A WTF moment on the six o’clock ferry this morning

Published: February 18, 2013 at 7:30pm


28 Comments Comment

  1. Gahan says:

    Kif hadd ma qam biex jehodlu b’idu?

    • toni says:

      Kont hemm?

      • Gahan says:

        Le, ma kontx hemm, imma tista’ tara r-rittratti kemm hu “crowd puller” Joseph.

        Qisu Alfred Sant meta kien imur f’xi suq ta’ xi rahal u jaghti l-marki lill-kunsilli.

        Jien fil-hamsa nkun diga hadt docca, hrigt il-karozza, ixxuttajt il-platti, ghamilt it-te, tmajt il-kelb, u ma nafx kemm il-haga ohra waqt li nara l-ahbarijiet ta’ barra fil-hemda ta’ fil-ghodu.

        Dak kif wasal id-dar, rega’ dahal jorqod zgur. Kellu ghajnejn naghas.

      • TROY says:

        The picture paints a thousand words, toni.

    • Joseph Caruana says:

      Eh, idejh fil-but kienu..

      • Min Jaf says:

        Troy, with pseudo-artist Kenneth Zammit Tabona, now it is more a case of a thousand words, but no picture.

    • Min Jaf says:

      Dawk ta’ wara Joseph Muscat ovvjament hadu r-ruh ghax qam u telaq ‘l hemm.

      L-ohrajn ovvjament qed jghidhu “Xiz-z*bb” qed jghamel hawn dalghodhu”.

  2. Jozef says:

    At this rate we’ll get his model figure in cereal packets.

    • Sufa says:

      Model figure? Careful – He might interpret that literally, and it will go to his head all the more.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Perhaps, as a grand finale of the campaign, they will distribute Kinder Surprise eggs (white chocolate for the sake of Lowell’s followers) with a little Fearless Leader collectible figure inside.

  3. afm says:

    oops! I always confuse left with right. So the sign means I’m out to the left? Right?

  4. Neil Dent says:

    “OK, hi? Orrajt? Kollox sew?”

  5. Bob the bear says:

    And what’s with the constant stream of brainwashing going on while you’re busy minding your own business. There I was reading the Corrieredellasera on line, when suddenly…..Malta Taghna Lkoll started popping up at 2 second intervals. Same thing happened earlier on Meteo.web…..there I was checking up on the forecast when JosephMuscat.com leaps at me from the page. I am seriously starting to feel like I’m part of George Orwell’s 1984 vision.

    • anthony says:

      joeydotcom and maltatagnalkoll are popping up all over the net haunting me wherever I happen to be busy browsing.

      The only untainted sites so far today have been those of the Holy See and Hamster.

    • Sufa says:

      And on dailymail.co.uk too.

    • Sufa says:

      Makes you wonder all the more who REALLY is funding the Labour campaign, doesn’t it, with such vast expenditiure.

    • Min Jaf says:

      If the voters are not careful, you stand to get the real thing post 9th March. We had the 1984 situation back in the Golden Years that Karmenu Vella il-Guy publicly pines for on FaceBook.

      The same GY period fossils are all still there waiting in the wings, ready to pull the strings on their Joseph Muscat puppet to the detriment of the nation at their first opportunity.

    • Lisa says:

      They are also using a Vodafone slogan … popped up on international dial codes website ….

      ”Vote Labour … the time is now!”

  6. mikiel says:

    you have to give it to them, they are trying their best ‘biex jitkellmu mal-poplu’. soon we’ll start hearing ‘taf kemm hu orrajt joey min taghna ta! Taf offrilna tazza te fuq il-vapur lura id-dar ta’ (this would call for a good meme)

  7. Jas says:

    The expression on their faces:

    Dan x’ iz-zokk irid dalghodu?

  8. Aunt Hetty says:

    If Gowzef was living in the seventies and eighties in Mintoff’s Golden Era, would he have travelled on the six o ‘clock ferry to Gozo to see what several scores of Maltese workers had to go through on a daily basis on their work to Gozo – thanks to the vindicative transfers that were the norm in those days?

  9. TROY says:

    Even the ferry itself told him off – EXIT.

  10. ciccio says:

    Is that like a “Hi, I’m Joseph, and I’m in” moment?

  11. Adam says:

    The guy sold himself off to everybody. some people to anything for power

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