Oh my, how cool, stylish and glitzy! If I were 20 years old, I would RUSH to vote for JosephMuscat2013
January 10, 2013 at 12:50pm
Given that you need at least half a brain to get into university, are you likely to decide how to vote on the basis of a giant cardboard iPhone on a stick, telling you that Malta Taghna Lkoll?
This campaign tactic is just up on the university campus.
The Nationalist Party really needs to put a giant cardboard cut-out of one of Muscat’s L-Orizzont articles next to it, telling us to tick the No box, and reminding students that that they wouldn’t have a university education, a stipend, or an EU passport if that bunch of bastards had got their way.
What a nerve, honestly.
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I find it very offensive for Labour to bring about something like this, just to recall for a moment that it was illegal to have a video recorder at home in 1982!
Never mind the Laburisti invading the internet when, in their time one had to jump through hoops and pay a hefty “fee” before even being allowed to import a measly Commodore 64 or ZX81 home computer.
If it were for Labour, we’d still be in the dark ages.
A videorecorder? A tube of toothpaste mela videorecorder.
It’s up at Mater Dei too.
Good to see that my message got across through Facebook. Can`t wait to see through which medium Muscat will deliver his cheesy messages next.
30 years ago I was 20, but a university education was way out of reach.
Malta taghna lkoll – issa – not when acquiring a telephone line or a job or a buying a colour TV meant an obligation to someone.
As a Gozitan should I be worried? After all Gozo is not mentioned at all.
Malta taghna lkoll – Ghawdex, ghandu jkun, taghhom biss.
Oh, drat! Now that they’ve “stolen” Joseph Muscat’s platform to erect some junk, how is he going to appear to be a head and shoulders above his “impromptu” audience on his walkabouts, etc?
I was listening to Radio 101 on my way to work this morning, when they played “The Final Countdown”.
It reminded me of when I was around 20 in the run-up to the 1987 elections, when that song had become the anthem at every PN activity organised for young voters, and I couldn’t help but think back to those times.
I honestly fail to understand how some of those same people can now, after all that we went through under Labour in our youth, and the sense of freedom we felt on PN being elected in 1987, bring themselves to vote Labour, or to not vote at all.
A major problem staring PN in the face is the fact that thousands of voters have not the slightest idea of what it meant living in Malta between 1971 and 1987. Only those who are over 40 can have a faint idea.
The biggest problem is many avoid remembering those days.
How true. I had tears in my eyes reading your comment.
Because they think they don’t have a life left.
The notable absentees in Labour’s campaign are it’s brand new logo ( the one reminding us of the Torca) and the name Partit Laburista. It is all about Joseph Muscat. Even the election web site emblazon on their tarps only refers to him and him alone.
Thought it was original till I found this:
An original Labour idea is an oxymoron.
Apple should sue the MLP for copyright.
The iPhone looks like a fake from China, exactly like the MLP.
And yes in every comment i make i refer to them as MLP just as they refer to the PN as GonziPN.
Or Korea maybe?
Kemm ippruvaw jirridkolaw is-slogan GonziPN ghax kienu jghidu kollox hu, imma ara issa il-website ufficjali tal-MLP hija http://www.joseph muscat.com.
Issa OK li jidher hu biss.
Question: Did the University authorities issue a permit for this on their grounds? And, yes, I expect a reply !
The University has Edward Scicluna, Dominic Fenech, Evarist Bartolo and the like in its ranks. So don’t hold your breath.
Kemm hawn faqar. Mela l-istudenti ghandhom iPhone?
Labour will no doubt organise another talk show for the students on campus.
I hope that Joseph and his glamorous Eva Peron will be explaining to them how Labour will look students in the face for all the past horrors we had to endure when we were students ourselves.
Will the ‘University Debate’ be held this time around I wonder?
There’s one of these in front of the Mosta Dome, which I honestly find very offensive for all the religious.
What a waste of money.
I sincerely don’t know what’s stupider: the “person” writing this “article’ or the people commenting.
To Daphne: you’re a piece of shit that makes Howard Webb look fair and unbiased. Half your blog is unstructured arguments based on god knows what, and the other half is insults at the labour party and anyone who votes for them. I don’t know how you consider yourself a blogger and not PN’s little bitch.
To the commentors: Yes, Mintoff’s term had it’s setbacks. We all know the guy was far from perfect. Now can you stop attributing his mistakes to the current leadership?
Nice gadget. If Labour wins on 9 March, you may see me driving around with one of those in tow.
Why bother being patriotic when they can’t even spell right?
Sur Muscat, ‘Malta Taghna Lkoll’.
Allura issa ghandna permess min ghandek biex nistghu immorru iz-Zejtun u naghmlu meeting u ma tisparawx fuqna.