No wonder so many of the ladies had this one marked out as a shifty liar from the outset

Published: January 29, 2013 at 4:28pm

Joseph Muscat, you are such a joke. Imagine getting the man on the left to write your electoral programme for 2013 to 2018. Il-Guy, author of Labour’s anti-corruption measures? Based on what – the principle that it’s best to set a thief to catch a thief?

Joseph Muscat’s current theme song is that the Nationalist say they are against corruption but then propose no measures against corruption in their electoral programme.

Bloody liar – he brought this up again last Sunday, and reporters took his words down verbatim without including, in the same report, the fact that he’s wrong (they can’t say he’s lying) and quoting chapter and verse from the PN electoral programme.

Here is the relevant bit: Scan 28 Jan 2013 09_40

No only does the Nationalist Party propose measures against corruption, but they are extremely harsh – treating those found guilty of corruption just like drug traffickers, with confiscation of their assets.

Now excuse me while I laugh outright at the thought of Karmenu Il-Guy Vella, keeper of lists for colour televisions and King of the Tunny Net Merchandise Company with its merchant fleet led by a yacht called the Lady Jo, sitting around discussing what anti-corruption measures he should include in the Labour electoral programme he’s been writing for three years.

Il-vera partit tac-cajt.

8 Comments Comment

  1. Luigi says:

    Joseph Muscat is insisting to include the Whistle Blowers Act and also remove the legal prescription.

    [Daphne – Karmenu Vella must be really worried then, mustn’t he.]

    But of course you didn’t say anything on the oil scandal. All you said is that Frank Sammut is a labourite.

    [Daphne – There’s nothing to say. I am a pragmatist in the southern Mediterranean. I have known the purchasing managers of leading hotel companies and similar operations with large buying requirements sacked for taking kickbacks or ‘let go’ because of suspicions which couldn’t be proved. It’s when politicians are corrupt, or when they allow or facilitate corruption in full knowledge that it is going on, that I feel the need to get upset. The rest are just common or garden crooks. Yuo find them everywhere, including the private sector.]

    Do we really care what Sammut’s political sentiment is?

    [Daphne – Yes. I do. And so would you, no doubt, if he were a galoppin tal-PN. The first part of my working life was spent battling corrupt Laburisti. They hold a special place in…well, not my heart exactly.]

    • John Schembri says:

      I recall the Great Duminku Mintoff promising us the Ombudsman in the 1971 election.

      “Malta Marida, Medicina Mintoff” was the MLP slogan.

      There was also the “Seba Miljun Lira Dejn” battle cry.

      It was Eddie who promised and instituted the office of the Ombudsman.

    • Ghoxrin Punt says:

      Ah Luigi, but only prospectively, thereby ensuring that those who definitely deserved to be criminally prosecuted cannot be as it is time-barred.

  2. Neil Dent says:

    I was going to post the scan on Technicolour Joe’s FB page, imma bzajt li jigi jaqsamni Kurt Camilleri.

  3. Tabatha White says:

    The trick is to rubbish every one else down and feign no knowledge of past words and actions. It’s the stuff that makes miracles like amnesia happen. Of course, this condition needs regular stimulus and provocation. Anyone in the immediate surroundings noticing anything alarming will proceed to be rubbished in turn.

    This is one of Joseph & Co’s unwritten proposals and involves the reform of the Law Courts. Once this takes hold, we are assured that the reorganisation of the Law Courts will be “fast-tracked.”

  4. Tabatha White says:

    I forgot to mention that when this is first experienced, the listener may or may not question this behaviour. If it is not questioned and accepted as presented (Joseph and Co supporters), we have the beginning of a problem Houston.

    If it is questioned. The likelihood is that the listener knows it’s dumb but here lies the problem: he questions himself before he questions Joseph, because a leader is not ‘meant’ to lie to you. Something unfathomable, especially when the great man is there before you and everyone else is clapping and smiling too afraid of his own shadow jew x’jghidu n-nies to comment or stick out errm “the Emperor’s really not wearing any clothes, let me say again”. There again a couple more are lost. Once you hesitate and question yourself rather than Joseph. He has won you over.

    The problem is that some/ many people are happier believing the lie than the truth. Then the illusion is almost complete for the purpose it seeks to attain and the duration required.

    Those few who are left questioning – the rest of the population – know that an injustice was and is being served under the title of Democracy and free speech – but the truth is that the malady just creeps upon you. At first you’re too good and lenient to say anything. And that’s what this person counts on. That’s how he steps all over the electorate.

    After all, we’re now far down the line here.

    He’s already been to Brussels and wears that like a feather in his hat.

    He’s party leader. (… he was expected to be the epitome of Labour perfection, well perhaps he is)

    He’s promising everything. He can’t possibly be disappointing any but the discerning.

    Mintoff’s blue-eyed boy. And we’ve turned full circle? All ‘roads’ lead… where again Joseph?

  5. Riya says:

    Igiefieri, il-Perit Karmenu Vella se jkollu jikteb x’se jaghmel il-Partit Laburista kontra il-korruzzjoni fil-programm elettorali ?

    Din tkun vera serjeta’ kbira minn naha ta’ Joseph Muscat ghax ikun qed juri lill-kull Malti u Ghwdxi li vera dan Joseph Muscat ghadu halib ommu fi snienu u ma’ jafx x’gara fil pajjiz u min huma dawk il-Ministri li kienu l-percimess tal-korruzzjoni fi zmien il-Labour meta kien fil-gvern.

    Din hija il-bidla u t-terremoghd li ghamel Joseph Muscat fil-Partit Laburista?

    Jekk hu hekk miskin dan il-poplu u miskin aktar jekk il-Labour jega jkun fil-gvern b’dawn in-nies tal-mishijja.

  6. CARMELO PACE says:

    Nixtieq nkun naf x’forma ta’ protezzjoni se jkollu il-WHISTLE BLOWER jekk lil min jikxef xi forma ta’ korruzzjoi jkun jaf minn kixfu.

    Fuq kollox il-whistle blowing can work both ways, for justice and against the blower.

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