UPDATED: Now off to watch Bondi+

Published: January 10, 2013 at 8:47pm

Toni Abela – utterly tragic. Will Joseph Muscat bring out another knife?

With Simon Busuttil and Toni Abela (the OTHER deputy leader).

Simon was excellent, Toni was UTTERLY TRAGIC, and Lou was right to mention that Toni rang him (was it once or twice?) to try to persuade him not to talk about the Labour Party’s electricity proposal, but about other things instead.

Toni Abela was so hopeless it was beyond belief. He was completely unprepared, didn’t have any facts or figures, didn’t even have the political arguments. He thought he would just go in there and heckle.

Simon’s calmness comes in useful at times like that. He made the following crucial points.

1. That the Labour Party, in going straight to the client with a direct order for this power station and ancillaries, is breaking the law. Malta is subject to EU law on public procurement. The Labour Party, predictably, has chosen to ignore that we are in the European Union.

My own note: this is exactly why the Labour Party didn’t want us to join the EU in the first place: so that it would not be subject to controls like these which stop it from doing exactly as it pleases and treating Malta as its fiefdom when in power.

2. The Labour Party’s proposal goes against EU law, to which we are subject, on safety, security and environmental impact studies which are mandatory for projects like these.

3. The Labour Party’s project will not be eligible for EU funding because it goes against EU principles on sustainability and so on, and so the cost will be a burden on the taxpayer instead. The current government’s project, for a gas pipe-line linking Malta to Sicily, is on the other hand eligible for EU funding because it connects us to Europe. Malta is in negotiation for these funds. The project will fall through under Labour. “The Labour Party doesn’t want us to be connected to Europe,” Busuttil said.

4. The Labour Party’s plans to build those huge gas tanks – “each one the size of Mosta church” – on reclaimed land which cannot support them is the height of insanity.

5. It is a dangerous risk, and hugely irresponsible, to build those tanks so close to an inhabited area, and to propose doing so without a proper risk assessment.

Lou Bondi asked Toni Abela what will become of Enemalta’s employees. Toni refused to answer the question and tried to veer the conversation off in another direction. When Lou asked him specifically whether Enemalta’s people will be transferred to the private investor or kept on the Enemalta payroll (and if so, how would they be paid?), Toni didn’t have a clue how to answer.

Then I switched to Super One, and found Miriam Dalli (not wearing skin-tight leather pants for a change – midlife crisis or what?) interviewing HER FATHER-IN-LAW (all in the family) Il-Guy and also Konrad Mizzi. Enough already. I switched off.

115 Comments Comment

  1. maryanne says:

    Can someone give an indication of what the consultancy paid by Labour amounts to?

    • Malta Taghna Biss - PL says:

      This evening I heard Super One news claiming that DNV Kema carried out an audit (“awditjat”) of Labour’s proposals.

      This is an absolute lie. DNV Kema said they carried out a desk top review.

      I hope DNV Kema issue a public statement about this, or otherwise we will hold them responsible, with Joseph Muscat.

      Why is Labour obsessessed with auditing? Was it not Helena Dalli who said the other day that she will conduct an audit of public sector employees?

  2. Tony Zammit Cutajar says:

    Can the PN please decide whether it has definite plans to reduce energy tariffs or not and why these plans were not publicized before the Labour Party brought matters to a head?

  3. Toyger says:

    My God – the PL do have selective hearing/deafness, from top to bottom. If the deputy leader decides to hear what he wants, how can we expect their most uneducated supporters to have an open mind and understand the opposing arguments?

  4. Tony Zammit Cutajar says:

    Just heard Lou Bondi divulge the content of a private conversation between himself and Toni Abela. Shame. I nearly suffered the same fate a few years ago.

    [Daphne – I think he was right to say it. There are issues of public interest. This is the Labour Party’s deputy leader calling up a talk show host to persuade him NOT to discuss his party’s policy. Usually parties badger TV hosts to discuss their policies. So yes, this had news value and public interest value and conversation with journalists, unless they are expressly cleared up ahead as private and off the record, never are.]

    • Tony Zammit Cutajar says:

      So now we know. Never trust a journalist.

      [Daphne – No, not all. Always bear in mind what a journalist does for a living. That’s the job. Would you expect a police inspector to keep your chat secret if you told him something that might be of interest to the police? Of course not. Journalists at least, unlike the police, are obliged to maintain secrecy if they are told that something is off the record or said in confidence or that sources can’t be disclosed. The politician who rings a journalist, tries to persuade him not to discuss his party’s only policy, and then expects the call to be kept secret, is operating at a different level. He should know what to expect when he does that. Don’t you think electors have the right to know something like that? I certainly do. If I were planning to vote Labour I would like to know that the party deputy leader was worried about discussing the party’s only policy. We talk so much about democracy and then we are upset by it.]

  5. Lomax says:

    Next head to roll: Toni Abela’s?

  6. Malta Taghna Biss - PL says:

    If Joseph Muscat wishes to convince us that his proposal is doable, will work, and is profitable, he should have submitted the detailed calculations in his proposal to an independent Big Four audit firm who should have been asked to issue a report on that prospective financial information, with reference to all the main assumptions.

    This in order to give credibility to Dr. Joseph Muscat’s and Dr. Konrad Mizzi’s workings and their resulting tariffs. Dr. Mizzi, a former senior officer of a Big Four audit firm should be familiar with this process.

    This is far different from engaging a consultant to carry out a simple desk top review.

    And if the proposal is really profitable and attractive to investors as Dr. Muscat would like us to believe, why didn’t Joseph Muscat engage an investment bank to prepare the business proposal in a prospectus and offer it as an investment opportunity in a public offering, with an underwriting by the Labour Party and some reputable financial institution?

  7. Anonymous Coward says:

    Simon 1 — Toni -1

  8. Mark v says:

    I’ve chosen to watch Zucchero on Rai 2. A better show so far.

  9. Antoine Vella says:

    Toni Abela is giving a very good performance (good for the PN, that is).

  10. ron says:

    All exponents expressing their views on the Labour proposal of a new power station are all Labour voters including Reginald Fava who has turned Labour because the PN deprived him of the Chemimart outlet when it was demolished to make way for the City Gate project.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Really? Know the guy. Thought he was somewhat intelligent and rational.

      Guess he’s just another vindictive, greedy little prick out for all he can get.

      Bet he sells condoms without VAT, ie, ‘tacks’. They hurt.

    • Giovanni says:

      Reginald Fava was always Labour u Laqi f’stess hin.

    • Aunt Hetty says:

      Reggie Fava did endorse Marlene Mizzi as a Labourite contender in the last MEP elections, if I am not mistaken. Today, One TV news once again chose to quote him verse and chapter in favour of Konrad Mizzi’s energy proposals.

      • maryanne says:

        He is the one who said that he has to wait for the Christmas sales to balance his books, and this after he was given the strategically placed pharmacy in Republic Street.

        Little does he know how much easier it is going to be to balance the books if Joseph is prime minister. The wait will be of five years and not of a few months.

  11. Jacey says:

    Simon qieghed imeku

  12. Last Post says:

    The thing that struck me most so far (apart from the interruptions and his moves to derail the discussion from the proposal) was Abela’s assumption that Konrad Mizzi is more knowledgeable than any politician and therefore, we should all believe him that it is DOABLE.

  13. Ganna says:

    Muscat is making a personal guarantee for this power station. Is he Onassis?

  14. Anonymous Coward says:

    Toni Abela’s performance tonight: http://goo.gl/vBKfg

  15. Allo Allo says:

    Bet Toni impressed you.

  16. just me says:

    It is predicted that the price of natural gas used to produce electricity will more than double in the next few years.

  17. MD says:

    We have a power station which works on heavy fuel oil and can be converted to gas. We await a gas pipe to supply gas. We then convert our heavy fuel oil power station to use gas.

    I believe that this is a plan.

    MLP says that Malta does not have a plan.

  18. MD says:

    Joseph Muscat has made himself personally responsible for the implementation of his project.

    All well and good, but what does it mean exactly?

  19. Vanni says:


    Another Deputy bites the dust? Or who shot the Deputy?

    Goodbye Ton, and hello Edward

  20. Guzi says:

    One more cock-up and he’ll end up like Anglu Farrugia.

  21. Tony says:

    Toni taghna taghna tahwida

  22. MD says:

    Sandro Chetcuti’s Malta Developers Association approves of Labour’s plans. What a surprise.

    ‘The Malta Developers Association (MDA) is the highest body and voice of private Real Estate developers in Malta.’

  23. D Gatt says:

    Shameless one way propoganda. I don’t want this bullsh*t on my national station ever again! Fiex waqajna!

    [Daphne – I take it you’re upset because your great deputy leader was so AWFUL. That is his problem and yours, not TVM’s.]

    • D Gatt says:

      No I’m upset because Bondi was shamelessly holding the PN flag while pretending to be neutral on the national TV station! I take it that you did not notice anything untoward.

      [Daphne – No, he wasn’t. What you should have noticed, as I did, was a shamelessly inept and unprepared Labour deputy leader who doesn’t even know his own party’s policy and yet expects you and me to vote for it. THAT’S what you should be angry about: your piss-poor party letting you down again.]

      • Matthew says:

        I think maybe we should cut Toni and Anglu some slack.

        I keep getting the feeling that it’s not their fault that they have no clue what the Labour Party’s policies are but Joseph Muscat’s.

        The big revelation of the Anglu Farrugia saga (which seems to have passed everyone by) is that the Labour Party never bothered discussing any policies.

        There’s no way in hell that a party can discuss its policies without the deputy leader getting to know about them. Anglu Farrugia didn’t even know whether water services bills were going to be reduced or not.

        This is the Labour Party’s main electoral issue, which is supposed to have been in the works for a couple of years, we’re talking about and not some minor issue which came up unexpectedly.

        This leads me to conclude that either the party didn’t discuss its policies internally at all and the energy policy was something quietly cooked up by those who have a personal interest in the project or it was discussed but Joseph Muscat maliciously kept his deputy leaders out of the loop.

        Either way, it’s shocking.

        L-aqwa li Malta taghna lkoll.

      • Jozef says:

        You’re right, Matthew.

        Something which hasn’t been given the due exposure yet is to what extent those who aren’t in the inner circle seem to have been cut off.

        Toni Abela was most evidently nervous and absolutely furious at having been exposed to the flak instead of Louis Grech.

        If it was the deputy leaders I see no reason why Grech wasn’t there. Abela’s phone call is most telling.

        It seems the tactic is to send forward the ones Joseph deems expendable or a liability.

        He’s asking for trouble and we’ll be in the crossfire.

      • Neil Dent says:

        Muscat is going it alone, and ‘new blood’ Grech is still far from being up to speed on any key issues.

        Labour have attacked the excellent (for the time and purpose) concept of GonziPN for the past five years as being a display of Dr. Gonzi’s arrogance and dictator-like style, and are now ironically emulating that with their ‘Muscat 2013’ battle cry.

        Sadly for them, their conception of ‘GonziPN’ couldn’t be further from the truth. The 2008 PN team were rock-solid and very slick, and the PM’s role as leader and ace debater was second to none in my opinion.

  24. edgar says:

    Anglu Farrugia was kicked out because he really f*cked up on Xarabank.

    With Toni Abela ‘s performance today it looks like the Socialist party will be looking for a new deputy leader in the coming days.

    • Giovanni says:

      What about the new deputy leader lying that he had built a hanger that he never did but it was Lawrence Zammit as Air Malta Chairman who had did so. Well this new one also has to go,.Who’s up next?

      • Vanni says:

        Oi, deputies don’t grow on trees. This is Labour we’re talking about, with a very shallow pool in which to fish in for a decent candidate.

        They get what they can, just don’t look too closely, or you’ll be put off by the warts.

  25. SPAM says:

    Had to copy this one from Facebook:

    “Allinqas nafu li jekk jitla il- Labour, Marsaxlokk he jorhos il-Bini”

  26. Kevin Zammit says:

    Not that Toni was any better than Anglu. Is he the next one to be fired tomorrow?

  27. SPAM says:

    Toni Abela:

    “Ahna meta nghamlu progett” – since when? the only one they did was back in 96 – Bugibba and it was a disaster, let alone doing a €300M+ project.

  28. canon says:

    It looks like that Toni Abela went to Bondi+ today against his will.

    He was very aggressive and at times he even tried to provoke Simon Busuttil.

    Abela was not conversant with his party’s energy policy and could not answer Lou Bondi’s questions.

  29. MxC says:

    pls dont do these type of posts, it’s so akin to the FB posts of “im gonna do this, im goin so and so, bla bla bla” and all the rest which look so ridiculous. Just say your insights on it.

    [Daphne – That’s my way of telling people to go and watch it too, MxC. The day I tell you what I ate for lunch, let me know.]

  30. Harry Purdie says:

    Watching it now. Just finished. Think Toni should have stuck to rubber puppets with boobs.

  31. Alf says:

    Has Joseph called Toni already? He had better switch off his mobile because he might get a call soon, asking for his resignation.

  32. ciccio says:

    After tonight’s aggressive reaction by Toni Abela towards Lou Bondi, I am expecting Joseph Muscat to commit another political assassination and install Prof. Edward Scicluna as his second deputy leader.

    This way, the two deputies with a moustache will be replaced with two deputies with long hair.

  33. FP says:

    This is the first time I have heard a high-ranking party official complaining publicly about TOO MUCH TIME airtime being given to discussing his own party’s proposals, and would rather discuss another party’s.

    Obviously they’re already having doubts about their own proposals and their credibility. Toni Abela tonight confirmed that he wasn’t comfortable discussing their own proposals. He looked more like a White Star Line shareholder breaking a cold sweat after realising that their Titanic is not as iceberg proof as they were led to believe.

    If Tony Abela truly believed in Konrad’s fairy tale, he’d be pushing for MORE airtime, not less.

  34. Carlos Bonavia says:

    No contest really – what a poor show from Labour’s other deputy leader.

    Another candidate for the chop, I’m thinking. Never thought anybody could do worse than Anglu, but I was wrong.

  35. Charles Darwin says:

    Let’s hope Toni Abela does not screw himself over by giving Joseph Muscat a good excuse to fire him. Would be truly entertaining to have him head-to-head with Simon Busuttil for the next 8 weeks covering a whole range of topics.

  36. Luigi says:

    Are you a capitist? If yes, then you should not be against privatization. Hello!

    • Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

      I am in favour of privatization of most things but it is dangerous to privatize the water and electricity service in Malta since it is vital and whoever owns it will have a monopoly and could set whatever price he wants.

      Also, what happens if the company goes out of business?

    • Harry Purdie says:

      What is a capitist, Luigi? Anything to do with S and M?

    • rjc says:

      The worst thing that can happen is for this ‘private company’ that Joseph has up his sleeve to go bust and leave us in the dark, literally.

      When a company loses money it will simply close down and run. Who will take over then?

      And has anyone bothered to ask Joseph this question: If a private comapny is so willing to undertake such a venture, and we all know that they will go for big profits, why doesn’t his new government do it himself and keep the profits in the kitty? Why hand them out to someone else?

      It’s because this is all a scam that will blow up once the PL are elected, God forbid. And the the great leader will then, with hands on his heart, say that he has no regrets.

  37. pablo says:

    If Toni wants my advice, after tonight’s show, I’d tell him that under no circumstances should he make any comments about any member of the judiciary.

  38. Nighthawk says:

    Pastaz, injorant u indigest – sums it up, really.

  39. Miss O'Brien says:

    I have a panic attack each time you assert that Labour will be in government.

  40. Qeghdin Sew says:

    “The Labour Party’s project will not be eligible for EU funding because it goes against EU principles on sustainability and so on, and so the cost will be a burden on the taxpayer instead. The current government’s project, for a gas pipe-line linking Malta to Sicily, is on the other hand eligible for EU funding because it connects us to Europe. Malta is in negotiation for these funds. The project will fall through under Labour.”

    Sorry, I don’t follow your argument.

    The investment for Labour’s power station will (somehow) come from private investors. It will not be a burden on the taxpayer.

    The honourable thing, then, is to get it funded by the EU, you say. And where does the EU in/directly get its money from? That’s right, the taxpayer.

    • FP says:

      “The investment for Labour’s power station will (somehow) come from private investors. It will not be a burden on the taxpayer.”

      Well, somebody’s believing them.

      Tell you what. Pretend you’re this fantastic investor. Spend YOUR €300M and build the power station. Free hint: YOU are €300M down. I’ll guarantee to buy the power you generate for 10 years.

      How will you calculate the rate per unit that you’ll be selling your power for?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      There’s just one slight flaw in the plan.

      A party seeking election can promise to legislate. It builds an electoral programme on plans and promises to put a law to a parliamentary vote, which it is guaranteed to win because it will have a parliamentary majority.

      But it cannot build its programme on the assumption that private investors will do its bidding.

      That’s not just ridiculous, it goes against every principle of democracy. We are being sold a plan which depends on third parties.

      Indeed, the whole plan hinges on this one assumption: that private investors will step in, buy up the shop and tools, and provide a service at reduced prices.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Baxxter, as you know, I have invested much moola on the Rock.

        From what I have been able to decipher from Labour’s ‘plan’, I have a singular reaction: ‘pound sand’.

      • La Redoute says:

        Why are you so sure it’s an assumption? Because LABOUR said it’s not a done deal?


    • Antoine Vella says:

      There is a not so tiny detail: a private entrepreneur will get his investment back from Maltese taxpayers while EU funds are derived from taxpayers of all European countries and we do not have to repay them.

    • Jozef says:

      ‘The investment for Labour’s power station will (somehow) come from private investors. It will not be a burden on the taxpayer.’

      Do you do this on purpose?

  41. Kevin Zammit says:

    So my take on all this is that it’s a Done Deal between Moviment Progressiv and an energy company which has financed Labour’s electoral campaign.

    Got knows what the deal entails and it is tragic to think that Labour has managed to prostitute Malta whilst in opposition.

    Can one imagine what they can do once in government?

    • Jozef says:

      They always do that.

      Prostitute the islands in the name of some foreigner’s geo-strategic policy.

      They think they’re big boys with linef.

      Haven’t you noticed how they’ve puffed their chests up this week?

      Then they wonder why they keep losing elections.

  42. PWG says:

    According to Tonio Fenech each gas tank will be as large as the Mosta church .

  43. xmun says:

    Maybe, just maybe, he was deliberately sent to create a new vacancy in the Labour Party.

  44. The Height of Insanity says:

    `The Labour Party’s plans to build those huge gas tanks – “each one the size of Mosta church” – on reclaimed land which cannot support them is the height of insanity`.

    I shudder to think of what could happen to the power station should the reclaimed land on which the huge gas tanks are going to be built give way .

    You only have to look at yesterday`s picture at the back of The Times showing the heavy power shovel which tipped forward into Msida Bay as the ground beneath the marina gave way to imagine what could possibly happen.

  45. Geoff says:

    The MLP is incredibly consistent.

    It lives up to its role with coming up with impossible, outrageous, overly complicated and ill-thought-to-the-point-of-ridiculous proposals each time Malta faced the most important decisions?

    MLP’s other options included Ghaddafi, ‘Svizzera fil-Mediterran’, CET, 3-months tax free, the Cyprus model, and now a new power plant that not even its own soon to be deputy prime minister understands let alone explain.

    Yes, do vote Labour.

  46. Min Weber says:

    Toni Abela is another liability for Labour.

    He abandoned the Party in 1987 to form a rival “left-wing” party. He then realised that he would never achieve anything in that crazy project.

    So he went back to Labour.

    Then he became Labour’s Deputy Leader and come up with other crazy projects: The Labourite Supermarket, for instance.

    Now, he’s one of those proposing even more crazy projects.

    Toni Abela is a disgrace to the Maltese political class.

  47. PWG says:

    My gut feeling is that Joseph Muscat has reduced his chances of winning the election with this energy proposal.

    People who were prepared to give Labour a chance may be reluctant to take a gamble, now.

    The proposal is far from foolproof and the consequences will be disastrous, had the plan to fail.

  48. Eman says:

    Alla jiskansana mil PL!!

    PL offers just castles in the sky. What I can say about PN is that they empower people to make them self sufficient and successful! I do not want a government that promises to make my life easier .. I want a government that invests in me to become a successful citizen and not a bum that needs a cheaper electricity bill (which in reality it is just a promise from PL so that they manage to gain power)

    Thank you PN for making me who I am today .. a successful and self sufficient person.

    Dear prime minister,

    Two and a half years ago you wished me luck when you handed me my STEPS scholarship certificate. Tomorrow I will be submitting my final project for my masters in software engineering which I have managed to finish thanks to the funds provided by the government and EU. I am so much grateful and I owe this to you and your team.

    Good luck for the general elections.

    Good night everyone :-)

  49. Aunt Hetty says:

    Toni Abela behaved like one of those old Muppets in the theatre box, but with a lighted firecracker shoved up his rear end.

    Best show so far in this electoral campaign.

    Any bets who the new deputy leader might be?

  50. Jozef says:

    Cacopardo’s logic was diplomatically correct.

    If the proposal were viable, as they’re blatantly convinced, it’s expected that they present all the documentation for constructive analysis and criticism. Otherwise, Muscat risks losing not just any shred of credibility but kills any potential benefits of the proposal.

    Let’s rephrase that shall we Carmel? If Labour don’t come out with the documents within next week, they’re a bunch of liars and you’ll take a clear stand and say so.

    Even because we’re back to 2003 on this one. EU funding cannot simply be risked in this manner, and AD cannot remain equidistant out of spite.

    • Thomas says:

      is there any shred of a chance that if Labour publish the report you might agree with it?

      I think not.

      When did the PN publish the report about the St Philips hospital? Please enlighten me

      • Jozef says:

        Right, so it’s my fault if Labour won’t let you, discerning floaters, study the details.

        Ara vera m’ghandkomx ma xiex taqbdu.

        St.Philip’s? You do know there is a thing called the PAC presided by the opposition, do you?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Cacopardo? Clear stand? AD? Not spiteful? Pigs? Fly?

  51. mandango70 says:

    “…then I switched off”!

    Why the ostrich act? Why not hear the other side of the story?

    Perhaps your mind was already made up and you didn’t want to be confused with the facts.

    [Daphne – No, I was bored and tired. And the ridiculous spectacle of a woman interviewing her own husband’s father while giving no indication of the relationship, especially when the man in question is somebody I’ve been looking at on my television screen (in unpleasant circumstances to do with Labour) since the age of around 14, was too much for me. Remember that I am neither a man nor a lesbian: the mere presence of Miriam Dalli is not enough to keep me watching.]

  52. anthony says:

    Everyone seems to be forgetting that Toni Abela was on a mission impossible last night.

    He was meant to stand his ground in the face of two formidable performers.

    He was expected to expound and defend his party’s policies.

    The fact that he did nothing of the sort is not his fault.

    It is not that he does not know what the policies are or that Joey did not discuss them with him.

    The reason is there are NO policies.

    This ‘gas’ farce is just that. Gas.

    It is no wonder he desperately attempted to avoid having to talk about it. He is not the fastest runner but he is no slouch.

    Toni resorted to heckling, shifting arguments, going at a tangent and turning the tables. He never answered one single question. How could he?

    In such adverse circumstances I think he did pretty well.

    • Thomas says:

      your second comment is in actual fact right

      “He was meant to stand his ground in the face of two formidable performers.”

      because both performers were on the PN side

  53. Bateman says:

    Under Muscat, my newly installed PVs will give me 25% less return on investment. This means it will take me 25% more time to recoup my investment.

    Will anyone bother asking these PV sellers what they think of this great proposal?

    • Jozef says:

      That’s another major blunder, they sell this thing as some form of liberalisation and haven’t even considered the considerable amount of solar installations providing a net worth of electricity.

      The main problem with the concept is the basic regressive centralised power plant taking priority over any other source.

    • Thomas says:

      so in your genius opinion we should increase the power tariffs just so you can get your return beforehand?

  54. marks says:

    Toni Abela’s response to Lou Bondi’s persistent question as to whether Labour will publish the details of their cunning plan:

    “We will not publish because then the PN will criticise it.”

    I think his days as deputy leader are numbered. Muscat will most probably change tack on this one as well if he sees the polls waver.

  55. sv says:

    Joseph speaks about Il-Moviment and Toni speaks about the Labour Party. I guess he’s not on message.

  56. 2c worth says:

    I agree with Bateman. What about all those who have invested in PV panels?

  57. Joe says:

    Hello Daphne,

    Missed Bondi+ last night! Shame! Do you know if its online? Would love to see it and can’t find it. Searched and searched to no avail. If you have a link, would REALLY appreciate it!

    [Daphne – http://www.tvm.com.mt. Go to Live then select the date and hour.]

  58. Thomas says:

    Most comments here mention the fact that the pipeline will get funded from the EU, as if it will cost us nothing.

    If you had any knowledge of how the EU works you would have noted that if we didn’t use that money for the pipeline we could use it on something else.

    Therefore I ask, have you ever heard of the term ‘Opportunity Cost’?

    I wonder

  59. Joe says:

    Thanks, Daphne!

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