This is what I mean when I say that people like Joseph Muscat and Franco Debono are bloody irresponsible

Published: January 8, 2013 at 12:00pm

Safe for business, my eye. They can’t say they didn’t see this coming, when so many ordinary people did. They saw it coming and they just didn’t give a damn.

In The Times, today:

Car imports at standstill due to Budget deadlock
Ivan Camilleri

Car imports are at a standstill because of the Budget deadlock, industry sources said yesterday.

During the last Budget, the Government announced a new measure aimed at incentivising the purchase of new and more environment-friendly cars.

The measure, which now cannot be implemented until a new Budget is approved by Parliament, cuts the registration tax of new vehicles – those technically known as Euro V – by some 30 per cent. This means a small new car should cost some €800 less.

“Hundreds of new cars have been imported but are held in stores because their prospective owners are awaiting the implementation of a new Budget before paying their registration taxes,” the sources said.

“This is causing big headaches for car importers, particularly because of massive cash flow problems. A fast solution is required if we don’t want companies to start firing employees,” the sources said.

Through the Association of Car Importers Malta (ACIM), car importers are urging the two political parties to commit themselves that the measure will be implemented in a future Budget so the stalemate is unblocked.

“We want some kind of solution that will solve the matter as we cannot remain in this situation for several more months,” a spokesman for ACIM said.

Contacted by The Times, Nationalist Party general secretary Paul Borg Olivier said the party had already given its commitment to car importers. “We have already said the Budget, with all its measures, will be presented as soon as Parliament reconvenes,” he said.

“The PN in government has proposed this measure because we feel it’s important to continue to incentivise environment-friendly cars.

“This measure will now also be included in our electoral programme,” he said.

Although the Labour Party has already promised it will keep all the positive measures in the Budget, it is still not known whether the Euro V measure will be one of them.

Questions sent to Labour yesterday remained unanswered.

15 Comments Comment

  1. John Zammit says:

    Responsible politicians would have voted yes for the budget.

  2. old-timer says:

    Of course unanswered: All they have are gimmicks and stories for the illiterates who, unfortunately, are quite a big slice of the electorate.

  3. La Redoute says:

    “Questions sent to Labour yesterday remained unanswered.”

    They’d better update their website, pronto:

  4. bystander says:

    Laugh Out Fucking Loud

  5. zbubu says:

    so why gonziPN waited till the last minute of 2012 to present the budget 2013 when he already knew that franco debono was going to vote against the budget, perhaps may be he was thinking that joseph was going to do the job for him.!!

  6. Min Jaf says:

    The nameless party led by Joseph Muscat has only just launched its cunning plan and the chickens are already coming home to roost.

    Perhaps Sandro Chetcuti would care to send in a report on the effect of the budget stunt on the property sales front.

    Another valid contribution is awaited from Charles Mangion regarding the effect on property transfer contracts.

  7. aJS says:

    Any reasonably good newspaper should investigate the effects on property too.

    A number of people have postponed purchases leaving sellers very much in the lurch and under considerable strain.

    Effects on real estate agencies include higher overall incidence of overheads.

    Not to mention shrinkages in ancillary services.

    Also, include the added effect of reduced demand for bank loans and higher pressures on loan repayments.

    While this may be temporary, there have been no guarantees by Labour that they will respect the higher ceilings on real estate taxes proposed by the Nationalists.

    We cannot afford to have a country scared of investment. We’ll soon be travelling down the path of other countries.

    Anyone thinking of not voting? Anyone disguised as a disgruntled Nationalist? While we may have a reason to be generally annoyed. However, at least under the Nationalists business and life moved in the right direction – forwards.

    At least, we could wake up in the morning and live our daily lives ignoring the fact that the Malta Labour Party remain completely in the dark with respect to economic progress.

    Soon we’ll realise that we made a damn mistake in trusting Muscat and his “tim maghqud” of merry men

    Oh, and one last thing: why are special purpose vehicles for funding projects now OK in the eyes of Labour?

  8. Jolly Roger says:

    We have had enough of bluffers and bullshitters. Kif jghidu bit-taljan

    “non li posso soffri” dawn it-tnejn. Insopportabli. Jghidu li haddiehor arroganti u huma arroganti daqshekk. Ma humiex kapaci u jridu jilhqu. Allajbierek.

  9. Neil Dent says:

    I tried to speak sense in a comment wherein I lamented that had the budget been allowed to pass, all would be fine, the elections would still be round the corner, and that the MLP would have surely gained from an act of parliamentary maturity.

    Apparently all I’m doing is spreading lies, however, because everyone knows that any opposition voting against a budget is apparently set in stone, like the eleventh commandment!

    So we must realise that these ignoramuses are happy to allow the economy to deteriorate and put jobs and businesses at risk, as long as the MLP ‘won’ the budget vote.

    They can’t see the woods for the trees, and it’s not worth arguing with them.

  10. Francis Saliba MD says:

    Even if the Labour Party thinks it over and finally promises to copy-cat the Nationalist Party assurance, it would still require an act of faith on the part of prospective car buyers. All Malta remembers how the student stipends were demolished after the 1996 election win by the MLP.

  11. silvio says:

    All this could have been avoided when Gonzi should have called it a day months ago.

  12. Riya says:

    Franco is not only a highly irresponsible person but a huge coward, because if his target was Austin Gatt he should have been a real gentleman and voted against Austin Gatt, and not against the budget.

    His vote againts the budget effected all the Maltese people and the whole economy and not the Nationalist party or Austin Gatt.

    But I am sure that with all his high results when he was in form 2 and moeover with his degree, he was not able to realise and foresee the effects on the country by his decision and therefore he is a very dengerous and incompitent persion.

  13. zbubu says:

    take your time Daph, dont hurry to submit my comment I stated this afteroon.

  14. mixx09 says:

    Don’t know about you but if this is the best they’ve got to offer, their so-called energy trump card, then we’re heading for trouble come March 9th and beyond.

  15. Angus Black says:

    ‘Questions sent to Labour yesterday remained unanswered”.

    Well it shouldn’t be so damned difficult for the Labour Party.

    After all they are promising everything to everyone, doable or not, so why not answer the question?

    Maybe they did by e-mail which, because of a computer error, went to RTK instead.

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