and the electoral programme’s nowhere to be seen. is an empty website.

    • just me says:

      My guess is that their electoral programme is still not ready. They are probably studying the PN programme and preparing their own now, trying to make it seem better than the PN’s.

  6. Bob says:

    I just heard that Barack Obama will give a 20-minute speech at the MLP’s last mass meeting.

    • anthony says:

      Following which he will be admitted to the Chief Justices and Judges unit at Mount Carmel Hospital for a full assessment.

  7. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Lanqas hi kkupjata minn Concrete Angel ukoll! Il-professjonisti tat-trance jafu x’jien nghid.

  8. Toyger says:

    Why do the pictures start repeating themselves around 2:00mins?

    • Toyger says:

      And again at 3:10…goes to show how many photos they’re proud of. One video, one set of photos repeated 3-4 times.

  9. Election Mode says:

    It seems that now the elves have managed to filter in the Broadcasting Authority too, or perhaps they were always there.

    Just heard the second half of a news item on TVM news, and from what I’ve gathered, the BA has an issue with the way Lou Bondi puts forward questions to Labour candidates on Bondi+

    PBS’s reply claims that some of the members on the BA post (not sure if on fb ) anti Lou Bondi characaters.

    Has anyone else seen this?

    Malta taghna lkoll

  10. Election Mode says:

    My favourite PL billboard is the one showing a woman looking extremely pleased and smiling when reading her electricity bill. How ridiculous.

    Even if the amount had to show a 25% reduction, one would never look happy, unless you’re a complete idiot of course

  11. U Le! says:

    My elderly neighbour (a suldata tal-azzar) told me that Joseph wants our children to be so better off and that’s why he’s giving free tablets (medicini) to children at school.

    • ken il malti says:

      Yes, a bottle of Ritalin and a cheap Chinese IPad ripoff.

      Nothing better says “school days” than being “wired” under the influence of amphetamines and excess sugar for kids of Labour supporters.

  12. MD says:

    Have a look at this candidate’s video … so inspiring

    • observer says:

      A simple, easy to understand story of a cute baby developing into a chubby, cuddly, toddler, then into a fattish little imp and, over the course of a shortened time-lapse, into an obese man presenting himself for the public vote.

    • Dissident says:

      This cracked me up.

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