What was that he was saying about gay adoption only the other day? So which version do we believe?

Published: January 30, 2013 at 10:08pm

So which one is the lie – the one where he says he agrees that gay people should be allowed to adopt children, or this one where he says he doesn’t?

17 Comments Comment

  1. fresh air says:

    We really need some fresh air in this country.

    Should we really resort to something like this?


  2. Lejberstar says:


    • Harry Purdie says:

      Guess what he’ll wear to his first cabinet meeting (if he can find a room big enough to accommodate all the wannabe ministers).

  3. Neil Dent says:

    What a prize prick.

    Roll on 2018…. or 2017 if we’re lucky.

  4. CIS says:

    He has evolved since he has Cyrus on board. Did I see well the other day Ray Calleja during an activity of Forum Zaghzagh Laburisti?

    • Harry Purdie says:

      So happy he put Cyrus on (a) board. Wonder what happened next. Evolution works ‘both ways’.

      • Anon says:

        Yes it was Ray Calleja and there was Kenneth Zammit Tabona too. The event was called I’m In – Celebrating Diversity – and it was organised by the Labour Youth Forum. It tnejn li huma ma tantx ghadhom zaghzagh.

    • :) says:

      Just to clarify, the event was held in one of only two gay bars which are currently found in Malta.

      Ray Calleja is the managing director of the bar, and as such is there on a nightly basis.

  5. el bandido guapo says:

    Zero substance, and a flexible spine, so it can sway depending on which way the wind is blowing.

    God help us till 2018.

  6. J says:

    His calculation is so transparent. He’s already given the impression that he will be one better than the Nationalists on LGBT rights.

    Having secured the vote of those who will be swayed, he need not go any further; that would risk alienating other voters, which would interfere with his current goal of winning a historic landslide victory.

    As always, there is no question of principle getting in the way of the glorious narrative of the Life of Joseph.

    As to the substance, I think that he said previously that LGBT people can already adopt and that it is therefore unnecessary for a same-sex couple to adopt.

    His logic fails on every count; if he believes that same-sex couples are entitled to equality, then it follows that families of same-sex couples should be entitled to equal treatment too (ie they should be treated as a family with two parents, if they wish).

    If he does not believe that they should be treated equally with regard to parenthood, then why should a single LGBT person be entitled to adopt but not a same-sex couple in a durable relationship?

    D&^khead (sorry – ma niflahx).

  7. old-timer says:

    The event was a lie. Homosexuality wasn’t on the statute books, so how could it be removed.That was sodomy, not homosexuality.

  8. FP says:

    That’s him alright. Always the one with sorest of pirenea.

    That wouldn’t be a problem were the electorate not to end up with a sore arse.

  9. Polly says:

    What is Kenneth Zammit Tabona’s opinion on this matter?

  10. the happy one says:

    I`m not surprised to hear that Ray Calleja was there. His family are well known labourites and he never said anything different. But Kenneth Zammit Tabona? He fell for all the Joseph.Muscat.com shite?

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