Those Muscats had better sort out their public act – it’s getting ridiculous now

Published: January 7, 2013 at 11:02pm

If I have to watch Joseph Muscat ignore his wife in public just one more time, I am going to have to end up sticking up for her in female solidarity – not that I feel sorry for her because she really asks for it in chasing him and making an ass of herself.

If you’ve got to fake it, it’s best to avoid it.

Last night, we saw it again: he strides ahead towards his billboard, as she follows several paces behind, arm in arm with his deputy leader (not Louis, but the other one).

When the deed is done, she reaches out to grab him round the waist with both arms. He doesn’t react positively or fondly, and instead pulls away as though bothered by a Calcutta beggar, barely able to conceal his irritation and his haste to get free.

How long will this go on for?

It’s happened once too often already.

It’s true that she doesn’t seem to know her place as the wife of the leader of the Opposition rather than somebody who shares the Opposition leadership with her husband. But they really have to work it out because now it’s becoming embarrassing. People are noticing and they’re talking about it.

Today she was in the wings again with the party apparatchiks, wearing something belted and disgusting in white furry chenille or similar. And again he ignored her. She came out and clapped dutifully, but boy, did she look flat and fed up.

Enough, already.

20 Comments Comment

  1. TinaB says:

    That is precisely what I thought as soon as I saw the clip on, a few minutes ago.

    They always give me the impression that they are trying to imitate the Obamas.

    Kemm huma tac-cajt.

  2. Aunt Hetty says:

    Most probably she IS getting fed up with pandering to his public ego ona 24/7 basis.

  3. Wilson says:

    Well, they could have killed another sheep to cover those arms! But then the animal would have been afraid of change.

  4. V S says:

    Maybe she needs to travel more often to Brussels, as she has been doing every month for the past years. She may receive more affection over there.

  5. Last Post says:

    I noticed it too, but you put it so clearly and with your stark and eloquent analysis of the body language, I can now better understand why people with peasant-minded intelligence refer to you as “is-Sahhara”!

  6. Aunt Hetty says:

    Why is it that all the Maltese flags waved during Joseph’s bash this evening were George Cross-less?

  7. Matt says:

    I still can’t get over the fact that he still has to use a teleprompter.

  8. Luigi says:

    Your tone isn’t convincing as usual. Perhaps Joseph is convincing you as well to vote Labour. Good night.

  9. Vanni says:

    Here I feel slightly sorry for Joseph.

    Michelle strikes me as being the cloying sort. Guys may be familiar with the type – she’s the girl you had to wrestle with when it’s time to take your leave (“Oh, let’s have another kiss before you go, will you phone me to say goodnight when you get home, let’s do a last hug, will you think about me on the bus, will you keep my picture under your pillow?”).

    Known as the octopus, but not to be confused with the fella with WHD.

    Mind you, I have to own up that girls wearing pastel colours make me break out in a rash, so maybe I may be biased.

    • Natalie says:

      I have to agree here. She does look like the clinging type who has to show her affection all the time.

      I suppose Joseph’s feeling a bit emasculated with all those public affections and he’s getting annoyed about it.

      Look at Kate Gonzi; she makes her presence known but does not attempt to hijack her husband’s space to show the world how much she loves him.

      • jack says:

        Quite true. Poor Michelle doesn’t understand that as wife of the PM she has a public and political role and you should shy away from PDAs (public displays of affection).

        All that gravitas (with rousing background music and solemnity) as Joseph signed that billboar…shattered with a hug.

  10. BC says:

    The glory of mind games.

  11. Beauty and the Beef says:

    I’d love to know why Joseph spent the last 5 years mocking ‘GonziPN’ when all we’ve seen from him so far is the same Presidential-style campaign that served the PN so well in 2008.

    Among things that show the direction in which he’s going, we have:

    – Muscat’s personal website being paraded instead of that of the PL – even on the Times’ website, the PL’s advert shows written on it;
    – Placards of ‘Muscat 2013’ being waved at their rally this evening;
    – No mentioning whatsoever of the PL at any point during his speech.

    Are they so devoid of ideas that it has to be a case of monkey see, monkey do even in this sense? The mind boggles.

  12. QahbuMalti says:

    I love the pre-printed placards strategically spaced out in the first few rows – like hitting the ‘space out proportionally’ button.

    The MLP will throw big money at this election campaign because they have no policies and need to massively fool the electorate.

    The campaign is off and running and we still have no clue as to what the MLP are proposing.

    In eight weeks’ time all we will have is clichés and buzzwords. This is what Joseph had in mind when he told Gonzi to run a marketing campaign ‘massic’ to lure tourists away from North Africa when the Arab spring got underway. It’s all about form not substance.

    I feel sorry for Lawrence Gonzi. He has delivered big time in a time of crisis yet his message struggles to get across – maybe the PN did too much to be able to communicate its message effectively. Less may have been more.

    Perhaps never in the history of Maltese elections has the difference been so stark between the two parties. The PN should be WAY AHEAD in the polls.

  13. Joe Micallef says:

    Muscat is reminiscent of that salesman who customer care staff despise with a passion. A passion that’s very soon shared by his clients and directors, who, albeit the harm would have been done, give him his marching orders.

  14. canon says:

    By the first day of the election campaign, Joseph Muscat has already lost his tranquility.

  15. cintura says:

    Well, Joseph did tell us to “love her because she loves you”.

    Trouble is, how can we when she clings to him like a leech? If I were Speedy Gonzalez maybe, but I’m not.

  16. TROY says:


  17. carloscudi says:

    even in America and they,re experts at this ort of thing,the wives are ignored and only when they hold onto to their husband candidates,he suddenly remembers she,s there!!

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