The beheading of a former police inspector

Published: January 10, 2013 at 8:32pm

7 Comments Comment

  1. Rover says:

    Miskin Anglu. So sorry for him. On the rekort.

  2. silvio says:

    Very bad taste.

    The original even has a couple of woman looking on,

  3. ciccio says:

    Of course we will reduce the water bills as well. Didn’t you know that it’s written in the scriptures that we use electricity from the Empire Station in the rivers of Moses?

  4. James Borg says:

    It doesn’t quite capture light and shade like Caravaggio, but it certainly captures the moment.

  5. Harry Purdie says:

    Took his balls too. Sad bunch.

  6. Natalie Mallett says:

    Wara Bondi+ tal-lejla nahseb ta’ got-tieqa jmiss. Jaqq kif irnexxilhom isibu dawk il-pcielaq kollha go partit wiehed.

    Hemm xi hadd sura minnhom li kapaci jiddiskuti sura ta nies?

    Ghadna ma smajniex lil Marlene Farrugia titkellem s’issa allavolja suppost l-esperta taghhom hux. Ahjar ta ghax ittaqqabuli mohhi kemm twerzaq biex titkellem bil-hamallagni kollu taghha.

  7. observer says:

    The on-looker seems to be saying “OMG, is it my turn next?”

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