Tonio Fenech’s press conference live on NET TV now

Published: January 14, 2013 at 4:47pm

I’m off to watch.


Facts and figures are so much more effective and credible than a bunch of buzzwords.

26 Comments Comment

  1. Mik says:

    Why are they repeating last week’s press conference?

    [Daphne – It’s a different one, on the basis of a KPMG assessment of Labour’s price workings.]

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      The assessment cannot be based on Labour’s price workings.

      It is based on the estimates provided by Enemalta.

      Labour’s prices are not based on the estimates provided by Enemalta.

      [Daphne – You’re right. Labour hasn’t provided its price workings.]

  2. silvio says:

    Does he need so much promotion for some to watch?

    On my part I’m off to watch Mr.Bean.

    [Daphne – You’d be better off watching, Silvio. Then you would sound so uninformed when you speak.]

  3. carlos says:

    Silvio, that’s why people like you are so vulnerable to the Labour propaganda machine. See and hear everything, and then make your judgement.

    • silvio says:

      Just for your information. I am no Labour supporter, I’m just a true Nationalist, which is totally different from the present P.N tal- klikka.

      [Daphne – Bollocks. Se tigi tghidli li int ‘izjed Nazzjonalist’ minn, per ezempju, dawk li ilhom hemm minn 1081.]

      • Jozef says:

        True blue t-tifel.

      • anthony says:

        Silvio, there are no ‘true Nationalists’.

        You are either a Nationalist or you are not a Nationalist.

        This is not PL speak. This is PN – the real McCoy.

        The PN of Independent Malta and the PN of European Malta.

        Certainly not the PL of integration and partnership svizzra fil- mediterran.

        You sound more like a PL tad-dawl u l-ilma.

        A miserable Mintoffjan.

        A blind follower of an incestuous cuckolder.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        X’gara fit-1081?

      • silvio says:

        I might be wrong,but as far as i recall ,an important event that happened in our history, was 1090, not 1081, and that was the coming of count Roger.
        Yes I am proud of being a True Nationalist . I am fortunate to have been Born a nationalist, not like some I could mention who joined , on the demise of the Mable party, and as at that time the P.L was tal Hamalli, they joind the P.N. which was more tal-pepe.
        As for what Anthony says, you are perfectly right, there are no “True nationalists” in the present P. N. but only opportunists and tal Klikka.

        [Daphne – Actually there were far more ‘hamalli’, if you must insist on using that word, in the Nationalist Party than there were in the Labour Party at the time. The Labour Party was quite smart until Mintoff ruined it. And it had absolutely nothing to do with pepe or hamalli, as a modicum of common sense should tell you. It had to do with policies and attitudes.]

  4. Ivan Attard says:

    Tonio Fenech’s first press conference proved that Labour’s plans cannot be carried out within the proposed time frame.

    Although 100% correct, that was difficult to comprehend for the average man in the street.

    Konrad Mizzi’s buzzwords and memorized statements and “do not interrupt my flow” speeches were enough to confuse the voter.

    This second press conference proved that those plans can never make sense from the financial point of view.

    This time round it’s Edward Scicluna’s (or other ministers of finance wannabees) turn to contradict KPMG with facts and figures. I suspect there will be none.

    They will just attack Enemalta for commissioning that report “bi flus il-poplu”.

  5. Jozef says:

    Labour got their plant size wrong. We have it from Kema itself.

    Tanks don’t match ships, requirements bit small eh?

    No wonder they attempted continuous running of all plant at 95%, and get the interconnector down to 20%, literally shoehorning the ruddy thing into their calculations.

    If this is Mizzi, he shouldn’t be let anywhere near a spreadsheet.

    How sweet, Labour’s crooner challenged Tonio to publish the report. Mhux fair, power of incumbency.

    Nice one Tonio, better than Cunningham’s Taranto. When’s the landing?

    • Snoopy says:

      Not only that, but according to Edward Mallia (on Dissett), they forgot to factor in a regasifier that is required if the gas is brought by ship.

  6. Jozef says:

    Ejja Kurt, int imiss.

  7. George says:

    Can someone kindly do some desk research and work out the differences between the proposed savings in the electricity bills as proposed by Labour, and the savings a person will make as a result of the proposed cut in income tax, as proposed by the Nationalist Party?

    Why is no one discussing those? I am convinced that workers will be better off choosing the tax cuts over the cut in electricity?

    [Daphne – Because to do that would be to collude in the myth that Labour is able to reduce electricity tariffs by the nutty method it proposes.]

    • Ghoxrin Punt says:

      Let’s see, savings of a couple (or two) thousand euros with tax cuts per annum, compared to a saving of a couple hundred on our electricity bills.

  8. bob-a-job says:

    Missed Tonio but I have one question which I doubt has been addressed.

    Why is everyone assuming the base price is 9.6 cents (on which one has to add markups, distribution, maintenance, distribution loss etc) when 9.6 cents covers only 40% of the production. Has everyone been brainwashed?

    The true base cost will be the average that makes up the full 100% production. E.g. New power station 9.6cents old power station 14.4 cents therefore the base = (9.6+14.4)/2 = 12 cents base onto which one must add all the other costs.

    Now I don’t have the figures but the government experts must have them.

    Distribution losses alone stand at over 14% of production.

    I think we are still far from certain of how feasible labour’s proposal really is. To me it presently holds as much water as a sieve.

  9. George says:

    I disagree. Because to get the 25% reduction in electricity fees we have to gamble about 600 million Euros, and to get the reduction in tax rates, you don’t. That is why this exercise makes sense.

  10. Vanni says:

    ‘Labour Party leader Joseph Muscat this afternoon called at The Times newsroom in Valletta where he had an informal question and answer meeting with the editorial staff.

    A wide range of subjects were discussed.”‘

    During a short tour, the Leader of the MLP (Muscat’s Labour Party) was shown around the building where his predecessor, Dom Mintoff’s faithful, had ran amok in an orgy of destruction. They made a point to show him all the Fire Systems, just in case the leopard didn’t change his spots.

  11. Matthew says:

    While reading Labour’s energy plans, I happened to remember the previously ubiquitous Silvio Parnis.

    Why has he completely shut up? Doesn’t the Ministru tas-Sawt have anything to say about a power plant and two massive gas tanks being built in his beloved area?

    Sawt actually means whip in Maltese. Somehow it sounds appropriate.

  12. Jozef says:

    I just heard Konrad blurt out that they’re considering gas bunkering for all the Meditteranean as a spin off and which would benefit Enemalta, after the interconnector would provide energy at much lower rates.

    When Stefano Mallia asked him how is this possible given that the tanks won’t be Enemalta’s, his face flushed red and stammered that no, effectively that revenue wouldn’t be Enemalta’s.

    A bunkering plant.

    He also put forward three (3) options for delivery to the plant, small vessels, medium sized vessels, in the middle of the bay, and, large vessels where the gas would then be pumped, his words, sa Malta.

    He said they considered the most expensive option. This when defending the capital cost involved for LNG infrastructure.

    Any doubts where this is going?

    Kurt looked like he had someone holding a gun to his head.

    Little note for Professor Mallia, hope you’re reading, did you see what Kurt thinks of your protest?

    Konrad gives himself away when questions are asked.

  13. Riya says:

    Dawn kienu jghidu tant, inkluzi ir-residenti, dwar il-problema li holoq il-Free Port minhabba l-bastimenti kbar li jidhlu f’dik iz-zona ta’ Malta ghax kienu jghidu li jitnigges il-bahar, u dwar it-tankijiet fiz-zona!

    Issa hadd ma’ jghid xejn? Anwas Franco Debono daqs kemm kien jghid li huwa fid-dover tieghu li jiddefendi r-residenti ta’ din l-akwata ta’ Malta? Missu kullhadd tmisu l-kuxjenza u jghid dwar il-basitmenti li jistghu jibdew jidhlu bil-provista tal-gas? U t-tankijiet li jkun hemm bzonn jinbnew li zgur ikerhu l’ambjent.

    Fejnu is-Sindku ta’ Birzebbugia daqs kemm kien jghid xorti fuq ir-radio.

    U Silvio Parnis immuta?

    Ara veru partit Labutista tal-pudini.

  14. Chris says:

    Mr. Mizzi invited us to look up the Maltese asthma situation on the WHO website.

    Our climate, our genes and our cigarette use. Not our power station.

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