This evening, Muscat called his candidates “cutting edge”

Published: January 30, 2013 at 10:37pm


Muscat hails ‘cutting edge’ candidates

Joseph Muscat showered praise on the Labour Party’s election candidates this evening, describing them as “cutting edge”.

Aside from the fact that he is quite obviously a speaker of Globish and doesn’t know that you can’t use ‘cutting edge’ for people but only for things like technology or design, here are some examples of Muscat’s cutting-edge candidates.

Karmenu Vella, Il-Guy,’s shadow minister of finance

Louis Grech, far right, aged 65 and in the Mintoff party since the 1960s.

Leo Brincat (in the snazzy jumper) – he was one of Mintoff’s cabinet ministers when I was still at school

Suor Bartolo, another cutting edge sexagenarian and a Commie reject from the 1970s

Marie Louise Coleiro – she was the Labour Party’s secretary-general 30 years ago and more.

Silvio Parnis – you can slit your wrists on his cutting edge

Anthony Zammit wants all the ladies (and more!) to go to his coffee morning – but why would they bother? Give him enough rope, as they say, and…..

Manuel Mallia – so cutting edge that he doesn’t even need to use a knife on this ugly cake

Edward Scicluna – so cutting edge that he was giving Minister of Industry Karmenu Il-Guy advice on economic policy back in the Mintoffian golden years

Jason Micallef – the Queen of Hissy Fits has a tongue that’s a lot sharper than his brain, but then that’s not difficult

Joe Mizzi – oh dear

Id-dentist: really cutting edge. Watch out, the Nationalist Party had one of those.

George Vella: “Allahares nidhlu fl-Ewropa”

Jose Herrera (on right): soon to be Malta’s most cutting-edge Minister of Justice in the history of self-government

Luciano Busuttil – the world’s first cutting-edge turnip, a man who thinks a sexy pick-up line is “Hi, jien is-sindku tal-Hamrun”

Manuel Mallia – oh sorry, we’ve done him already

Antonella tal-iSnobby: not a cutting edge candidate yet, unfortunately, though she’s certainly been under the knife

Sorry, my mistake – this one’s decided to go to Italy instead

Marlene Mizzi – kos, kemm ghandhom sexagenarians tal-Labour. But I must say, those horns look really cutting edge.

Joe Debono Grech – is he in nappies yet?

Drinu tal-Pastizzi’s version of Eva Peron: this one isn’t standing for election, but boy, is she going to be running the country.

Charlie Azzopardi – a man who never washes his hair because he was born with sunglasses welded to the top of his head.

I couldn’t find a suitable picture of Cyrus Engerer, so I hacked into his hard drive and took one of his instead.

I can’t remember what these two were called, but I’m pretty sure they’re standing for election with the Labour Party

Yana Mintoff – enough said.

Nikita Zammit Alamango – there’s even more to grab now, but she spends most of her time hanging about with Cyrus and his Bugs Bunny Boyfriend Randolph, so it’s going to waste.

79 Comments Comment

  1. ken il malti says:

    Scary bunch !

  2. Paul Bonnici says:

    But in reality they are blunt-edge.

  3. francesco says:

    What a pumpkin head. What a bunch with brain of seeds.

    U Daphne, lil Silvio erhilu ghax naqsmek!

  4. Antoine Vella says:

    Not cutting edge but cutting corners.

  5. Wilson says:

    About as cutting edge as performing open-heart surgery with a pair of pliers and a mallet.

  6. manum says:

    Prosit, Daphne. I am going to send you the bill for the mess in my living-room. We all peed in our pants with laughter and it’s all your fault. Shame on you for killing us this way.

  7. bystander says:

    Gonzi goes; Simon becomes leader; then how long until Muscat crashes and burns?

    And mega piss-takes every day.

  8. Natalie says:

    Thank you for giving us such articles. Some of those captions are priceless. Some comic relief in the face of doom.

  9. CIS says:

    Prosit, Daphne. You made my day.

  10. Oops says:

    Don’t know if you noticed but that cock has Franco’s attitude.

  11. john says:

    The bogus ‘professor’ in dark glasses behind il-Guy (fig. 3) never did have the sharpest scalpels on the block.

    Now approaching seventy, they’re blunter than ever.

  12. sammy says:

    This is so funny! Well done. And sadly enough, yes so so true!

  13. pamela says:

    And let’s not forget Alfred Sant’s nephew, as if one Sant wasn’t enough for Malta.

  14. Matt says:

    I spit my coffee as I swiped down on Silvio Parnis. He should be Ministru tat-Tablets.

  15. Dott Abjad says:

    I almost fell off my chair in fits of laughter! Comic relief at its best – if only it was just comic relief though.

  16. dissident says:

    Ara f’idejn min ha jispicca l pajjiz.

    Close to the university someone sprayed “A country gets the government it deserves” on a wall. It is a sign of things to come.

  17. Good god! says:

    Konrad “energy expert” Mizzi seems to have escaped your notice! How come?

  18. TROY says:

    That’s it,I’ve decided. I’m voMIting Labour.

  19. melissa says:


    The Muppets were named Statler and Waldorf.

  20. james says:

    You’re just as funny as Jeremy Clarkson.

  21. snobby says:

    Speaking of Antonella ta’ snobby, have a look at her sisters Nataxha and Nakita cheering for Joseph… ‘cutting edge’ tassew

  22. Miss O'Brien says:

    Yes, cutting edge all right. The thought of them running the country make me want to cut my wrists.

  23. Ganni says:

    Classic Daphne, love it. However poor us for having such short memories.

    Crazy to hear friends are ready to give these loonies their vote because the Nationalists have become arrogant. Always preferred arrogance to stupidity.

  24. David S says:

    But the PN certainly cannot boast of a cutting edge campaign. It is just not going anywhere, and the gap is widening.

    It’s incredible that with this type of opposition the PN is looking all the more hapless.

    What a shame – PN with such a track record versus PL without even an electoral programme and this is the result.

    If it continues this way, it will surely be a case study in political science.

  25. Leli says:

    You are UNIQUE! The envy of Joseph Muscat and his imbecilic cutting edge candidates.

  26. old-timer says:

    Cannot understand how on earth the Maltese will vote for a Labour Party with such a hopeless crowd. I was waiting for a Muscat picture

  27. eyes wide open says:

    wahahahaaaaa! wait, wait….wahahahaaaaaaaaa!!

  28. Tinnat says:

    ¨Cutting edge¨ is an overused cliche from the late 90s. Oh, sounds just about right then.

  29. George says:

    You can never be cutting edge if you vote Labour. It’s a contradiction in terms.

  30. Kurt Cachia says:

    Good one, laughed my head off.

  31. francesca says:


  32. TROY says:

    My God! We’re so spoiled for choice.

    They’re all so damn good.

  33. Brian Ellul says:

    Really good :)

  34. Horazju says:

    Daphne, you are a genius, this post made my day, thanks a lot!

  35. Secret Admirer says:

    Thanks for making my day.

  36. ian says:

    I laughed till I cried. Brilliant.

  37. Curious says:


  38. Spiru says:

    But you’re always leaving out Toni Abela…..

  39. Marcus says:

    One of the best posts written in this election run-up. Absolute gem.

  40. Lomax says:

    I really needed this hilarious interlude. I’m trying hard not to laugh out loud.

  41. rosi says:

    haha well done Daphne dear !! Bitter pill for you and for your followers to swallow hux??? c’mon show us more – we are so amused!!!!

  42. Neil Dent says:

    Fantastic post, brilliant wit on your part Daphne!

    And they were Waldorf & Stadtler from The Muppet Show.

  43. Riya says:

    Dawn zgur kollha ahjar minn Anglu Farrugia ghax hadd minnhom ma’ tkecca mill-Partit tal-Labour.

    Anqas dawk fosthom li huwa evidenti li kienu responsabbli ta’ korruzzjoni fi zmien gvernijiet Laburisti precedenti.

    Izma Anglu tkecca u hadd ma’ jaf sewwa ghal xiex anqas il-Laburisti stess.

    Trid tkun vera kabocca biex tohrog tirraprezenta partit b’hala kanditat qabel ma’ tkun taf x’inhu il-programm elttorali tieghu.

    Ahseb u ara x’mohh ghandhom dawk in-nies li jivvutaw ghal dawn il-kandidati.

    Mentalita’ tal-biki.

  44. Angus Black says:

    Sharp or not, they will slay Malta by a thousand cuts.
    Scary prospect.

  45. me says:

    Prime candidates for retroactive abortion, the whole lot; if someone can come up with a practical procedure.

  46. RosanneB says:

    Shoot me.

  47. Maltija says:

    Daphne please keep them coming!

  48. cintura says:

    I heard star candidate Edward Scicluna declare on TVAMthat Malta’s economic situation is at par with Spain’s. It would become so if he is entrusted with this country’s economy.

  49. marks says:

    Dr Muscat asked about allowing homosexuals to give blood. He was adamant that blood donation criteria should not be based on sexual orientation.

    Issa sar jifhem fil-medicina il-boy. Prosit

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      I am adamant that voting criteria should be based on intellectual capacity.

      Not that anyone’ll listen.

      Really, what an imbecile.

  50. Bugia says:

    What about Marion Mizzi? Another star PL candidate?

    What she’s going to promise us? A better quality of life based on vegetables?

  51. evergreen says:

    The latest star candidate is Marion Mizzi. What next on Joseph’s pre-electoral presents? Free slimming treatments to all?

  52. Gahan says:!

    Health Minister Joe Cassar had a whale of a time at the blood bank.

    One thing’s for sure: Joseph is afraid of the needle.

    A visit to the blood donation centre should have been crowned with at least a blood donation not a stupid stunt on gay rights.

    His insistence only shows the depth of his logic, and that there were no consultations with the so called experts.

    The only consultations were the polls.

  53. Linda Kveen says:

    While we are on the subject of what is cutting edge,
    I thought the readers of this blog might be interested in this article in my local newspaper, The Orange County Register.

    My son, who is now in college, attended Mater Dei High School. The school just won the Apple Distinguished School staus for 2012-2013. This award was to recognize their use of Apple technology, “to demonstrate an innovative and compelling learning environment that engages students and provides tangible evidence of academic accomplishment.”

    In 2011, the school started a program where each student (2,100 of them) and teachers (100 of them) were provided with an iPad. They are leased from Apple and the students pay a $35 monthly fee.

    This whole process of integrating iPads into the school curriculum did not happen overnight but was the result of a lot of planning and training on the part of the school, the teachers, the students and the parents.

    You can’t just hand out iPads the way you hand out candy, (which seems to be the way Joseph Muscay wants to do it), and have a real impact on education. A lot of groundwork and preparation need to be done first.

    • bystander says:

      How dare you?

      We don’t need groundwork and preparation.

      Don’t you know everyone here is an expert in everything?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      You cannot hand out iPads without knowing what they’ll be used for. That’s the problem. It’s like handing out stacks of blank paper. Of course it doesn’t help that MUT was led for many years by a certain John Bencini.

  54. Joe says:

    BBC News – Mexico City blast: Hunt for survivors in Pemex building

  55. Angus Black says:

    Electing these turds is like cutting our noses to spite our faces. They don’t need to do it for us.

  56. Christine says:

    Literally crying with laughter! Well done, Daphne!

  57. Matthew says:

    Below is the Labour candidate Lorna Vassallo’s description on her facebook page (copied and pasted). Very cutting edge, I think you’d agree.

    I think she wants to be part of the PL team because of all those cutting edge men.

    About Lorna

    A keen globe trotting artist who is always on the look-out for terrific new people to be with. Ironically enough, though, sometimes, when you see her alone just keep out of the way, because she might be in the reflective mood :)

    All my friends have had the pleasure of knowing that if they’re my friends :)

    Basic info

    Gender Female
    Interested in Men
    Relationship Status Single
    Languages Maltese, German, French, Italian and English

    Contact Info


    [Daphne – Oh my God, is she still alive and kicking? That’s the one who had a GODAWFUL column below Ranier Fsadni’s in The Times. It had a cult following, it was so bad. It was as though she scanned the dictionary every morning, collected words, and threw them into as few sentences as possible.]

  58. *1981* says:

    I think Ill have to leave the country soon..

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