This is what we should be looking at
January 10, 2013 at 3:57pm
A reader involved in the field has sent me the following message.
LNG installations/storage fall within Seveso Directive. Risk assessments need to be done prior to the actual issuance of both MEPA and opertational permits.
Labour cannot skip this. It’s EU Directive.
This means that before any permit is issued, specific risk assessments need to be done and then issued for public consultation.
The problem is that the considerable storage of such gas and the terminal itself are very dangerous and considered as hazardous intsallations. I wonder how no one mentioned these facts.
Do local councils, especially Marsaxlokk, know about this danger?
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See link below which is from the UK Health & Safety Executive, which is the system Malta adopted regarding Seveso:
Maltese legislation regarding such sites is included in the link below from the MEPA website:
The Marsaxlokk council is Labour-led, and will not oppose anything dreamed up by Labour.
That’s another example of Labour’s crass irresponsibility in exploiting its electorate’s lack of understanding of issues to further its narrow partisan interest over that of the nation.
The Delimara power station, set up by the 1987 Fenech Adami government, was opposed by Labour because Mintoff objected to the site, which was in his summer-house backyard.
The government’s argument against Labour’s alternative site (Benghajsa) was that it was in line with the nearby airstrip. It was Mintoff and Labour which mobilised “the south” against the Dellimara site. Luckily, things had changed since 1958.
Now, in 2013, they went to the other extreme by proposing another power station and a large oil storage tank on the same Delimara site. This time they would have us believe we’ll get a 25% reduction in energy rates.
Again, by going into half-baked technicalities they are exploiting the electorate’s ignorance of such matters hoping it will fall for their pie-in-the-sky proposal.
When Alfred Sant’s Labour promised the removal of VAT they didn’t go into technicalities and the people only learned through bitter experience.
After *that* experience Joseph Muscat’s new Labour learned its lesson and is now presenting its equally disastrous proposal couched in pseudo-technical jargon and unidentified variables to make it sound highbrow and doable.
To see how suspicious their proposal is, they call it a model and yet, even at this early stage, they insist it is not just feasible, but doable. Indeed, fools rush in where angels …
Ghadu ma qal xejn Franco li ser ikabru l-powerstation u ser ikollhom bomba kbira bit-tankijiet tal-gas?
Lil Franco dak li jaghmlu in-Nazzjonalisti biss jtieh f`so**u.
He’s reaching, he’s reaching. Where are the advisors?
Stop the man before he tries to give away in bribes all that the respect he earned in the past. What next? Approval of dodgy boathouses, to show we care?
Very disappointed with Gonzi’s first four days also.
He’s coming across as ‘Oh yeah? Me too! Jeez.
Which may imply Delimara becomes strictly off limits, buffer zone enforced. Trappers included.
Where’s Frankie?
Will Joseph fire Konrad for screwing up the best opportunity Labour had to get elected, with this half-baked proposal?
The SAFETY aspect is definitely relevant.
Quoting from Wikipedia:
Due to energy shortage concerns, many new LNG terminals are being contemplated in the United States. Concerns over the safety of such facilities has created extensive controversy in the regions where plans have been created to build such facilities.
In 2004, 19 January, Skikda, Algeria. Explosion at Sonatrach LNG liquefaction facility 27 killed, 56 injured, three LNG trains destroyed, 2004 production was down 76% for the year. A steam boiler that was part of a liquefaction train exploded triggering a massive hydrocarbon gas explosion. The explosion occurred where propane and ethane refrigeration storage were located.
Residents of Marsaxlokk, Birzebbugia and that area should all vote Labour.
They will make a saving of a few tens of euros out their electricity bills and at the same will see the value of their property halved.
Who would want to invest in that area or buy a residence there?
Slowly Maryanne. They need more time to get there.
Villa Hallelujah will be worth a barumbara.
L-gharix will result unusable, within the safety perimeter.
Mela Gonzi nehha it-tankijiet tal-gass tad-djar minn Birzebbuga, u Joseph se jpoggilhom lura tankijiet mostri b’gas li ma ghandux riha u allura iktar perikolus.
Meta jnehhi ic-cumnija il-powerstation li hemm issa ma jkunx jista jintuza, ahna ahna jew m’ahniex?