Poor Marlene Mizzi feels as though she’s living in Zimbabwe

Published: January 31, 2013 at 5:02pm

Marlene Mizzi on Facebook:

My God ,when will this tsunami of corruption stop? I feel as if I am living in Zimbabwe!

This from a woman who voted for the corrupt Labour government/party in 1976, again in 1981, again in 1987 and then even voted for the return of KMB as prime minister in 1992, when we had finally learned what normal life was like under Eddie Fenech Adami.

And she talks about corruption.

Not giving up, she voted Labour again in 1996 (she wouldn’t have seen the years 1996 to 1998 as a catastrophe given that she voted for Mintoff), again in 1998, yet again in 2003 even though Labour’s main electoral commitment was to halt Malta’s entry into the EU, and yet again in 2008.

And she wants us to know that her brain has been certified as fully functional because, you know, she’s getting a PhD at 60.

Sorry Marlene, but anyone who boasts about coming from a family of Mintoffjani, and who voted Labour in 1981 (let’s leave out the other years for argument’s sake) really has no moral or intellectual justification to speak about corruption.

23 Comments Comment

  1. Mikiel says:

    I wonder what the community of refugees in malta and NGOs that represent them think of comments like these from possible future parliamentary persons.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Possibly the refugees can really describe Zimbabwe to the nice lady. Surrounded with her present group of degenerates, she will soon be able to experience it first hand without even moving.

  2. mark says:

    She cannot possibly be taken seriously after being trashed by an ex Magic Kiosk waiter in the last MEP election.

  3. ken il malti says:

    From the Bread Basket of Africa when white farmers ( before they were killed or forced to leave Africa by Mugabe’s regime) under Ian Smith’s democratic rule of Rhodesia existed to the Basket Case of the World under socialist dictator Robert Mugabe in all black Zimbabwe.

    Now the government of Zimbabwe only has 217 dollars in its national bank.


    • Benny and the inkjets says:

      Just to put things in perspective; that’s about 16 trillion and 217 Dollars more than the U.S.A. Go figure.

  4. Antoine Vella says:

    As far as I know there’s only one magistrate’s wife who uses her husband’s official car to deliver merchandise to her shops.

    No other magistrate or judge’s spouse does that so abuse of power is not as widespread as Marlene Mizzi would have us believe.

  5. Clifford says:

    PhD in what? Geriatrics?

  6. Ganna says:

    Is this the woman who uses her husband’s official car, petrol and driver, all paid for by the state, to deliver toys for her business?

  7. anthony says:

    If she really feels she is living in Zimbabwe then she is completely daft.

    Zimbabwe is still run by one of that vermin Mintoff’s friends.

    They are still enjoying their golden years over there.

    Unlike us here in Malta.

  8. MD says:

    Contrary to popular belief, it is the Nationalist Party which is invariably the underdog and has to fight hard to win elections. This is because most electors sympathise with Labour for a mix of reasons.

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      The most powerful reason why electors sympathize with Labour is that as long as the MLP/LP strives to steal from achiever Peter in order to line the pockets of an undeserving Paul, in approved socialist manner, there would be plenty of Pauls who would support Labour without looking for any other reason.

  9. dwardu says:

    Ma nistax ma nikkumentax meta qrajt dan l-artiklu ghax din l-istess mara fl-ahhar elezzjoni ta’ MEPs sfaccatament ghamlet uzu mil-karrozza ufficjali ta’ zewga magistrat biex taghmel il-house visits.

    Iktar ma jghaddi iz-zmien iktar qed nifhem li jekk il-Labour ikun fil-gvern f’dan il pajjiz naddottaw kuncett gdid ta’ KORRUZJONI LEGALI.

  10. Joe says:

    Regarding the use of her husband’s official car, can some reporter corner her and ask her directly about it?

  11. A. Charles says:

    Eddie Fenech Adami used to say that corruption under MLP was institutionalised.

  12. randolph says:

    ‘anyone who boasts about coming from a family of Mintoffjani, and who voted Labour in 1981 really has no moral or intellectual justification to speak about corruption.’

    I suppose the same will be said in the future for those who will vote Gonzi PN on 8th March 2013.

    [Daphne – Rather the reverse, I would say. That is exactly what this election is all about: the mad/carried-away-on-a-wave people versus the sane ones, as bloody always, and politics be damned.]

  13. Strada Forni jew Merkanti says:

    Jista jkun li hawn min ihossu li qieghed jghix x`imkien iehor.

    Specjalment minn meta nkixef il-kaz ta l-ex Prim Imhallef fejn kien instab hati u skonta s-sentenza l-isptar.

    Ghandi kurzita kbira biex inkun naf, jekk kienx hemm min jaghmillu xi zjara baxx baxx.

  14. mattie says:


    Uuuuu how dramatic !

  15. Paul Bonnici says:

    I considered voting LP until Joseph Muscat reinstated Mintoff and his corrupt cronies back into the party. Old habits die hard.

  16. Dorianne vella says:

    Tidher li qatt ma marret Zimbabwe Marlene. Ma nista ninsa qatt x’rajt b’ghajnejja f’dak il-pajjiz.

  17. Censu says:

    Look at those bingo wings. What a contrast to her doctored face.

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