Comment of the day
February 2, 2013 at 8:29pm
Posted by David:
The irony is that the PN is promising 25,000 jobs and this idiot is promising 25,000 “Likes”, but he’s the one who’s going to become prime minister.
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Voting Labour is like buying that knock-off watch/bag from Thailand. Deep down you still know it’s a fake.
So let me get this straight.
Joseph Muscat doesn’t believe Lawrence Gonzi when he says ‘We created 20,000 jobs over the last five years.’ even though
1) More than 20,000 people graduated from university,
2) Maltese and European statisticians have repeatedly stated that we have one of the lowest rates of unemployment in the EU,
3) Angela Merkel, José Manuel Barroso and George Vasiliou have publicly said that Malta is a role model for other European states,
4) The closing of the dockyard would have raised unemployment immensely.
5) We have had a record number of working women in Maltese history as well as a record number of tourists and probably some other records too
But on the other hand, Joseph Muscat believes that all the likes are all individuals liking him even though he himself has four Facebook pages and probably liked himself a couple of times to help him achieve 25,000.
The Labour Party has many more pages set up by committees, sub committees, tink-tenks and so on and most Labour Party followers have multiple pages because they have nothing better to do than hang around on Facebook.
Even dictatorships go through the motions of stuffing ballot boxes to seem legitimate but in blessed Malta, Joseph Muscat can make a media splash just by achieving 25,000 likes on Facebook.
I really don’t know what’s happening to this country and to us Maltese.
Whatever this government did wrong or less than right, we have to keep in mind what’s happening around us. Countries and their economies as falling apart.
Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Cyprus, France – we all used to look up to them and now we’re faring much better than them.
Most of us are still living a more than decent life. For all those who complain that cost of living is high, they should stop including their bills for mobile, internet, cable, satellite, fancy nails, lotto, cigarettes, fuel for their car, laptops, iPads and flat screens 3d TVs, A/C and who knows what else.
Those are not essentials but just things they have become used to having.
I don’t mind paying bills as long as I have a job, earn money to pay these bills and allow my family to live a decent life – but I have to have that job, the possibility to earn money.
Muscat may be a newcomer, modern, full of nice words, sweet talking, reconciliatory speeches and also with his Obama styl (but he’s no match to the man). I can accept all this, I can accept that this might attract disgruntled voters, floaters and new voters. But (a big BUT) there is one thing that is unforgivabl – no excuse, no apologies and no reason can justify his biggest political failure.
I can NEVER trust someone who opposed so vehemently Malta’s membership in the EU. If Muscat couldn’t foresee all the good that was coming our way and the opportunities for us, our children and the future generation, then he cannot be trusted with my children’s future.
What if another big, vital decision comes our way and he’s prime minister? No way – if they’re in, I am definitely out.
This comment comes from a philosopher.
The ‘Evil Click’ creates 25,000 jobs.
The Labour Clique creates 25,000 likes.
Joseph will create jobs by a simple show of hands.
How stupid can you all be?
He is probably thinking that these are 25,000 votes.