And the jokes have kicked in

Published: February 20, 2013 at 12:24pm

From one of my international worldwide network of spies:

Currently doing the rounds in bars and pubs all over the island –

Klijent: Ghamilli grokk.

Barman: Silg?

Klijent: Ijja.

Barman: Normali jew ta’ Joseph?

dustbin tony

14 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    What did the ice cube say to the Coke?

    “I’m in.”

  2. The tipe of the iceberg says:

    Ice? Labour has a whole big igloo.

  3. joseph farrugia says:

    Mela ftit xhur ilu ghamlu plejtu u rapporti fuq trab isweb u talbu lil MEPA biex tinvestiga.

    Issa mela tfacca trab abjad fil-kazin tal-Labour ta’ Hal Safi u minflok ma ghamlu rapport dan hbewh li ma jmurx johloq alarm u jidru koroh iddiskriminaw anke bejn trab abjad u trab iswed.

    Ahseb u ara kemm ser jiddiskriminaw bejn blu u ahmar.

  4. billy goat says:

    ICE is also the street name for crystal methamphetamine.

    Maybe that’s what Joseph meant, being young, hip and cool.

  5. Jb says:

    I tried to sniff my coke, but the ice cube got stuck in my nose.

  6. Miss O'Brien says:

    I went to the Labour bar, ordered a whisky and when I asked for ice, I was arrested.

    • ciccio says:

      I went to the Labour bar, ordered a whisky and when I asked for ice, they pulled it out of the bin.

      • La Redoute says:

        I didn’t go to the Labour bar, I didn’t order a whisky, and when I didn’t ask for ice, Toni Abela didn’t go to the police.

      • Neil Dent says:

        I went to the Labour bar, ordered a whisky and when I asked for ice, Toni Abela fired the President……or maybe it was the barman.

  7. edgar says:

    I went to a Labour bar, ordered a whisky and when I asked for ice, I was given a straw and asked to go to the kitchen to sniff it .

  8. H.P. Baxxter says:

    So JPO walks into a Labour club and asks for an iced tea….

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