Do you really have to be a total nerd to Be In?
February 18, 2013 at 5:12pm
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Nerds and prostitutes. Great combo.
Qed nisthajjilhom dawk iz-zghazagh ta’ xi setta li jmorru jduru jbieghu il-kotba jew iwaqqfu n-nies biex jikkonvertuhom.
Should affix a sticker on the door.
“Please do not knock here. I’m not in.”
Brilliant! :)
Nerds but nonetheless masters in the art of persecution – they approached me countless times shoving leaflets in my face as the blurring ‘soundtrack’ of Malta Taghna Lkoll played on and on and on.
Sliema Action Day…SAD, says it all.
I don’t see how the ‘I’m in’ thing is supposed to work.
The very moment I see someone approaching with a shirt emblazoned with the words ‘I’m in’, my immediate reaction, even if I don’t know what he’s on about, is ‘I’m not, and I’m probably not interested.’
Being in is excruciatingly dull. Anyone who has ever achieved anything extraordinary has done so by being as far out as possible.
Aren’t these the same people who like hanging Ernesto Che Guevara posters on their bedroom walls?
Talk about disturbing the peace! I don’t know how they got away with this.
All you have to have is a mind filled with common sense and a heart filled with love for your Country. Something you have lost along time ago. I feel sorry for you. Malta Taghna Lkoll.
[Daphne – Spoken like a true Red Guard (look it up – you really need to).]
Isn’t ‘Malta taghna Lkoll? So why are you sorry for her, and why is she lost?
do you think that by this article you will be seen as a hero for calling these young people ”nerds”. instead of bashing them why don’t you appreciate the fact that they give their contribute and involve themselves in the politics of their country. they might be nerds but this article that you wrote doesn’t make you better than them!
For consistency’s sake I hope you have the same approval of Norman Lowell’s merry band of losers. They also contribute and involve themselves in the country’s politics from time to time.
Yes it is sooo sad that the MALTESE labour party is more dedicated to the campaing and it’s country’s future.. yeaaa. You Ma’am are so pathetic and the only nerd here is you writing useless articles. You must be feeling very proud of yourself feeling like ” XOXO .. GOSSIP GIRL”
Jien nisugerilek titlaq minn gurnalista u tidhol ghal miss world mhux hlief tghid fuq dak u liehor mintix taghmel forsi tiehu xi haga jekk mhux l-ewwel lahhar zgur :)
Would prefer to be called nerd and in, rather than an ugly cunt who celebrated the death of Malta’s legendary man !
[Daphne – An ugly cunt, eh? Tyrone, in idiomatic British English, cunt is a descriptor for men, not women. I know this is a little confusing, but there you go. And if you wish us to believe your party when it claims to be liberal and progressive and feminist, then I wouldn’t use female genitalia as a way of insulting women. It sort of undermines your cause.]
Malta Taghna Llkoll indeed. A leopard never changes its spots.
Unlike you Daphne young activists forming part in I’m in are a mixture of students and workers with a clear and distinct opinion of what they want for their future and most of all their country! Passing these disgusting remarks will only cast a dark shaddow on your team…if you can call it so….! If people do not agree with you, it does not mean you cannot compromise, let alone you attacking them on your shameless blog! I can assure you that i am no prostitue and i form part of the team im in! And my i ask the public….what is your perspective on daphne???
[Daphne – It is perfectly possible to have political opinions and participate in political life without wearing an ‘I’m In’ sweatshirt or being part of some nerdy organisation, Lyann. At your sort of age, I made Maltese journalistic history by becoming the first person to write a political column under a real name for The Sunday Times, and also the first woman ever to write about politics for that newspaper, excluding the one-time owner and editor, of course. And I did so wearing a rather fetching array of hotpants and tiny skirts (I can be forgiven, because they were all the rage, and I did have rather splendid legs back then). I would not have been seen DEAD in one of your sweatshirts, especially not a uniform one. I can’t imagine what you’re thinking. You’re never going to get noticed like that, or find a boyfriend. Uniforms are strictly for the uniform.]
No fake name, you are making history…in not a very positive way rest assured!
[Daphne – I’m fine with that, Lyann. Remember that when I first began writing in a very different Malta, people used to stop me and ask whether my father/brother (I don’t have one)/husband wrote my columns for me. I’m pretty tough, you know. I’ve had to be.]
Thats good, i know you are! But id rather see journalists like you being opinionists and investigative on rock hard facts that really interest people! As you said you wrote in the times, in your last comment you sounded like a critic reporting for vogue
[Daphne – Vogue is a top-ranked magazine, a bible. Thank you for that compliment.]
True but totally out of context! As this blog
Now they’ve unleashed the very weird elves.
M’intix ikkalkulata Daphne ;))
They’re standing on the very same spot where Joseph Cuschieri used to serve ice-cream milkshakes in his Magic Kiosk waistcoat.
The difference between PN and Labour.
Eddie dahal fil-politika u beda iservi
Joseph Cuschieri kien iservi u dal fil-politika
Do you really think, that you should be the one to judge what’s cool and what’s not?
[Daphne – Not only me, obviously, but I’m certainly good at it. I’ll give you the basic definition: if you seek to slot into any kind of uniform group, then by definition you can’t be cool. You certainly can’t ever be cool wearing an I’m In sweatshirt and riding an I’m In Segway chasing old ladies in Sliema to foist an electoral programme (for the very uncool Labour Party) on them. Nor are you cool if you’re a real pill, forever trying to be different and alternative. It’s hard to explain, really. It’s one of those ‘you’ve either got it or you haven’t things’.]