Why Luciano (“Hi, jien is-Sindku tal-Hamrun”) Busuttil became a Labour politician

Published: January 31, 2013 at 10:55am

Left click on this image to read Labour cutting-edge candidate Luciano Busuttil’s explanation of how he came to throw his considerable weight behind the Labour Party.

His father was a machine-operator at a shoe factory – you know, one of those shoe factories protected by Mintoff’s absurd import substitution policy, which meant that everyone of my generation had the same Sanga shoes and anyone who tried to bring back new shoes for personal use from a rare trip abroad would be charged 75% duty.

When the Evil Eddie Fenech Adami came to power and began dismantling Mintoff’s communist trade barriers, liberalising the economy and giving us access to Even More Evil Foreign Goods, and we all stopped buying Malta-made shoes, the factory closed down, laid off its workers and began importing shoes instead.

All the other workers retrained and got new jobs in other fields, but Luciano Busuttil’s father didn’t (being a Mintoffjan and hence, being devoid of the enterprising spirit and thinking that the world and Mintoff owed him a living).

Exposed to his father’s cruel fate, Luciano’s mind was made up. He became a Laburist. Because in the world of the turnip, import barriers like the Berlin wall must be put up around an island and its people, giving a couple of companies a licence to print money by making shoes for a captive market and forcing people to buy them or go barefoot. All so that the man who produced Luciano Busuttil needn’t widen his skills base and get another job.

B’nies bhal dawn irid jahdem il-Labour. And this one’s going to be a cabinet minister, if you please.

18 Comments Comment

  1. aston says:

    His attack on “il-politika tas-suq” is, frankly, ominous and terrifying. The Dear Leader is trying to conceal this agenda, but Luciano wears his heart on a sleeve (he even told us the exact dates when he had unprotected sex) and is happy to tell us the sinister truth.

    God help us.

  2. aJS says:

    Ironically, with the advent of capitalistic mode through Fenech Adami, Dr Busuttil could become a lawyer and benefit from a significantly higher standard of living.

    (Oddly on The Times he comments under Mr Luciano Busuttil; I guess he believes he is more marketable in that persona).

    Let us also not forget that in the 1980s going to Uni was a very difficult feat. Courses including electrical engineering, medicine, law and accountancy were open to student intakes once every two years, so the competition to get chosen for the limited number of allocations was astronomical. In those days, one couldn’t get a degree in economics for crying out loud.

    Let us not forget how the Mintoffjani wanted to keep Malta in ignorance and how they ruined future careers of otherwise brilliant minds.

    Yet, as Fenech Adami says, young people do not want to remember the hell we went through. They are sell outs and want to trade in the freedom we fought so hard for the fiction of cheaper utility rates.

    Malta taghna ilkoll aka ‘a noi e me ne frego’

  3. Anthony says:

    This is exactly why I will never ever vote PL. “Tal Haddiema” ridiculous, they want to live in a communist state and have “great jobs” working in factories. I mean who wants cushy jobs and working in an air-conditioned offices while I could be slaving away for the Great Leader

  4. Neil Dent says:

    Being a July 1974 baby, Luciano was still only 17 at election time in 1992 (March). His Labour vote in 1996 means that he has only ever voted Labour, and has always voted for as long as he has been ‘of age’.

    Luciano should have included the above detail in his ridiculous FB post, rather than give the impression that he was totally disinterested, until the momentous event of his Dad’s redundancy – which was, is, and continue to be a fact of life.

    It’s all about lemons and lemonade Luciano!

  5. George says:

    Luciano’s words are an eye-opener.

  6. steve bonello says:

    I will vote for him in the next election………………am I stupid or something?

  7. Natalie says:

    Just to demonstrate how ridiculous his statement is: does he buy his shoes from a store, or does he employ someone to make him new shoes?

    I’m sure he goes for the cheaper and more sensible option of buying ready-made shoes irrespective of l-ekonomija ta’ Malta u s-sigurta’ tax-xoghol tal-iskarpan.

    What Luciano fails to understand is that importation of products itself generates jobs, even though they are different jobs than those involved in production of things.

  8. Manum says:

    Guilty as charged

  9. el bandido guapo says:

    So he’s a friggin’ Commie, by his own admission.

  10. mattie says:

    Thousands of people, all over the world, lose their job, every day and all the time. Some take it personally and against the Government ruling at the time, because they start panicking, others just move on.

    In life, it’s always better to move on, to not to disappoint anyone (the father’s loss, seems to have seriously affected this son, I sense a lot of bitterness) and to not get disappointed in the process.

  11. Wormfood says:

    Looks like the Luddites are still about.

  12. Claude Sciberras says:

    So what is Luciano saying here: that we should all still be running around in Sanga shoes (or whatever) so that his father could keep his job and not retrain for something else?

  13. Riya says:

    Luciano Busuttil li ma qalx hu li bis-sahha ta’ gvern Nazzjonalista lahaq avukat ghax fi zmien il-Labour l-Universita ma’ kennetx ghal kullhadd u specjalment ghalih ghax missieru haddiem kien.

    Jekk sar Laburist u issa Politikant minhabba dan il-fatt vera se jkollna politikanti sodi u bravi fil-futur mal-Partit Laburista.

  14. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Is that why he became a lawyer? So he could work in a shoe factory? What an almighty hypocrite. Chasing all the trappings of a market economy and preaching Maoism. Dottor Jerk.

  15. Good god! says:

    Luciano Busuttil a cabinet minister, Daphne?

    If you go around the bars and other meeting places in Hamrun, PL supporters will tell you that Luciano will have a hard time retaining his parliamentary seat, considering the other PL contestants on that district, let alone a cabinet appointment.

    Serves him right, some PL supporters are saying.

  16. Wayne Hewitt says:

    Labour’s new fatwa…. ‘Malta… Kuba fil-Mediterran.’

  17. old-timer says:

    Luciano went to university precisely because he is Labour – that’s why he became a lawyer, to feel important.

  18. Jar Jar says:

    Ghaziz Luciano, jien ukoll tlift ix-xoghol taht in-Nazzjonalisti. X’ghamilt? Indfint fis-sodda ghax kont nahseb li l-istat hu obbligat li jhaddimni u ma taniex dak li xtaqt?

    Leqq – mort u sibt xoghol ahjar milli kelli. Welcome to the 21st century, xbin.

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