Give Toni a ring, Debs – forsi jirrangalek ma’ xi Laburist

Published: February 21, 2013 at 5:21pm

Deborah Schembri II reports on the problems that Deborah Schembri (Tabone) has with her name on the electoral ballot sheet.

Those problems don’t interest me much. What caught my attention is the fact that we’re still in the peasant world of laqmijiet: she’s listed on the ballot sheet as DEBORAH SCHEMBRI TABONE (TAD-DIVORZJU).

You can imagine future generations of the family, when the laqam eventually deteriorates, as all of them do, to ‘Ta’ Divorzju’: “Ha mmur nittawwal ftit lil Jason ta’ Simon Ta’ Divorzju.”

The level of ignorance among electors is worrying enough already. We really don’t need to be reminded that unless Dr Schembri is listed as Tad-Divorzju, they won’t recognise her name or know who they’re voting for.

15 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Defni tal-Blokk, aka Il-Blokkija.

  2. manum says:

    Divorce Debbie. I love it.

    Next up: Sylvia tas-Separazzjoni and Anna tal-Annulament .

  3. mark says:

    It would be much wiser for DEBORAH SCHEMBRI TABONE (TAD-DIVORZJU) to change party rather than name.

  4. Adrian says:

    They call you saħħara, now they have their tad-divorzju. How cheap this Deborah has become.

  5. Joanna V says:

    No wonder she’s with MLP now. Sabet postha.

  6. bystander says:

    There are worse nicknames.

  7. Peter Grech says:

    I am sure she won’t get married again with that nickname.

  8. Mark v says:

    Seems like she has got some personal issues to solve. She is trying hard to fit into a politician’s role and definitely she’s not or at least not a capable one.

  9. ken il malti says:

    I’ll bet Divorcee Debbie knows how to fry up a wonderful plate of hot chunky cut chips all dressed in malt vinegar and sea salt.

    Mmmm… Debbie.

  10. U Le! says:

    Some more suggestions:
    Brincat Leo (Herr Flick)
    Bartolo Evarist (Maria tal-Maws)
    Debono Grech Joe (tal-hamiem)
    Maybe someone can continue the list as I cannot write their names due to high blood pressure.

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