A sexagenarian Labour toad inviting teenagers to SkyClub. How sad is that.

Published: February 5, 2013 at 2:27pm

How sad is that

A friend’s teenage daughter has just received this invitation from that predatory reptile, Manuel Mallia.

Who’s Manuel Mallia, she wanted to know.

There’s no indication on the card that he’s:

1. standing for election

2. standing for election on the Labour Party ticket

3. is over 60

4. is an incredibly unattractive ball of sleaze

Sorry, darling, her daddy said – you’re going to be disappointed because he’s not a sexy 20-year-old footballer.

A barrel of hot red sex: Manuel Mallia dressed as though for a convention of Perverts International

A barrel of hot red sex: Manuel Mallia dressed as though for a convention of Perverts International

31 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Surprise act.

    Get Joseph to walk into the club and act surprised.

  2. maryanne says:

    Free tickets and free drinks. What’s the limit that a candidate can spend on his campaign?

  3. Luke says:

    imma kif jaqa’ daqshekk fil-baxx dan l-avukat li suppost huwa intelligenti bizzejjed biex jaghraf x’inhu sew u x’mhux sew.

    Kif jghidu gioventu’ bruciata.

    Imma f’dal-kaz mhemm l-ebda gioventu’ imma anzjan biex inkun naqra pulit. Il-veru kaz ta’ snobbish sleaze. ‘Ghidli ma’ min taghmilha u nghidlek x’int’ kien jghid Dun Gorg Preca.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Jekk ikun hemm Marlene fuq il-box, jien nigi.

  5. Jozef says:

    Wasn’t he representing a particular segment of clubs some time last year?

    I wonder.

  6. Tinnat says:

    The way those women are looking at him, you’d think he was the hottest male around.

    [Daphne – Hardly. One of them is Marlene Mizzi and we all know she likes them like Mario Balotelli http://cdn.theweek.co.uk/sites/theweek/files/styles/theweek_article_main_image/public/120629balotelli.jpg ]

  7. K says:

    Joseph Muscat and the night tariff u-turn – with audio


  8. edgar says:

    At exactly midnight Manwel will perform a pole dance and his much younger Romanian wife will pour water from a jerrycan filled from the fountain of St. George’s square.

  9. RosanneB says:

    Surely that’s a carnival outfit.

  10. Neil Dent says:

    Free Drinks – from the fountains in the square?

  11. GiovDeMartino says:

    Meta tara nies tal-kalibru ta’ Dr Manwel Mallia jinzlu daqstant fil-baxx…….tibda kwazi taqta’ qalbek.

  12. Ian says:

    “A barrel of hot red sex” – hahaha, thank you Daphne, I needed that.

  13. TinaB says:

    “A barrel of hot red sex”.

    Hahahaha. Priceless.

    I cannot stop laughing.

    Thank you, Daphne.

  14. Gahan says:

    Ircevejt SMS:

    “Marion Mizzi Kandidata tal-Partit Laburista fuq it-3 u l-5 distrett .
    Marion Mizzi rinomata fis-sahha u sbuhija.

    Ghal kull ghajnuna cemplilna fuq 77451587.”

    Nista’ nkun naf min iz-zubbara taha in-numru tal-mobile tieghi?

  15. Riya says:

    Manuel Mallia dejjem gietu tajba minn meta’ kien zghir u dejjem haddem mohhu biex lahaq fejn lahaq.

    Imma in-Nazzjonalisti m’humiex cwiec tafux!

  16. SilverC says:

    Daphne, are you aware that he married a foreign girl one third his age? I could hardly believe my eyes and ears.

    [Daphne – You’re late to the party, SilverC. Now wait till you hear about the nannies, jerry-cans and fountains.]

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