‘Malta Taghna Lkoll’ comment of the day

Published: January 11, 2013 at 4:50pm

Posted by ‘George’ and addressed to me:

Hahaha I can’t wait to see the headlines on the times the day you get murdered

18 Comments Comment

  1. Natalie says:

    Very classy of you George, and such a gentleman too.

    Who do these people think they are? Revelling in death, violence and fear.

  2. Neil Dent says:

    “George” – prosit tassew. You’re a BRILLIANT advert for your party, sorry I mean movement of moderates and progressives.

    I commend you for your efforts to persuade the other half of the nation just how much Labour has really changed under Muscat (and Sant before him).

    (thought I’d post this here too, in case “George” missed the original…)

  3. Jozef says:

    Typical Labour pepe’./switcher/floater

    Doesn’t have the guts to take responsibility for his actions.

  4. Roy says:

    Well, this sure strikes a chord.

    I have no idea in what spirit ‘George’ sent this comment, but the truth is that it portrays what the Labour Party means to so many people to this day.

    It’s all well and good to blame the PN and show incredulity that the police force still has these elements within it but those elements are feeding off the vibes given off by the Labour Party.

    Alfred Sant, despite the utter mess his tenure created, somehow succeeded to marginalise the violent elements of his party to the back-burner. It is all too evident today that all they were doing was simmering and Joseph Muscat has given them a new lease of life.

    His posturing for a united Malta is all but a fragile shell he will have no power to maintain intact once he is Prime Minister. Assuming he wants to in the first place.

  5. TinaB says:

    @ George and his ilk

    Ja qabda slavag. Lanqas ghal go xi gungla ma intkom tajbin ghax l-iljunfanti u x-xadini civilizzati aktar minnkhom.

  6. Francis Saliba MD says:

    Has open incitement to murder become permissible in the eyes of those accusing you of a non-existent hit-and-run when you were actually being so verbally assaulted in your car in the Mater Dei Hospital car park that you had to crank up the car windows and lock yourself in?

    Now that the identity of the assailant is known to the police you should formally report and request action. These people do not make idle threats in vain.

  7. Manuel says:

    If elected, these people will take Malta back to the violent days.

    Muscat’s apology is just another gimmick out of his magic hat.

    If he really wants to apologise to the people of Malta, he should call a press conference, lists all the acts of violence done during the Labour regime, name them and shame them one by one.

    He should also, instantly, ask those around him and who formed part of that regime to step down immediately.

    Failing to do so, he can apologises as much as he wants. He will never be credible.

  8. TROY says:

    Sewwa qal Varist; ‘izjed ma ninbidlu,izjed nibqghu l’istess.’

  9. caflanga says:

    One must be really miserable to want someone else to be as miserable.

    From a psychological point of view, anyone wanting someone in particular to be dead is really trying to kill something in him/herself. Read any Jungian-inspired self-help book about ‘shadow work’ – any airport bookshop supplies these. In the case of Labour, they’re simply brain dead.

  10. CIS says:

    God forbid we come to that point. Daphne, you are not alone. I know of a person who once critised the Labour Council of Ta’Xbiex for neglecting the street he lives in.

    The amount of obscene phone calls he received was unbelievable.

    Thank God we have ID callers now-a-days. Also a few weeks ago Joe Mifsud on TVAM confirmed that he has been receiving threats.

  11. Grezz says:

    Is this what Muscat means when he preaches unity and peace?

  12. old-timer says:

    Death threats against Daphne mean that her blog is an eye-opener and whoever reads its contents knows that it is the truth, which hurts.

  13. Tumas-Muscat says:

    So it’s “Malta tagħna lkoll, għax min mhux Laburist jew mejjet jew jibża joħroġ fit-triq”. Well done George, thanks for clearing that up.

  14. Apolitical citizen says:

    What a sick mind!

    Dr Joseph Muscat, please declare, clearly & loudly, that you and your party denounce such violence! Any form of violence!

    Malta Taghna Lkoll. Indeed.

  15. MxC says:

    Who is this George anyway? Is he someone particular or just some Labour hothead redneck?

  16. MMuscat says:

    I’m horrified, and not just by this comment but also by the insensitive comments under the previous post.

    Dan ‘George,’ min jaf kemm newwah meta miet Mintoff. 

  17. Jj says:

    WHy do you generalise the actions of a few people and say that all the labour party acts the same way? Jin laburist pero qatt ma nohlom li naghmel deni li hadd fosthom lilek daphne.. Issa jekk jogobkom ahsbu naqra fuq li ghadni kemm ghedt u qabel tigeneralzzaw nofs malta u tghidu li kollha vjolenti u affarijiet, irriflettu fuq dan il kumment. Nispicca billi nghid edukaw ruhkom fuq dawn laffarijiet u tibqaw tghix fiz zmien zemzem ghax l affarijiet inbidlu.. Grazzi.. Lill kulhadd

  18. Jm says:

    WHy do you generalise the actions of a few people and say that all the labour party acts the same way? Jin laburist pero qatt ma nohlom li naghmel deni li hadd fosthom lilek daphne.. Issa jekk jogobkom ahsbu naqra fuq li ghadni kemm ghedt u qabel tigeneralzzaw nofs malta u tghidu li kollha vjolenti u affarijiet, irriflettu fuq dan il kumment. Nispicca billi nghid edukaw ruhkom fuq dawn laffarijiet u tibqaw tghix fiz zmien zemzem ghax l affarijiet inbidlu.. Grazzi.. Lill kulhadd

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