Muscat’s speech: it was Orwellian

Published: January 7, 2013 at 9:22pm

I’m off to watch Il-Guy on TVM2 now. Here’s hoping that he took his dementia pills this time and remembers what he said two minutes ago.

Muscat’s speech in that plastic strawberry greenhouse down at the Valletta Waterfront was Orwellian. He made it sound as though the Labour Party (not mentioned by name, not even once) was responsible for all the wondrous things that have happened in Malta over the last couple of decades.

Oh, so Malta’s fantastic now, is it?

But I had to leave the room to calm down when he made it sound as though he and the Labour Party (unnamed) were the ones who took Malta into the European Union.

The balding, lying bastard can afford that level of Orwellian doublespeak, because the cohort he’s addressing there – new voters, aged 18 – will have been seven or eight years old when he was campaigning so hard AGAINST EU membership, and telling us to vote No.

27 Comments Comment

  1. rustic fairy says:

    And look what Dr. Sant (the junior version) said on his blog:

    As if one Sant wasn’t enough for the Maltese political scene, we had to get his nephew as well.. another ‘star candidejt’

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    But MY cohort was nineteen and twenty, embarking on life, worrying about our careers, and dating our Ritiennes while the stress and worry was giving us erectile dysfunction. Where have we all disappeared? Too busy sucking up to both sides?

  3. Makjavel says:

    Meetings at midnight were Mintoff’s forte: National Bank of Malta, the deportation of the Blue Sisters, well known occurences when Mintoff sent for various persons at the stroke of midnight for a bollocking or a brain-wash.

    Nothing has changed, and il-kbir ghadu gej.

  4. Chetcatty says:

    I thought I was looking at an American TV station not Maltese – they’re doing the same things Obama’s campaign used.

  5. D Gatt says:

    Would you please avoid words such as “the balding lying bastard”?

    They don’t add anything to what you want to say and your message comes across just as well.

    [Daphne – You are wrong. Words like ‘balding, lying bastard’ are cathartic, and one of the reasons why people read this website: because that’s exactly what THEY’RE saying when watching the balding, lying bastard lie baldly on television.]

    • D Gatt says:

      I think you are wrong. “Lying bastard” might be cathartic … if that’s what you’re after. But does “balding” add anything? Let’s say he was a fat guy … would it make any difference saying “lying fat bastard”? Or if he was effeminate … saying “fat sissy bastard”? No it doesn’t, it just serves the purpose of demeaning the man. Being balding, being fat, being a sissy does not add anything to being a lying bastard.

      [Daphne – I come from a family of bald men, D. Gatt. I take baldness for granted. I mention it because it is clearly a major issue with him, and because he seems to be dedicating more time to attempted hair transplants and cover-up gels than he is to developing policy. It was the same with his predecessor and those horrid wigs. Now get over it, please.]

      • marie says:

        In my household he’s “the smirking ginger twerp” and the madam is “the gushing condescending little primadonna”.

        Sometimes, descriptions work better than names.

    • MxC says:

      baldly or boldly?

      [Daphne- Lie bald-facedly, actually, but you will forgive me a bit of poetic licence.]

  6. ciccio says:

    Labour’s campaign is turning out to be a sick comedy.

    Someone on Super One has just said that Labour’s launch of the campaign at midnight was meant to show that that Labour is ready and a “partit maghqud”.

    Incidentally, isn’t that how Anglu Farrugia described the Malta Labour Party on Xarabank before he was politically backstabbed on the eve of Christmas?

    So basically, the launch was just a gimmick to give the impression that they are ready, full of brilliant plans for the future. When in fact, they have none.

  7. Il-Ħmar says:

    Bit rich, that, wasn’t it?

  8. canon says:

    The idea that he will soon be Prime Minister has gone to Muscat’s head and he is becoming more dangerous by the minute. Joseph Muscat should know that we are not in North Korea and we are not going to live the lie.

  9. D Gatt says:

    That’s true though that also applies to PN’s latest billboard.

  10. just me says:

    So Muscat admits that Malta has become a fantastic place.

    But not thanks to PL but in spite of PL.

  11. Harry Purdie says:

    Super Labour campaign so far. After less than 24 hours, they look and act ridiculous. Can’t wait for tommorrow.

  12. Giovanni says:

    In my opinion watching Il-Guy tonight he is a bigger liability than Anglu.

  13. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Are you surprised? They’ve managed to sanctify that bastard of a Mintoff and no one with clout to had the decency to stand up and be honest about the damage he did to this country.

    We’ll next be told that the MLP negotiated and signed the treaty with the EU. And all those cretins will believe it.

    Honestly, the right to vote should not be given once you reach the age of 18, but only once one stops believing in La La land.

  14. Last Post says:

    Hear, hear.

    I happened to listen to that part of his speech and I was … well, speechless. Hearing him hysterically exalting Malta and the Maltese (that’s the Malta Taghna Lkoll part) I thought this man is going mad.

    You’ve now put the whole episode into perspective: Orwellian, double-speak, an audience who simply don’t know what he’s talking about — Independence, the Republic, University and to cap it all, Malta’s accession to the EU!

    I can’t believe he thinks his only audience is the one in front of him. I hope the Maltese electorate at large will cringe at seeing/hearing/reading him uttering such “bald lies”.

  15. John Zammit says:

    I never saw these films and they make me shudder to think if he managed to get his way. He is a double faced lier for sure.

  16. Josette Jones says:

    Where’s the rest of the footage of that drunk guy attempting to dance the Charleston at 0:22 into ‘Dawn Tiftakruhom?´?

  17. THE GIMMICK BOY says:

    In the course of his Maltese history lesson at the Valletta waterfront, Joseph included independence as one of the nations’s uniting factors.

    Uniting, my foot – what with the heckling and violence perpetrated by Mintoff’s supporters in the presence of the really great leader during the most significant part of the celebrations. FLOATING VOTERS BEWARE – TAKE STOCK OF THE SITUATION AND VOTE PN

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