This is what his father couldn’t say in his interview with The Sunday Times yesterday (because he’s an ex president)
January 28, 2013 at 11:19pm
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Just a treat listening to Beppe. He doesn’t mince words but unfortunately he had to cut his remarks short due to time constraints.
I agree, but he still managed to make his point. Very well spoken. As he said, those with sense (yes, I still think there are such people, even Laburisti) can judge for themselves and understand Fenech Adami’s contribution to this nation, without telling us about it.
[Daphne – That’s a contradiction in terms. If they understood his contribution to the nation, they wouldn’t be Laburisti. They would be like me.]
He could not say it better. Exactly my feelings and sentiments. Eddie Fenech Adami is the one and only. Why does not Joseph speak about Franco and his crusades? Franco should be on a higher pedestal.
And here’s another one.
I love Joey’s sense of irony, intended or not.
A Labour politician, on a Labour TV station, in a tent filled with Labour voters, being interviewed by a Labour supporter, asking questions presumably to give only the Labour point of view, talking about being united.
I am so happy that that I don’t understand the Maltese language or I may be tempted to dip into this mire.
May your God help you.
…u Malta ghandha bzonn lil Dr. Lawrence Gonzi fl-2013.
To vote for Labour one has to be seriously mad, stupid or brainwashed. It’s just such poor judgement.!
….. video link 5:30 ….. A typical “Malta Taghna lkoll” reaction …..”Fiz-Zejtun la rifsu bi dritt u lanqas bis-sahha”
Today’s PL leader cynically lauds Eddie Fenech Adami, and keeps Alex Sceberras Trigona, Karmenu Vella and Leo Brincat tightly and very high up within his ranks. ….. video link 2:45.
They were there.
Malta Danacol my foot.
Old school Laburisti/Mintoffjani must cringe when they hear little Joey wax lyrical about EFA, the EU and the like.
Well said Beppe it is a question of credibility, which Joseph Muscat doesn’t have, at least with people who see sense.
It’s sad listening to Eddie Fenech Adami’s son speaking in such a divisive and hateful way. The simple truth is that for a growing segment of the population BFA’s words are an indication of only one thing: arrogance. Dr Beppe Fenech Adami should know that his words will only serve to worsen the PN’s defeat come election day. It seems that the PN is not even interested any more in winning the election, or even trying to, but has become an inward-looking sect trying to justify its beliefs at any cost.
And one other thing, what does Dr Beppe have to say about his father’s idea that the election should have been called earlier? What should be done, should be done, said the elder Fenech Adami, and not left for another day.
I am rather disappointed and tired of the PN, but unfortunately I have no option but to vote for them. Better the devil you know.
By voting LP we will get the same old Mintoff mob back in power. That is scary, VERY SCARY indeed. We must not forget the past of these people. Alfred Sant got rid of them but Joseph Muscat reinstated them into the party.
I hope the Maltese electorate does not have a short memory.
Well said on every point!
Beppe wiegeb tajjeb hafna pero naqas milli iwiegeb ghal dan il-kumment min Joseph Muscat.
“Hafna mis-snin tmenin kienu mohlija, l-istess bhal ma gara wara dhul fl-UE, ghax ma kienx hemm vizjoni ….”
Ghal min ghex is-snin tmenin, hija offiza li wiehed ixxebbah is-snin ta’ qabel 1987 ma dawk wara l-2004. Qisek qed tghid li x-xemx u l-qamar huma kwazi l-istess.
Jikkonferma kemm ma fehem xejn u jikkonferma ukoll li dan il-kliem sabih ghal Eddie Fenech Adami huwa diskors ta’ konvenjenza u mhux ta’ konvinzjoni.