A Friend in London are being flown over for Labour’s mass meeting on Sunday

Published: February 27, 2013 at 1:23am

And the poor things have been told that they’re being paid to fly out for a concert. Not that they care any way.

Kemm gabar flus mill-barunijiet dan Joseph, God bless him. Dnub li l-kokaina illegali, ghax kieku kien jaghtiha b’xejn ukoll, biex ikun veru hip fil-concert scene.

Well, for the full effect he could always get his small friend Jeffrey Pullicino to throw a drunken scene in the VIP enclosure and get himself evicted by bouncers, after which he will claim that somebody spiked his drink(s).

15 Comments Comment

  1. Matthew says:

    I was just listening to The Economists’s analysis of the Italian election. There was this wonderful comment about Berlusconi’s promise to not only abolish the property tax but also to refund any money paid for this tax so far.

    “He basically bribed tax payers with their own money.”

    This is exactly the same promise Joseph Muscat is making regarding the car registration tax.

  2. Jozef says:

    Wow. What about William?

  3. bookworm says:

    Come on girls, come on boys,
    It’s your future
    It’s your choice
    And your weapon is your VOTE.

  4. pacco_slice says:

    Do they know that its for a mass meeting rather than a concert?

    [Daphne – Do they even know know what a mass meeting is?]

  5. Peppa says:

    Joe cilia, is sending SMS to people given them a free member card for gym, after he send this message he send another one to vote for the project, when my sister asked what project this is he replied the new movement . They have lots of money to give away, is this money coming from drugs? It must be coming from somewhere, please tell us from where the money is coming from. Thanks

  6. Bubu says:

    What about the copious “ikliet b’xejn” at the various hotels round the island? Each one attended by mobs of hungry lejburisti, probably costing on a par with or more than a huge wedding reception.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Anyone ever heard the joke of the devil giving a tour of hell to visitors checking out the advantages of heaven and hell before D-day? Well, the devil went to town in putting on the party and festive atmosphere. The visitors were truly impressed and couldn’t understand why anyone would choose heaven over this lavish spread of inclusive festive fun.

      When later, they came for the duration, the scene was the classic one: pitchforks, burns, fire too hot to handle, pain and suffering. They complained and said why aren’t we seeing the same hell as when we visited. The devil replied: That, was tourism; this, is immigration.

  7. AE says:

    My God, they really are going to town aren’t they?

    There’s going to be some serious doctoring of accounts if they are going to be showing what their expenses for the campaign are. Or will Joseph expect us to believe that these guys are volunteering too?

  8. The shadow says:

    I’M NOT IN. I’M PN

  9. manum says:

    I hope they wont do a repetition of Toto Cutugno’s Insieme, because it will be a total farce.

  10. Rumplestiltskin says:

    I’ve heard it rumored that the PL spent some €11 million on their slick campaign. If this is even anywhere near the truth, the €0.25 million loan that the PN is said to have obtained from a businessman in Malta pales into insignificance. Somebody should explain – or at least question.

    • Jozef says:

      Their meetings are one big screen.

    • Sandra says:

      Fat chance to get some explanatiion……but good journalists should dig deep into their resources and come up with who is behind all the campaign. Rumours do go round so one only has to check whether there is some truth in them.

  11. Natalie says:

    Remember Toto Cutugno’s Insieme at another Labour meeting?

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