Still six weeks to go before he’s a cabinet minister, and Herr Flick is at it already

Published: January 30, 2013 at 5:11pm

But honestly, what do you expect from somebody who stood up to applaud hysterically when an equally rabid Dom Mintoff shouted to a crowd that he was prepared to arm Labour supporters against the enemies of the Labour Party?

There’s Leo Brincat, look, ringed in red:

34 Comments Comment

  1. Tinnat says:

    Brincat´s reaction to Mintoff´s speech gave me goose pimples (out of fear, I hasten to add).

  2. Jozef says:

    Anyone doubt Pullicino’s statement that Labour’s contribution to renewables amounted to zero?

  3. Nighthawk says:

    1987. Safety equipment and processes were not adequate and look what happened. Fast forward to 2013 and Labour is proposing to do the same with the new energy project.

  4. Mikiel says:

    Quoting simon Busuttil on Bondi+: ‘Iva jiena nibza, nibza mil-Partit Laburista, nibza li jnehhi dak li bnejna ghal uliedi.’

  5. Makjavel says:

    The socialist party calling itself Labour has still not committed itself in writing its electoral programme.

  6. Gbow says:

    I saw it this morning, disgusting. Precisely the same appalling retaliation as displayed on Xarabank a couple of weeks ago.

    Is Joe Mifsud being considered as being another archenemy of PL, on a par with Lou Bondi and Peppi Azzopardi?

  7. Herbie says:

    Il-hanzir taqtalu denbu hanzir jibqa.

    What arrogance mur gibu fl-10 ta’ Marzu.

    Hu go fik, ja poplu.

  8. Harry Purdie says:

    This is as scary as hell. You can feel the pent up revenge when you walk the streets today.

  9. Mary Anne says:

    It’s so like back in the eighties. Remember the phrase: “Mhux fl-interess tal-poplu”? No matter what MLP say on they don’t believe in Malta Taghna Lkoll.

    The feeling of fear is already permeating our emotions. It’s still possible to avoid all this if the Maltese people think before they vote on 9th March and not vote for change just for the sake of change.

  10. zunzana says:

    He seems to be the first one to have started cheering and clapping, before all others. One of the first to approve Mintoff’s hysterical call to arm the Laburisti. A real Herr Flick.

  11. David says:

    He was standing up? Damn, he`s that short.

  12. Joseph Borg says:

    Malta tagha lkoll kemm hi.

  13. Antoine Vella says:

    Ironically – and significantly – Leo Brincat attacked a presenter who is well-known as a Labour sympathiser.

  14. Jozef says:

    ‘government would not chase NGOs or consult them singly to determine whom they preferred as a representatives. “We are expecting you to come to us with a shortlist.”

    Astrid says this is most welcome.

    ‘A member of the developer’s association to sit on the newly formed environmental agency itself.’

    Sandro Chetcuti.

    ‘Labour has its own proposals lined up for the transportation sector which it would unveil in the coming days. “We do not subscribe to the notion that if there are no parking spaces, people won’t use cars.”

    Add parking to add the cars.

    They’re negotiating their slice in public as I write. It’s incredible. Yeah right.

    I really don’t want to see this happening. Whatever we’ve learnt over the past twenty years, the major lessons learnt by all, is being reduced to arm wrestling in public view, in the name of their shambles of a consultation.

    Six weeks before an election.

    Let’s all scratch together.

    I appeal to Din l-art Helwa, Fondazzjoni, Friends of the Earth, Birdlife, not to be led down this little garden path.

    Surely the PN and AD need to issue a joint statement on this one. I’m sure Cacopardo understands what Joseph’s colluding will bring about.

    Let Astrid do it, holding Chetcuti’s hand.

    God help us.

  15. Paul Bonnici says:

    The past will come back to haunt us soon.

    Labour has not changed. It changed under Dr Sant, but Joseph Muscat reinstated all the Minoffian good-for-nothing unprincipled riff-raff.


  16. ciccio says:

    X’arroganza tipika Laburista. L-ahhar li kien Ministru tal-Finanzi bl-istess arroganza Herr Flick kien ghadda minn fuq il-poplu bil-budget mimli taxxi u djun, ghax kien kisser il-VAT.

    Qed jghajjar lil Joe Mifsud, gurnalist tal-PBS, ghax tilef il-vuci. Ahseb u ara lil poplu li ma ghandux vuci x’ser jaghmillu.

  17. Riya says:

    Leo Brincat was not able to reply to questions put forward to him by the media this morning. Basta mar jipprezenta ruhu u jipposa.

    Especiialy to those questions put to him by Joseph Mifsud a former important member of his same party and therefore Mifsud is fully aware of the Labour policies.

    Intead of replying to the questions Leo Brincat was trying to redicule Joseph Mifsud but when the latter insisted to have a reply from Brincat, Brincat was agressive.

    Ghax dawn tal-Labour hekk jafu jaghmlu bhal ma’ kien isir fi zmien il-Labour meta kienu fil-gvern iqumu min fuq is-siggu fuq it-television biex ihebbu ghal kelliema Nazzjonalisti, u dan sar diversi drabi anke fil-Parlament ghax fi zmien il-Labour il-pajjiz kien ezatt bhal dawk il-pajjizi tat-tielet dinja.

  18. Geoff says:

    Despite all of the Labour Party’s best efforts to bury its history and what it represented in a not-so-far away past, consistently rubbishing any attempt at the slightest hint of subject mention, here comes Leo to shake us back into stark reality.

  19. david says:

    Forget about not talking about the past. The younger voters need to see these videos as they don’t believe it was really bad.

    Herr Flick has not changed and neither have the others, and as soon as they are cornered they show their true colours.

    They need to be exposed because at the moment they are hiding behind their blue ties and Joseph’s false words of unity. And it is working.

    That will all change on the 10th March.

  20. Ian says:

    Isn’t the interviewer from Super One? A Laburist?

    [Daphne – He used to be. Now he’s on TVM.]

  21. MMuscat says:

    What baffles me is that when Anglu Farrugia was humiliated on Xarabank he was asked to resign from his position, Toni Abela was given a timeout because of his performance on Bondi+, but when Leo Brincat shocked the nation on Xarabank with his attitude towards Norman, he gets to go again and again parading his arrogance on TV.

    The Partit Laburista really has two weight two measures with his own people; can you imagine what we common mortals will have to endure when this party will be the one in government?

    More pertinently, we already know that Jason King has more control than Joseph taghna. After these episodes I must ask: What about Leo Brincat, is he in Jason’s clique? Is he one of the “more equal animals” in socialist party? Or did Leo find and old commie comrade to sponsor our future Government, thus giving him leverage?
    Excuse my question marks but at least there are sentences between them.

    • Futur Imcajpar says:

      And yet, Joseph Muscat thinks Leo Brincat is incapable of acting aggressively towards anyone. Really? What is his idea of aggression? Throwing people headfirst out of the Strangers’ Gallery? Or breaking MPs’ teeth in Parliament?

      • Jozef says:

        Exactly, it seems Joseph doesn’t understand the perverse dynamics when this sort of implicit intimidation takes hold.

        It stokes itself on the silence it generates.

        This is what being Labour must feel like. Shutting up and keeping it to oneself.

        Explains all the elvish these four years. ‘We’re like you’ they say, no, not really.

        Theyve seen how they can live with us, but whether we can live with them is still an unknown.

        When they don’t feel obliged to present the program and settle down to the proper campaign, they expect to own us, as much as they do theirs.

        I think this election is the best opportunity to resolve the matter. The way I see it, the party’s too diluted of any coherence to survive should the unthinkable happen.

        It’s an offer most wouldn’t refuse.

  22. Jo Bartolo says:


  23. Oops says:

    The Malta Taghna Lkoll curtain seems to be falling apart rather quickly and progressively.

    Attitudes of this nature give away what’s coming. Joe Mifsud did not forgive him for this notwithstanding he had no voice.

  24. Censu says:

    Victor |Laiviera ghadu kif kiteb dan: “Il-PBS ikopmpli juri kemm ma hu xejn ħlief biċċa għodda tal-PN. Meta x-Xandir Pubblika isir għodda tar-Reġim, il-pajjiż ma jistax jissejjah aktar pajjiż demokratiku.” Mela nesa’ Victor BONGU MALTA?

  25. PD says:

    I must say the Mintoff video clip sent shivers down my spine. I only have vague memories of the 80s, remembering the adults around me discussing politics in hushed voices.

    But this clip chills me to the bone – the thought of being surrounded by fellow Maltese who supported these violent measures and still think of Mintoff as their saviour makes me nauseous.

    Only last week I had an insight into how delusional Labour supporters can be. Overheard someone say “Oh I can’t wait for Labour to be in government so that I can have free healthcare again, anytime I want like in Mintoff’s time.”

    I guess listening to One News exclusively does effect one’s mind.

  26. anthony says:

    Laiviera is perfectly correct.

    That is precisely one of the many reasons why Malta was run by an undemocratic regime between 1977 and 1987.

    For the latter half of that decade actually governed against the will of the majority.

    His golden years.

    Never again.

  27. CIS says:

    He did the same thing on Xarabank with Norman Vella. What a disgrace.

  28. Paul Bonnici says:

    I am not too familiar with political figures in Malta, but I was under the impression that Joe Mifsud was a PN sympathiser. Sometimes I watch repeats of the morning program he presents and he comes across as a sensible level-headed guy.

  29. edgar says:

    Joe Mifsud was Labour’s International Secretary until, wait for it, he was replaced by that moron Alex Sceberras Trigona.

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