Comment of the night

Published: February 20, 2013 at 2:28am

Posted by H. P. Baxxter, on the subject of Mel Gibson and the Malta Labour Party:

He was good in ‘Gallipoli’ and reached his peak in ‘Mad Max’. The Thunder Dome, with its strange, stunted and deformed inhabitants with their outlandish hairdos and garb, must have been designed by someone who’d been to Malta.

If you want a picture of Malta after 10th March, look no further. Then we’ll all wander across the desert wasteland, remembering some distant memory in the dream-time, of something called the European Union and good government.

Half-buried in the sand, we’ll find that ATM where the PM first withdrew some Euro notes, and we’ll try to fly it to that place beyond the horizon they call Brasxellzs.

It takes decades to build a prosperous country. It takes less than five years to destroy it. (Last time round it only took twenty-two months.)

mad max

2 Comments Comment

  1. Mesmes says:


    Brand new party premises
    A marketing campaign through a brand new television station
    Fresh promises like the removal of VAT
    A brand new leader
    A brand new approach

    Brand new balcony at the party premises
    A refreshing marketing campaign
    Fresh promises like lowering of water and electricity bills
    A brand new leader
    A brand new approach

    What happened in 1996 is there for all to see.
    What happens after 2013 is anyone’s guess.

    • David J Camilleri says:

      I fully agree with you here Mesmes. True everyone knows what happened in 1996-1998 and thank God that it was a short term. The bad situation left by the MLP, the PN managed to get us out of with flying colours and hard work. In 2013 the situation will be much worse because we will be also re-living 1981-1987 Mintoff/KMB(0) klikka ta gewwa era thanks but no thanks to Gowzef – the fearless Leader and his gimmicks of Taghna Lkoll. Yes indeed I dread to think what will happen should MuscatLP be in government on 10th March 2013. I am sure it will be worst then the era 1981-1987 especially with regards to civil rights and klikka tal-klikka. MALTA BEWARE!

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