Well done, Tonio Fenech
It wasn’t just the fact that he tore that freaking idiot Konrad Mizzi’s arguments to total shreds on Bondi+ earlier tonight. It was the way he did it – communicating a sense of total exasperation with the irresponsible craziness of Labour and its cunning plan.
It didn’t help Mizzi’s cause that he looked as though he was wearing lipstick in a London Look shade last seen on Twiggy in 1967, either.
And what’s with the English terms and phrases, anyway? “The gas price”. “A future Pee Ell government”. I’ve noticed that all Pee Ell politicians, except for the real die-hard rednecks, are going out of their way to speak like this, the Grate Leader included.
Perhaps they think it will break down barriers with the tal-pepe and the wannabes, and they’re right. Because what do you know, there are damned stupid people in all categories of society, none excluded.
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Ghaxaq. Hmm.
And he probably thinks it’s cool to drop the “Hal-“.
Ah, but the Malta Labour Party is wajs, and they have hidden the best bit about the electricity bills until the eve of the general erection.
With Konrad Mizzi’s cunning plan, we are going to have so much spare capacity at Delimara that we can sell that excess to the Juropeans. With the interconnector cable in place, and with every unit generated at Delimara costing ONLY 9c, Enemalta will make so much profits that we can have all our electricity ABSOLUTELY FREE.
Of course, 9c would be very cheap in Europe. In fact, no other PRIVATE company generating electricity in Europe would be able to build a power station on land obtained FREE from the government.
Hang on a minute, what about Yana? Surely she’ll demand compensation.
Another one?
But isn’t she going to benefit from the dismantling of the Phase 1 chimney? That’s what Dr. Konrad Mizzi suggested.
Actually, I would expect Mintoff Jana to refund the previous compensation. Was it 1 million euros? There you go, we can lower the tariffs further to 8 cents per unit.
It’s quite clear that Yana was only held on to for the duration of the nostalgic ride and will now be (rightfully) thrown off the moving train. Machiavellian, yes, but I’m not complaining.
@ Qeghdin Sew
“Thrown off?”
Wait till she realises that, as Joseph is always bleating about accountability, he is honour bound to try and recuperate most of the damages awarded for the ‘pain’ that chimney caused the old miser her father. She’ll be repudiating the Party Without Name faster than Anglu.
What’s with the snow? Did not know it snowed in Ghaxaq.
Also, he needs to stop spitting all over the place, very unhygienic.
In Canada (lots of snow), when one is ‘snowed’, he or she is being lied to. Seems to be applicable here.
In keeping with the power station theme, one may also have smoke blown up one’s “ass”.
Dr. Joseph Muscat has frequently criticised Tonio Fenech because he is an Accountant.
This is a serious mistake on Dr. Muscat’s part.
In fact, Dr. Muscat, and his special advisor Dr. Konrad Mizzi, left an important bit out of their equation.
The moment the plant owned by Enemalta become mostly idle (excess capacity), Enemalta will be required to write down the value of its plant in its books. If Enemalta’s plant will only generate about 40% of the country’s demand, then one would expect a write down in excess of 100 million euros in respect of the BWSC plant, and possibly more millions in respect of any amounts paid by Enemalta on the interconnector.
That means more losses – in excess of 100 million euros – in the books of Enemalta.
It’s not looking good.
Yes Jozef it’s looking pretty bad for the PN
Besides judging the PL on their energy plan, let’s evaluate PN’s performance: heavy fuel oil source and very little effort on renewable energy. The result: a hopeless state for Enemalta, a higher incidence of asthma and lung cancer for the people in the vicinity of that filthy plant, and of course green house gases galore. Nonetheless, enjoy your Tonios and Simons…this charade is soon over anyway.
Tonio on Bondi+ was refreshing.
An eye opener to any straying lambs.
I think that PL has put a clean façade and looks as if changed for the better.
This time round they will win the elections….
> They will fail to build the power plant by March 2014.
> They will fail to reduce the electricity tariffs without syphoning the 25% from other sources such as taxes or more debt.
> They will fail to be a political party for everyone without first hurting a lot of innocent people who will lose their job or position (Jason Micallef and Helena Dalli forewarned us).
>They will serve 5 years and PN will clean up his act.
Then the floating voters will compare again, vote and elect PN for 15 years of sober leadership. Welcome to 5 years of binge political leadership. LG… where is the compass? Oh we just threw it away on the 7th of Jan 2012
Is a repeat of Bondi+ available on the net?
I miss the Di-ve uploads.
I had never heard this Konrad Mizzi (btw according to The Times it was Kevin Mizzi), however yesterday he came across as a bit of a freak show, with his odd way of speaking.
He also seemed very ill at ease, giving ridiculously short statement answers to Lou Bondi as if he were being interrogated by the SS.
I wanted answers, just as Bondi did if not more, but Mizzi was very evasive.
Mizzi’s English phrases were meant to spruce up an argument which has already become tedious, directed at people who believe “talking in English” is synonymous with a higher level of education hence inteligence. It did not impress.
If the voting people swallow this latest Muscat gimmick , well then we really deserve the PL to govern
I’m not aware of Dr. Mizzi’s sexual orientation, but even if he’s gay (which doesn’t bother me a bit), he had too much make-up on. Too much make-up is unnatural, and this goes for the excessively dolled-up ladies too.
[Daphne – He’s married with two children. Oh, and not all gay men are inclined towards make-up, just as not all gay women look and dress like a removals man.]
Anyway, Tonio Fenech knows exactly what he’s talking about. I would imagine his ministry gets presentations of this type every other month. Malta is every energy company’s dream; complete monopoly.
He could quote the exact sum required to reclaim the land where PL is proposing to place the tanks, he knows the cost of ship voyages, he knows all the arguments for and against the rise of gas price. He’s heard all the stories there are from different investors, and he’s looked into them all.
In fact, he could immediately (less than 12 hours after the publication of PL’s presentation) recognise which company PL had spoken to. (Was it Bardas? Or something of the sort anyway.).
That’s the real question at the end of the day, as Tonio Fenech kept repeating; L-impjant ta’ min hu?
This is going to be more massive than the CET froga, it’s going to leave a large dent in our economy, and I’m sh***ing my pants.
Well only one positive thing for Labour: damage containment.
Can you imagine if Anglu Farrugia had been on Bondiplus last night in lieu of the already horrible Konrad Mizzi?
I thought exactly the same thing re lipstick.
Are these not the same bunch of people who made such a noise about some parking area being managed by the private sector?
If that was so bad, how about a fair share of our power production being managed by an international corporation? Is this company from Cain’s or Abel’s Europe?
Konrad, you claim to be competent but you are not able to produce a decent flyer for a political event (thatched roofs, chimneys, snow; you should have worn a muffler to complete the picture). Your eye for detail is remarkable.
Do you expect us to trust your competence to advise on a complex multi-million tendering process which will transfer power generation to the private sector?
Konrad Mizzi is a management consultant, not a policy maker. Management consultants are paid to provide ideas, but it’s policy makers who have to make them work.
I wonder if we’ll see the Delimara chimney tied to the back of a car when they celebrate their rebha ‘ta Malta taghna llkoll’
Dr. here Dr. there, it seems that doctorates have become cheaper by the dozen.
I guess the Malta Employers’ Association is made up of freaking idiots too, right?
[Daphne – Don’t get me started.]