Amid a slew of insults, accusations and Super One aggression, Joseph Muscat continues to claim that he is ‘positive’

Published: February 14, 2013 at 11:16am
You'd better believe it: they're keeping it positive.

You’d better believe it: they’re keeping it positive.

Amazing, isn’t it? Super One and the Labour Party are still the most negative, bitter, aggressive political organisations on the island, except that they’ve done a bit of public relations dressing-up in positive clothes.

Labour’s campaign has been conducted on the back of relentless targetting of individuals, insults, accusations, and Super One hounding. We even had the Labour leader mocking the finance minister’s religious beliefs with sarcastic remarks.

Journalists are insulted and mocked at press conferences (but always with a smile, to show how positive we are – the classic nasty remark delivered with a bright smile). Facebook is a scummy river of Labour supporters using the most unbelievable bad language.

Then James Piscopo, the man who is on loan from Air Malta (would you believe it) to the Labour Party, where he serves as CEO, sends out this round-robin email, telling us that the Nationalist Party has decided to run the “most negative campaign in our history”. Jaqaw twieled il-bierah, dan il-vavu?

Show me the negative in the PN’s campaign: the view of many is that the PN is letting the squalid chaps on the other side get away with murder.

“At this point we would attempt to debate their positive proposals here…but we couldn’t find any!”, James Piscopo wrote, exclamation mark necessary.

What a ridiculous man. If he looks hard enough in Karmenu Vella’s office, he’ll find the Nationalist Party electoral programme they’ve copied to a great extent.

But don’t take my word for it; read James Piscopo, CEO of Malta Taghna Lkoll (or is it JosephMuscatDotCom?) for yourself.


Today it is clear that the Nationalist Party has decided to run the most negative campaign in our history. At this point, we would attempt to debate their positive proposals here… but we couldn’t find any!

Instead they have attempted to instil fear through innuendo and smear – going so far this week as to suggest that a vote for PL could ‘cost lives’!

This is a clever distraction from an oil corruption scandal that we now know has cost Malta’s people an estimated €360 million (and counting).

That is over €1million per day for every man, woman and child living in this country today. And we still have had no answers to the questions the people want answers to, most importantly who of the GonziPN government is to be held accountable?

In contrast, Joseph Muscat has campaigned relentlessly and positively, on four core themes:

1. Clean-Up Politics
2. Responsible Economic Growth
3. Less Bureaucracy; Better Services
4. More Money in Your Pocket

You can read the specific proposals here. And he will be personally accountable for delivering them. If we come together, we will accomplish great things. There has never been more at stake.

Thanks for all you are doing,
James Piscopo
Chief Executive


There has never been more at stake, Piscopo tells us. Well, that shows us how seriously this lot of selfish users took the EU membership issue, doesn’t it?

They think that we have more at stake now than we did then, when we stood to be locked out of the EU thanks to the efforts of the man who is now leading their sorry excuse for a political party.

Enthralling to see that Labour is still writing its own version of reality, as always.

10 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Did I read that correctly? Is the LABOUR PARTY going to clean up Malta’s politics? They’re the reason the political scene needs a good clean up, starting with Karmenu Vella, the PL’s manifest (sic) writer.

    • ciccio says:

      Yes, that’s correct, the LABOUR PARTY is going to clean up Malta’s politics. It explains why the Great Leader is quickly transforming himself into Mr. Muscle at Popeye’s own Spinach Gym.

  2. Manuel says:

    Muscat claims that he is going to continue to show (or use?) a “human face”. Unbelievable.

    His body language, his facial expressions at mass meetings or when confronted with uncomfortable questions, show completely the opposite: there is no human face there.

    It is aggressive, with teeth-grinding, trying to control himself but he can’t help it.

    Or maybe was he talking about the human face that Robert Abela showed at one of the mass meetings? Human face my foot, ghidlu lil Joseph.

    He is an angry man and he can’t control his anger when he is in front of his snobbies at mass meetings. All the hdura Laburista comes out.

  3. Kenneth says:

    “That is over €1million per day for every man, woman and child living in this country today”

    That would be €146,000,000,000,000 per annum according to Mr Piscopo.

    With minds like this who needs a university.

  4. Josette Jones says:

    It’s not cheap to be ‘in’ when you have to drop a significant amount of perfectly good money to prop up your ego with a horrid scarf that looks like it ought to belong to a school uniform.

  5. TROY says:

    After seeing that photo I’m OUT.

  6. arithmetics says:

    Dear Maths Piscopo

    “€360 million (and counting).That is over €1million per day for every man, woman and child living in this country today”

    Is my maths going crazy?

    Approximately 450k population times 365 days times 1000k equals to 360 mil?

  7. Neil Dent says:

    “That is over €1million per day for every man, woman and child living in this country today”

    Pardon? So that’s like, four-hundred-thousand-million every single day? Or rather four-hundred-billion, EVERY DAY! €400,000,000,000! EVERY DAY!

    I need to change my career……

  8. Jozef says:

    Absolutely, the way they’ve appropriated the proposals is horrific. I can barely follow their tv shows any more, sickening.

    Eman Pulis has the cheek to drop them during his ‘discussion’ as some advantage on the PN.

    Miriam Dalli does the same.

    I couldn’t, it’s beyond me.

    They’re obscene, so aware of their inferiority complex that choosing to preempt any collective mirth must have sounded the safest bet..

    The question voters need to ask themselves is, who do they want to implement the PN’s programe?

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