Evarist is getting aggressive – oooooh, nasty
February 21, 2013 at 8:53pm
Evarist Bartolo is absolutely ghastly. That spiteful, mean streak that manifests itself as quiet menace sometimes breaks out under provocation when things are not going his way – just like his mate, Jeff the Poison Dwarf.
Now Evarist has just lashed out at a journalist who won’t accept his explanation of how perfect the Labour Party is. He really needs to be told where to stuff it.
So they’ve held this press conference and told us that Joe Cordina has withdrawn his electoral candidature and has “suspended himself” from his duties as Labour’s financial administrator. But then Cordina himself is not there to take questions.
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A snake is what he is. Just innuendos and cheap throwaway remarks
Is Manuel Mallia refusing to appear alongside Varist to answer questions?
Mallia nahseb li se jizloq fiz-zejt ukoll.
“Suspended himself”?
This is the Münchhausen Trilemma.
Mela qisu il-qalziet ta’ taht tieghi fuq il-washing line.
Xhiex, jonxor lilu nnifsu? Wow. Applika ghal patent ISSA. Ikkuntattja lil MCST.
Evarist is as fake as the Coco Channel perfume in one of India’s street markets.
Where’s Eddy? And I don’t mean Eddie.
Qed jipprova jifhem kif ser johrog is-survey wara din.
Evarist Bartolo was acting like a viper, with insinuations galore. But he could not substantiate.
The latest instructions from the Fourth Floor is that the PN is using “diversionary tactics.” Kurt Midget Farrugia was very keen to hammer on this point.
Dalli BA Varist wasal fl-ahhar tal karriera politika bhal hafna geriatrics shabu kandidati wara din.
When they have no answers and need to bluff with pure nastiness they send in Varist.
The only card they’ve got is to try to imply Tonio Fenech in this scandal. Amazing.
Just throw so mud, maybe some of it will stick. Sant’s school of politics. He taught them well.
Loved the way Varist replied to The Times’ question as to whether he had actually said that company secretaries have the same legal responsibilites as directors in terms of law.
“Ghandu hafna responsabilitajiet; hafna ux”
Yeah right.
Someone needs to hand him a copy of the Companies Act – preferably before the next press conference.
Labour gets away with murder. Do you think that the Snobbija type care or understand about fiduciary companies and the ramifications of companies?
But the PN doesn’t have the same advantage because they are grilled about what they say every inch of the way.
Evarist iridha tal-intellettwali u lanqas jaf it-Taljan. Maugeri jghidha ‘Maugheri’.
Trid tarah ma’ Farrugia Sacco dalghodu, cerimonja min minnhom jghaddi l-ewwel mill-bieb tal-ghassa tal-Hamrun. Rnexxilhom jitfixklu u kwazi wehlu fl-antiporta.
Tajba Cardona, ghandkom ‘garanzija sufficenti’ minghand l-istess bniedem li qaccattu f’temp ta’ kwarta.
‘Ghidilna Sur Cordina, int tfajt xi flus tad-deheb iswed fil-kaxxa tal-partit?’
Black gold; deheb iswed. X’antipatija.
Microphone stordewh, it-tnejn igebbdu fih, miskin Kurt bil-kemm ilahhaq.
I wonder if Kenneth is beginning to regret his involvement in this wonderful arty cultural movement.
He should be starting to enjoy it.
The Labour guys are starting to get sweaty.
Are you still considering Kenneth as an outsider temporarily camping inside the MLP tent?
I rather classify him as a complete insider and part of the entire swindle.
There is a total lack of logic in what the PL is saying. They claim that the ‘ġbejna connection’ story is a diversion to stop us talking about the oil scandal.
But the revelation is exactly about the oil scandal. What diversion?
I think they’re pissed off the PN took some time off Tony’s ice cubes.
Varist the Viper, another of Labour’s secret weapons?
Maria il-Maws was literally a cornered last night and we know how vicious they are when that happens.