Malta Employers Association president tweets: “2012 has been one of the toughest to navigate through. 2013 will be a year of change. Happy new year to all.”

Published: January 10, 2013 at 9:37am

Malta Employers Association president Joshua Zammit: a committed Laburist and good friend of Labour leader Joseph Muscat. His New Year tweet was that 2013 will be the year of change.

So, the Malta Employers Association, hitherto fairly sensible and fighting the pitch for common sense, has also been subject to the strategic placing of Muscat’s moles (remember his messages and instructions to Sabrina the reporter at RTK, about whether she would be more useful there or at The Times?).

Joshua Zammit, Joseph Muscat’s friend and contemporary who was named president of the Malta Employers Association in February 2011, and whose adviser at the MEA is Konrad Mizzi’s father, is chief officer for organisational development at Air Malta.

He is a committed Laburist of the sort who sees transparent support for Labour as a strategic career choice, now that Labour are set to win the general election.

He recently tweeted, shamelessly:

2012 has been one of the toughest to navigate through. 2013 will be a year of change. Happy new year to all.

Joshua Zammit @zammitjoshua

This is the man who, with Konrad Mizzi’s father, released an official Malta Employers Association statement praising Konrad Mizzi’s and Joseph Muscat’s plan to high heaven, within hours of – ostensibly – reading only media reports of that plan.

Nobody else knew about it or was consulted, and there is now internal trouble at the Malta Employers Association as a result.

I am told that a meeting of the MEA council will be convened with urgency on Monday to discuss this.

The fascinating bit is that Zammit was appointed to his Air Malta role in November 2011, when the major overhaul (opposed by the Labour Party at every step) began at the airline to ensure its survival. Imbasta joqghodu jghidu fuq il-klikka, when Trojan horses like this are trusted in key positions.

Zammit wasn’t even a long-time Air Malta employee for whom a new position had to be found. He was brought in from private industry (the pharmaceutical manufacturer Actavis).

The press release announcing his appointment said:

Mr Zammit will be building the organisational development function and developing and implementing modern human resources systems to support the airline’s business objectives.

Reporting to the chief executive, Peter Davies, he will also be responsible for the cultural transformation in the airline, industrial relations and staff development.

Any comments I have are strictly for private consumption.

19 Comments Comment

  1. 1970 Baby says:

    Joshua Zammit and Konrad Mizzi were colleagues at the OPM between 1997 and 2000 and worked closely on many projects. JZ is an individual who has seen nothing but support from this Government after 1998 and he has held a number of senior posts, culminating of course in the AirMalta appointment. Typical insomma, played nice and hedged his bets while working behind the scenes to boost PL’s chances. To do this however as President of a leading constituted body is an absolute low.

  2. Mesmes says:

    How can he be President of an Employers Association if he has always been an employee?

  3. gremlin says:

    U jwahhlu fil-gvern li l-Air Malta falluta.

    Mela dawn il-gakbini u tradituri ta’ shabhom il-haddiema, u li qed ippappuha tajjeb x’nghidulhom?

    • Lestrade says:

      The Great Leap Forward is losing momentum already.

    • SPAM says:

      “Yesterday the Labour leader addressed this point during a business breakfast dealing with the proposal, saying that he understood scepticism expressed by some quarters on the timeframes because the country had “become accustomed to mediocrity”.

      Nonetheless, he defended the plan, pointing out that even the current administration had found ways to fast-track some permits and change local plans for prioritised projects.”

      Fast-Tracking – Correct, like getting Muscat’s house permit so quickly.

  4. G.Borg says:

    Ghandek tghid mhux fil-Parlament biss qeghdin il-“Guda”, imma jigru mas-saqajn f’kull parti tas-socjeta’. Imma z-zejt dejjem tela f’wicc l-ilma u hekk se jibqa jaghmel.

  5. Jar Jar says:

    It’s depressing that Labour have been quietly infiltrating and hijacking institutions while the government has has been working hard to keep their jobs safe and putting them in positions of trust.

    Lawrence Mizzi was Louis Grech’s side kick at Air Malta – I always wondered what became of him. Now I know, quietly breeding more of his ilk.

  6. Antoine Vella says:

    How can Joshua Zammit be the President of the Malta Employers Association? He’s an employee of a state-owned company.

  7. ciccio says:

    Never liked his facial expression. Dodgy.

  8. 2013 will be a Year of Change-We`ll be pushed over a Financial Cliff says:

    If the PL`s half-baked proposal for the building of a staggering circa Eur600 million power station goes through, we`ll be heading in the direction of a financial cliff.

    So much for a change of direction and 2013 being the year of change.

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