Hello ded (owkaj, orrajt, kif inti), I’m voting Pee Ann

Published: February 23, 2013 at 1:41pm

So it turns out that ‘ded’, in this video, is a state employee with the Customs Department. That alone should be a good reason for not voting Labour.

Imagine if a Customs Department employee had participated in a PN propaganda video under a Labour government. He’d be toast. A couple of nice police inspectors in plain clothes, like Anglu Farrugia (RIP), would come for him at night and his family wouldn’t see him for days.

Then there’d be a big show trial and he’d lose his job.

With luck, he would’t be found dead under a bridge.

The woman acting the part of the mother – because to be Nationalist you have to be 1. ugly, 2. stupid, and 3. a woman (see 2.) – was Alfred Sant’s PA at some point.

And the girl, Floren Sultana? Just see below.

Note the arma tal-partit on the right

Note the arma tal-partit on the right











27 Comments Comment

  1. maryanne says:

    Under the nasty Nats she went to Thailand. What’s her destination going to be under Labour?

  2. fleur says:

    Looking at the comments by Floren, she states that it is a drama and she is just the actress.

    Hopefully it will remain a drama and she can continue to act as much as she wants.

    Hopefully, she like many other Maltese people will continue to prosper under the nationalist goverment and be able to afford to go abroad.

  3. kram says:

    You’re perfectly right re Mr Customs employee.

    One would not have imagined that 25 years ago.

    Floren she says it’s just drama to her. So does she not believe in what she said in the video?

    According to her it was just acting, so the whole video is another lie, like everything that comes from tal-Lejber.

    What’s for sure is that the actors are all Labour, Even the one who does not speak and who is Norman Hamilton’s daughter.

  4. Kevin Zammit says:

    One thing is for sure, ded. She doesn’t practise what she preaches on Facebook.

  5. Hmmm. The Financial Times. Quite an upgrade from the daily L-Orizzont.

  6. M.. says:

    I can’t wait to see the sequel. Will there be a gay marriage perhaps? Or even a lesbian divorce, featuring Deborah Schembri Tabone (Tad-Divorzju).

  7. Neil Dent says:

    She’s a ‘nail technician’ – excellent. Malta needs more ‘nail technicians’, Flo, so go on – vote Labour.

  8. Rumplestiltskin says:

    Nail technician? Reminds me of the “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.”

  9. Ian says:

    Haha brilliant find Daphne. Making my day here.

  10. maz says:

    Have to say, they seem to be doing pretty well for themselves. Nice looking house, so dunno what the ”actress” in on about.

  11. A says:

    Ded is also a Labour Party councillor.

  12. Wenzu says:

    The ONLY sensible thing in this load of freshly-brewed crap is at 0:47. ‘You’re going to regret it.’

  13. Joe Bloggs says:

    So if according to herself she’s just an actress then it means that she was paid to perform the part.

    Ergo, the PL are not using volunteers for their spots but are paying actors, which really goes against what they’ve said before, ie, that they’re managing to do a lot of PR because they’re using volunteers to keep costs down.

    Is-soltu gideb tal-Labour.

  14. Gahan says:

    They found a well off actress/nail technician for the advert.

    In Malta we can afford luxuries like nail sculpture and exotic holidays .

  15. xejnsew.com says:

    Yes you are right about the mother, Laburista hadra u PA ta’ Sant.

  16. Anthony says:

    Even so who are you to judge?? Especially you Daphne. Nail technician so what? and since when is it a sin to go to such an amazing country like Thailand, she obviously worked and earned the money and right to go there, unlike some half wits who like to go with the flow and comment on this blog. Shame on you…

    [Daphne – Yes, that was exactly our point: that she obviously worked and earned the money to go there. Which in turn means that lots of women have money to spare on doing their nails, which in turn means that what she’s saying in that advert is all wrong. I have nothing against nail technicians. I think it is quite a skill.]

    • Anthony says:

      Don’t get me wrong it’s not a personal dig at you Daphne even though it’s not really nice to post pictures of her whilst she’s on holiday on your blog. An advert is an advert no matter how sh*t it is. It’s just that some people on this blog make a big fuss of things especially when they aren’t in a position to judge.

      [Daphne – A promotional spot for a political party is not an advert for Coke. It is a political statement by the participants. It follows that they should then expect what comes next. The photos are public already. How else would I have found them?]

  17. Msieken PL says:

    Ma jamlux wahda tajba tal-Labour! God please don’t take us back to the 80s. Come on PN we can do it!

  18. Dylon says:

    I read all these comments and cannot understand why all this fuss!
    We happen to be both very hard working people that is why at the moment we are in Thailand. We like to travel and that’s the way we spend our money.
    I like to point out that we are in a free country and have no problem with me being of a different party!!

    I must say that I find a lot of nonsense here because no party will be giving out free cash at a point in time. Weather it’s Muscat or Gonzi we still have to wake up everymorning and work hard. We still have to pay bills thats a fact
    So I say get alive and do not give so much importance to politics we have only one life and a lot of people are wasting it!
    Good day

  19. Rose borg says:

    Oqodd atenta dan itajjir kollu fuq floren u il familja li mamlu xejn familja sabieha btfal edukatti saqsu alijom il kapilan ta sangwan jaxquk il hadd il quddies kif ma tisthux min alla jiena alija mux pulitka imma ejjra

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