You have to hand it to Austin Gatt: he’s very good at telling people where to get off
Two rancid sexagenarians – one with the aspect of a bloated toad, the other with the demeanour of a fusspot rat missing his supper – gave a press conference this afternoon.
Manuel Mallia and Evarist Bartolo, a less than attractive couple, told the press that they expect the police to question Austin Gatt about the fact that a man he doesn’t even know, Frank Sammut (who as it happens is one of their own, as you would expect) is embroiled in corruption allegations.
As expected, sleazy, creepy Evarist in particular was told where to get off, and in no uncertain terms. You can almost hear Austin Gatt dictating this, while aides battle to keep out the stronger put-downs.
I agree, though: that Bartolo really needs a rocket put beneath him. He is such a snake.
PRESS STATEMENT – Ministry for Infrastructure, Transport and Communications
Minister Austin Gatt has absolutely no problem should the police wish to question him and he will collaborate fully and without any qualification with any investigations being carried out by the police.
Going back to the police headquarters will remind Minister Gatt of the 48 hours he spent in jail in 1982 when interrogated for organizing the PN counting hall team during the general election of 1981 and the four years he then spent not being able to travel abroad because Evarist Bartolo’s friend the ex-Police Commissioner Lawrence Pullicino charged the Minister and 13 other counting agents of trying to usurp power from the Socialist government.
It will also remind the Minister of the second time he was arrested a year later (1983) and again spent 48 hours as guest of the Labour Party’s police and this time three burly hooded individuals entered his cell in the early hours of the morning and spent the next ten minutes swearing at Eddie Fenech Adami and his family.
In those days, Evarist Bartolo sat serenely within the Labour Party and never moved a finger. It seems that Evarist Bartolo has not changed much since the 80s since even now he seems to expect to order the Police Commissioner what to do.
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My kind of man. You could shave with that brain.
Baxxter, whose brain are they using at the Centru Nazzjonali to shave their leaders? Silvio Parnis’s? Luciano Busuttil’s?
As shaving foam perhaps, my dear Ciccio.
Talking about rancid sexagerians – Labour has a young, fresh new star candidate called (Professor) Victor Sultana, and he was on Robert Musumeci’s Super One show this evening. Age: circa 68.
Yes, a very attractive man. And he was wearing red-colored glasses.
It is well known in Labour circles that the power behind Joseph’s Muscat throne is the anarchist/marxist media snake Varist Bartolo
Very, very well said, Dr. Gatt.
People should be constantly reminded about such times, because otherwise, history is bound to repeat itself.
You used the right word to describe Evarist Bartolo – a snake.
He is a venomous slithering slimy monster who stops at nothing to take political advantage – no matter who’s innocent life he ruins.
Believe me, I know what I’m saying.
He speaks like a priest and stings like a scorpion. Never trust the scheming, double crossing communist bastard.
Add Manuel Mallia to the picture and cry.
The brain behind the ”Xirka” of the anarchist communists of the ’70s (Royal) University of Malta of the 70s is still alive and kicking and running the propaganda machine of Joey’s NEW Neo-Mintoffian Movement.
Hearing him speak is like being stuck in a 40-year-old time warp.
I have no idea what life was like in the 80s but I honestly can’t stand any of these f**king sleaze balls!
And to make matters worse, their offspring (some of whom have started participating in politics too) are turning out to be much more ruthless.
‘Where ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise’.
But, my dear Pro, not in this instance – believe you me and scores of thousands of others. We were all there – and even in the 70s.
Some of the ‘luckier’ among us were there even in the mid and late 50s.
Evarist can now take his pension AND keep his job, thanks to PN.
Manwel Mallia too (while collecting children’s allowance for his twins, but that’s thanks to Gaddafi).
‘Bloated toad’.
You made my day.
Bloated toad and fusspot rat……..waaahaaaahaaaa…… apt.
Partisan political propoganda paid for by the taxpayer. Another good one. Polls are being swayed I can vouch for it. Prosit.
[Daphne – You can’t sway polls, Albert. You can only sway people.]
L-arrest ta’ Dr. Austin Gatt u tal-grupp tal-gekketta blue.
Dwar dan il-kaz kien xehed fil-Qorti is-Sur Tomasi bhala supretendent tal-Pulizija ta’ dak iz-zmien inkarigat mis-sigurta’ fis-sala tal-ghadd tal-voti.
Tomasi kien xehed li dawn tal-geketta blue (13 il persuna kollox) werwru lin-nies u anke lill-Pulizija fis-sala tal-ghadd tal-voti u lilu(lil Tomasi) wahxuh.
Ara kif tista’ twerwer lill-Pulizija ta’ Laurence Pulicino ta’ dak iz-zmien?
Il-Pulizija dak iz-zmien fil-counting hall kienu armati bi sten guns u kien hemm minnhom anke wicchom moghtti bil-visors tal-halmet u bil-bullet resistant vest. Oltre minn hekk, Lorry Sant kellu Surgent armat il-hin kollu mieghu kull fejn imur gewwa l-counting hall. Dan is-surgent kien il-famus Joseph Zahra PS 484 li wara li spicca mill-Pulizija fetah kumpanija tal-investigazzjionijiet privati u dwar rapport li kien ghamel dwar l-isptar Mater Dei, fejn ta’ dan ir-rapport kien talab is-somma ta’ miljun lira, spicca l-habs ghax ametta mal-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija li kien ghamel rapport falz fejn allega li kien hemm korruzzjoni dwar xi tenders tal-istess sptar.
Dawn l-affarijiet u min x’karatri ta’ Pulizija kellna fi zmien il-Labour iridu jkunu jafu iz-zaghzagh tal-llum.
Ipprovaw jitfghu l-habs lil Dr. Austin Gatt u tlettax il-ruh tal-gaketta blue.
Dan sempliciment ghax kienet saret organizzazjoni sabiex in-Nazzjonalisti bejniethom jintarfu gewwa l-counting hall ghax li kieku ma’ ghamilniex hekk konna nissawtu aktar milli issawattna u kelna nohorgu nigru l-barra ghax bdew anke jisparaw fuqna.
Dak inhar ghandni nara lill Lorry Sant iwerwer counting agent bid-daqqiet ta ponn fuq il-perspex u sahansitra kisser il-perspex minhabba vot li kien dubjuz. Imma Lorry Sant gielha titfghu Labour u hadd ma’ seta jkellmu ghax is-surgent li kellu mieghu kien armat bil-pistola li kienet tidher go holster fuq barra tal-uniformi.
Ivvutaw Labour ha tkunu tafu xi gifieri!
What do you think Austin’s gaketta blue carried in their pockets. Rosary beads? Or was it the Santi Tal-Madonna that were distributed to many of us before the Zejtun meeting?
Please remember that in those days Malta was passing through a Silent Revolution, these things are not meant to be fought with Confetti and Flowers, and men were men not pretty fairies.
[Daphne – If you think that revolution was silent, Silvio, then you must have had extraordinarily high levels of ear wax.]
Now I know why all that water was ‘stolen’ from that fountain.
For their toad.
Is-Socjalisti nies vjolenti. Varist wiehed mill-ghar grieden taghhom.
The thing is that the two alleged corruption cases, Ray Pace and Frank Sammut, are both Labour leaning. Is this indicative?
Malta Taghna Lkoll is professed by the PN as Frank Sammut was on high echelons even though being a Labour supporter
You cannot trust Labour. Their past catches up with them.
Evarist a slimy snake – what have the snakes done to be insulted like this?
The bastard is only adept at throwing mud, trying to ruin people’s lives and totally incapable of doing anything of substance in society.
The thing is that this sorry imitation of Chairman Mao is expected to run Malta’s education.
Yeah right – into the ground.
Prosit Riya Kemm hija sabiha il-verita.
Kemm hu dificli biex min ma ghaddiex minn dan jifhem li konna nghixu f’hekk u izjed ghar ferm ghar.
Kemm ahna iffortunati issa li ilna nghixu fil-paci dan iz-zmien kollu – paci, gid, serhan il-mohh, mhabba bejnietna, livell ta edukazzjoni olja kulliemkien.
Oh ma tistax taghmel paragun f’xejn.
Daphne,I note from what you wrote,that Gatt has quite a record for being taken in for questioned in connection with a considerable amount of alleged wrongdoings and illegalities.
“There is never smoke without a fire”.
But of course, as you say,nothing was ever proven.
[Daphne – Kemm int tan-n**k, Silvio, excuse my language. You know very well that the incidents Gatt describes in his statement occurred under a Labour government in the 1980s when he was a key member of the Nationalist Party, which then served in the role of a resistance movement as much as of a political party. And that was the ‘real’ Nationalist Party you profess to admire, because it was so much better than today’s. So which is it to be?
What irritates me most about people like you and that titchy little loser JPO is that you are forever going on about how 1. the PN today is sadly not what it was in the 1980s when you loved it, and 2. you don’t feel part of the PN today because it contains people like Austin Gatt. The two statements are in direct conflict. The only surviving element of the PN in 1981 IS Austin Gatt.]
@Silvio. L-istonku tieghi ha ftit tar-ruh mindu Privitera donnu mar jistahba.
Cert li nigi in tip-top shape jekk tieqaf tghid ic-cucati int u tmur tistahba bhalu.
Let us not forget the many, many others taken in for “questioning” and detained without an iota of a reason either to them or their lawyers. It wasn’t right, but at that time one had to rely on the favour of a friend of Mintoff or Lorry Sant, for example, to get released.
All it took anyway, for them – once you managed to locate the right person and he or she pulled the strings that did it (often at least 24 hours later) – was a couple of phone calls.
In addition to the PC mentioned by Riya, there is PC no 5 who was unnecessarily violent. This happened on the same day that the young Mifsud Bonnici got attacked – after one of the private schools protest events: in this case a mass at St John’s in Valletta.
PC no 5 went after an elderly couple who were leaving Valletta with the rest of the crowd that was peaceful despite the Police buses placed at every corner upwards from St John’s Street.
Disorder suddenly erupted, and this couple in front of me were evidently frightened and began running away from this PC, but they fell just opposite the Opera house ruins. He began kicking them on the floor. What could I do?
I went up to him and noticed that his PC number was showing: PC no 5. After the many meetings with riot forces in locked helmets (tear gas) and reports of Police removing their numbers, I was surprised to see his on and acting as he was nonetheless. He noticed that I noticed both him and his face – but his number mostly. He looked angrier, and I ran.
Immediately, he ran after me instead. I ran and looked back after some metres. He was not far behind me, taking a chain out of his pocket, with which he then proceeded to lash me on the back. Who could such an incident be reported to back then? Especially if the above, ref para 1. was going on to members of your own family? Not funny.
Oh yes, but so MLP 80s.
I guess I’m writing this for those who can’t believe such things happened (and this incident would be in the minor category) or don’t know of them.
History is written by those who are meant to be objective but it is not always the case.
People forget. Give me values and a sharp brain (in the calibre of RCC, Daphne, Austin and others like him) any day over glam sham, empty spin and the promise of major disaster.
Trust? no I don’t trust Joseph and Co. one tiny little bit. What can you build on quicksand? For those who say it’s possible, let me ask: do you mean without reinforcement?
Manwel Mallia’s sitting in a bit of a glasshouse, isn’t he? Has he forgotten his own acts and counsel? He ought to be the one questioned – a pre-purchase price percentage the best interest of his clients?
Where and When did I say that they were right in arresting Gatt etc?
Just a little story:
Two men were walking in a field when they came to a large apple tree full of fruit.
“Help me up ,and I will throw you down some apples”
The second man did all he could to help his friend up the tree
who on reaching the top,started eating the beautiful apples.
“Hey,throw me some” said the other one.
” They are not good for you,they are not ripe” said the friend with his mouth full of golden apples.
That Dear Daphne is exactly what I meant and if that makes me “tan-n..K ” so be it.
[Daphne – Who took your apples, Silvio, and how did they take them?]
Thanks for sharing this important history.
Every time I see Everist Bartolo I am reminded of the Gestapo.
MLP just thrive on intimidation and violence and I am not surprised as they are so good at them.
Evarist’s weapon is his pen. He always uses it as a spade – to throw mud at people.
The sleazy old man.
Silvio, u aqtahha int, fejn taf min hu Austin Gatt u fejn taf x’gara u x’ghamlu ghalik ta’ qablek biex tkun tista titkellem hawn.
Titkellem qisek tifel zghir li ma tafx minn xiex ghadda il-pajjiz taht il-Labour.
Lil Austin Gatt mhux ghax akwista xi bicca art bil-korruzzjoni arrestawh, jew ghax dahal b’xi dghajsa bil-kuntrabandu it-Tunny Net, imma ghax kien idejjaqhom politikament ghax jikxfilhom ghawwarhom bhal ma qabadhom ifottu fil-voti per ezempju tal-Imgieret.
Int fejn taf x’kien jigri fi zmien il-gvern korrot tal-Labour?
[Daphne – Silvio knows only too well. He’s in his 70s and ran a business under Labour.]
U kif qal Austin Gatt ezatt waqt li kien gewwa id-Depot tal-Pulizija f’cella mahmuga dahlu tlett pulizija mghamdin fis-sighat bikrin ta’ filghodu biex min ghalihom ibezzawh.
Dik demokrazija, Silvio. Kellek bzonn tghaddi milli ghaddejna ahna int, ghax kieku ibqa cert li tispicca x’imkien fejn mhux dekor li nsemmih f’dan il-blog.
Il-pajjiz kien jinsab f’disastru u ‘mn Alla kien hawn nies ta’ guts sabiex hrigna minn dik is-sitwazzjoni tal-wahx u tat-terrur.
Bhalek missek tmur tirringrazzja lil Dr. Fenech Adami u lil Austin Gatt mela tigi toqghod min ghalik tahraq in-nies.
Int u kull min hu bhalek kieku hemm il-Labour fil-gvern anqas titkelle ghax titwerewer.
Anzi Daphne qalba tajba toqghod taghti kasek ghax kieku nkun flokha nies bhalek ninjorom ghax vera hin mohli maghkhom, ghax ma tafu xejn x’gara gewwa Malta u kemm kien hawn mibgheda u hdura.
Every party /government has their Lorry Sant. I wonder who is going to be the new one.
[Daphne – That is an utterly absurd comment. You cannot possibly know the extent of Lorry Sant’s criminal behaviour, corruption and human rights abuses if you say that. No government has had anything similar, before or since, and nothing similar will be possible because our democratic structures have been strengthened, people are less frightened, there is freedom of speech, and laws and controls have been put in place. Yes, there is still scope for a prime minister to be blackmailed for decades as Mintoff was by Lorry Sant, but that presupposes there is scope for blackmail in the first place: in other words, prime ministers have to ensure that they’ve not made any shocking choices on who to have sex with.]
I will vote for PN simply because I cannot trust Evarist “Stipendji” Bartolo.
I am a parent now, but in 1997 I was a university student and this slimy, sleazy minister told us to get our stipends as loans to be repaid back after we graduate.
Today we see a government which gives you a scholarship and after graduation, in some instances, also a tax credit so you have more money in hand to save/spend for your family.
Evarist – thanks but no thanks. You had your opportunity to show us that you are indeed a good person, but alas, you are not.
Keep right on being driven around Malta – you’re just a bummer, bumming lifts here and there.