Ara kemm gabar flus, Joe Tac-Caplu

Published: February 22, 2013 at 12:38am

Joe Cordia amministratur finanzjarju tal-Partit Laburista ihabbar kemm gabar flus il-partit

8 Comments Comment

  1. Kevin Zammit says:

    “Like” for the second comment but disagree with collecting another million. That money would serve better at the Dar tal-Providenza.

  2. Jozef says:

    February 11th. That’s last week.

    Why do I get the feeling they’re about to erupt?

  3. edgar says:

    It-tigrija sal-barkun, according to Joe tal-Caplu. Shame that he did not quite make it.

  4. manum says:

    Their igloo is melting fast drip drip

  5. Min Jaf says:

    It always struck me as odd that, this time round, the PL telethon churned up a sum well in excess of that generated by the PN telethon, when the reverse result was the always the norm in all similar events over the years.

    It now looks like the oil scandal syndicate might have already gone environmentally friendly and put its finger into the gas supply set up.

    That would explain the illogical and economically senseless insistence by the PL on a new power station fed by gas tankers when an EU funded natural gas pipeline to the EU supply grid and the interconnector cable are now realities.

    It also puts the PL insistence on a ten-year gas supply contact in a whole new light.

    If Joseph Muscat was aware of all this, he should resign.

    If Joseph Muscat was acting in good faith he should resign in order to retain whatever shreds of credibility he might still enjoy.

    If Joseph Muscat, as party leader, never picked up any clue as to what the party financial controller was involved in, he should also resign as he is an incompetent party leader and certainly even less fit to lead the nation as prime minister.

  6. canon says:

    Mur obsor-Finanzi fis-sod ghal Partit Laburista minn fuq it-tixhim.

  7. charlie says:

    The best comment is that by Al Buhagiar

  8. ciccio says:

    With all that money, one can buy a lot of Coke and ice cubes.

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