Now I’ve been round-robined by Il-Guy’s friend, Edward Scicluna

Published: January 31, 2013 at 11:18am

Edward Scicluna – apologies, PROF Edward Scicluna, which is how he signed it off – has sent me one of those mass emails telling me that he relies on my good judgement.

Yes, Edward. That’s why I’m voting Nationalist. Tghid mhux se nivvota biex naghmel lilek u siehbek Il-Guy ministri, u biex ikolli overweight and waddling ex-Super One reporter bhala prim, xi hadd li lanqas biss jaf jitkellem jew ipoggi wreath taht monument?

PROF Scicluna tells all of us recipients of his fascinating email, in which he calls the prime minister ‘GonziPN’ (imbasta trida tal-pulit, Edward):

Malta has a potentially bright economic future – but only if we stop rewarding reckless irresponsibility like this. We need a government with responsibly costed plans that we can afford.

Yes, right, with your Mintoffianeconomics. As though I didn’t live through all of that the first time round. Too bad that your sleazy mate Il-Guy blew your cover by advertising the fact, in your promo video, that when he was Minister of Industry in the freaky 1980s, you were the one he called for advice on ‘policy’.

“Ghandi problema, EdwAAAAARRRRRRRD. X’se naghmlu?”

Now 30 years later, the Guy and Profs show, both of them still clinging to the remains of their long 1970s hair, are set to hit the road again with their Golden Years Mintoffianeconomics.

Thanks, but no thanks. Let the people who left school with three O-levels vote for you – you know, the ‘Sliema liberals’.

10 Comments Comment

  1. francesca says:

    damn right.

  2. old-timer says:

    Les Miserables.

  3. Gian says:

    ‘Edwaaaaaard, kien wiehed minn dawk li dejjem hadem minn wara l-kwinti’, imbaghad kien jimpostura ruhu taparsi ekonomista indipendenti fuq ix-Xandir Malta.

  4. Clifford says:

    Will he re-introduce bulk buying? Was it his idea originally?

  5. Daniel says:

    So what are you yammering about now? Isn’t he a brilliant economist? I am sure many people have gone to Prof Edward Sciculna for advice, not just Karmenu Vella. And I’m sure it was not just in the 80s.

    [Daphne – ‘Isn’t he a brilliant economist?’ No. Quite obviously not. He’s rubbish, actually. Remember that I had to live with the results of his advice in the 1980s. Yes, lots of people have gone to him for advice: for one, Tony Zahra.]

    • Min Jaf says:

      And Tony Zahra went public on behalf of the MHRA endorsing the PL power station project within minutes of it being published and so, presumably, even before the MHRA had had time to evaluate the plan’s adverse impact on the economy and the environment.

      Now whose interest was Tony Zahra pushing, that of the MHRA or that of Joseph Muscat?

    • ray says:

      A brilliant economist would never have voted No to EU membership.

  6. Riya says:

    If he was involved in the plans for the financing of the new power station he must be a highl intelligent economist because if that is the case, if Labour is in government, will put the economy of Malta immediately down to hell as this idea is not only dangerous but also a huge stupidity in all respects.

  7. dissident says:

    Sheer demagoguery

  8. Bugia says:

    ‘Let the people who left school with three O-levels vote for you ‘ – they don’t even have a school leaving certificate.
    Ahseb u ara O-Levels.

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