What’s the maths O-level pass rate again?

Published: January 29, 2013 at 11:07am

Watch this video and remember that one of these men lost the last general election because of the votes of just 750 people, while the other is set to win this general election because of the votes of thousands more.

There’s something seriously wrong with the analytical skills of the people of Malta.

29 Comments Comment

  1. FP says:

    In this respect, no truer words than Churchill’s were ever spoken.

  2. Malcolm Bonnici says:

    It would be great to create a video from this from 0.50 to 0.58 and entitle it “Eddie Fenech Adami jilhaq il-milja tieghu”.

  3. db says:

    “I’ve always respected the party’s structures. The things I used to say internally, the arguments…that’s history.” Joseph Muscat about campaigning against EU membership, in the last interview with The Times.

    He seems to imply that he was actually in favour of EU membership but campaigned against it because he respected the party’s structure. Does this mean that he knowingly put his party’s interest before the interest of the nation?

  4. Luigi says:

    Is it possible to fails your maths O-level (due to social problems) and later on in life you read a degree (where calculus is the order of the day) and then a postgraduate degree in a foreign university (where differential equations and optimisation problems are the order of the day) and also get a distinction?

    [Daphne – No doubt it is, but 50% of the population cannot possibly all have social problems. Oh, and good luck with the cut-and-paste Googling. Do be sure to insert those phrases in the right place when composing your university essays. They look distinctly odd and clunky here.]

    • Luigi says:

      cut-and-paste Googling? I didn’t. Whenever you want we debate topics in mathematics.

      [Daphne – Do please go off and make a real friend. This is NOT a chatroom.]

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Beware, Luigi. Universities now have software that detects Googled essays. Nice way to be expelled. Guess that means you may have to actually work. Hope you have it in you.

    • Linda Kveen says:

      What is amazing to me, Luigi, is that with all this education, that you are so proud of, you are incapable of conjugating a simple English verb correctly.

      “Is it possible to fails your maths O-level,” should read, “Is it possible to fail your maths O-level.”

      What I am wondering is how it was possible to pass (not passes) your English O-level with such a poor command of the language?

  5. Turnip says:

    There she blos on Armier – imma LNG tanks, dawk le.

    Astrid Vella

    Today, 10:42

    This is disgusting! FAA strongly condemns this cowardly attempt at intimidation and urges the police to take all the necessary action to trace the perpetrator.

    The two main parties have fudged on this issue for too long, it’s about time they declared clearly where they stand on the theft of public land.

    • Jozef says:

      Simon Busuttil declared Armier won’t be considered eligible for any amnesty.

      Roderick Galdes just started his holy war on the reinforcement of policy.

      ‘FAA remains silent and refuses to condemn the intention to hand a good slice of Delimara to the private sector via direct order.

      AD and Labour haven’t fudged on this issue long enough, It’s about time they clearly avoided declaring where they stand on the the theft of public land.’

  6. Karl Flores says:

    And they still hate the EU, especially their supporters, who still haven’t got a clue about what it is.

  7. K says:

    Another country whose voters are already counting the cost of being seduced by the Socialists. In just a few months


  8. Albert Farrugia says:

    Seems like MInister Austin Gatt was arrested today…

    [Daphne – Madonna, kemm intom terribbli u skifuzi. He was NOT arrested. He gave a statement to the police in connection WITH THE ARREST OF OTHERS. http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20130129/elections-news/pm-does-not-rule-out-oil+procurement-inquiry.455235 If your neighbour is murdered, and you heard strange sounds, you will be expected to give a statement to the police. This is not ‘arrested’. You will only be arrested if you refuse to comply.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      You can be sure that the news spreading like wildfire in dozens of Labour kazini and hundreds of Laburisti Facebook accounts is that Austin Gatt gie arrestat LOLz hu go fik KOr0TT G0n2iPN hehe!!!!

      And so the darkness spreads.

      Who said that democracy is the best worst option? Not in Malta it isn’t. We need a weighted voting system, with a lower IQ cut-off point for eligibility.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        So at least one half can’t vote?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        More or less. Daphne’s vote would be weighted at 100. The average Maltese bloke’s would be 1. Anything below that is 0. Note that this would rule out some of our MPs.

      • bystander says:


        What Malta needs is a benign ruler like they have in the Emirates.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Ah, my dear Bystander, you won’t find many enlightened despots in the Gulf.

        No Frederick the Great, with his flute concertos and conversations with Voltaire.

        The rulers in the Gulf have all the culture and class of camel-herders, which they are, who happened to pitch their tent on a giant oil tank. No. We need The Merrie Monarch, or Tsar Nicholas II in his final years, or even our own Frederick II.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Aha, bystandard, ruled by a raghead. Wonderful. Which way is Mecca? Gotta get my knee pads.

    • Neil Dent says:

      Maaa x’faqar ta’mohh, Albert.

    • Gahan says:

      U mhux xorta “arrested” u “kellu jaghmel statment”! Dak sinjal li ghandu l-faham miblul!

      U dawn mhux skuzi meta qal li mhux se jghid xejn ghax ifixkel l-investigazzjonijiet? X’tahseb Albert?

      L-ahhar li niftakar hiereg mid-Depot tal-Pulizija kien Anglu Farrugia u dahal ukoll Alfred Sant.

      Nittama li Joseph Muscat imur ghand il-kummissarju u jghidlu x’jafu hu u Salvu, qabel ma jitghatta kollox.

  9. Joe says:

    Has Konrad’s plan gone up in smoke or was it all just gas?

  10. Jozef says:

    ‘There’s something seriously wrong with the analytical skills of the people of Malta.’

    Watch one of his I’m In sessions, and you’ll notice how he turns ‘Nationalist’.

    The young ones sitting around him bring up questions answered by the PN’s proposals, turning the meeting into the great untold. Eerie.

    He wafts around on that black chair.

    Bit of a predator.

    Do the students realise Labour’s eyeing an extension of part-time work?

  11. ciccio says:

    I don’t think this is a matter of analytical skills only.

    I think it is an inability to perceive the danger. Seems that many voters cannot see through the trap that Labour has set up for them in order for Labour to be in government.

    Unfortunately, those voters will only perceive that trap once they fall in it and they feel the suffocation around their neck.

  12. Riya says:

    ‘Seems like MInister Austin Gatt was arrested today…’

    Albert Farrugia – M’ghandix dubbju li hekk tixtiequ.

    Imma dak mhux Lorry Sant jew xi Ex Ministru korrot iehor li kellna fi zmien il-Labour.

    Austin Gatt kien gie arrestat darbtejn ghalxejn fi zmien il-Labour u sa hansitra ippruvaw iwerwruh gewwa id-Depot tal-Pulizija meta dahhlu fuqu fic-cella fis-satra tal-lejl tlett Pulizija m’ghamdin.

    Ara daqxejn kif konna nghixu fi zmien il-Labour. Konna vera pajjiz tar-raba’ dinja. Vera tal-misthija kont tghid li inti Malti.

    Imma dak huwa il-Labour.

  13. Riya says:

    Dan l-episodju jurik bliema moghd dawn tal-Labour jesprimu ruhom dwar xi haga li ma jaqblux maghha.

    Vera huwa dritt ta’ kullhadd li jesprimi l-opinjoni tieghu u jressaq u jghid l-argumenti tieghu jekk ma jaqbilx ma’ xi haga. Izda dan ghandu jsir b’mod edukat u civili.

    Dan il-filmat jurik bic-car il-moghd salvagg u njorant ta’ kif tal-Labour jesprimu ruhom dwar xi haga li ma jaqblux maghha.

    Ta’ min jghid u jfakkar ukoll li fil-kaz tal-EU huwa cert li kien hemm hafna Laburisti li vvutaw favur.

    Imma certu nies riedu jirredikolaw il-pajjiz mal-EU billi hargu fit-triq jaharqu l-bandiera tal-EU b’wicchom m’ghamaghd ghax bezghu juru min huma u fuq kollox huwa anke kontra l-ligi li tohrog fit-triq b’wiccekk m’ghamad.

    Huwa ukoll fatt li dak li haraq il-bandiera ha somma konsiderevoli min ghand il-gvern Nazzjonalista u anke kien fil-quccata tal-lista biex jiehu xoghol ghax dawk tad-Dockjard barra li hadu somma sabiha kienu ukoll preferuti biex jinaghtaw xoghol anke sa’ hansitra mal-Kunsilli lokali.

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