Here’s somebody who votes Labour because they are, you know, ‘liberal and progressive’
February 5, 2013 at 3:45pm
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Hawnhekk zgur ‘no comment’
Hawnhekk naqbel mieghek, ghax nibza li naqla xi daqqa ta’ plestik.
jaqbilek tibza ax mux daqa ta plastick tihu ta ja nies injoranti bla sens u foloz nahseb kiku titfahilek ma halqek ha tajdila le u morru intnu lemm ja qatt nies vojt
Isa, ara kif taghmel, Geez – donnu ghandek offerta li mhux ta’ min jitlifha.
‘…jigu d-dar halli jaraw it-tfal kemm huma paxxuti f’kollox…’
Enough said.
Hsibt li hawn il-faqar imma skond Antonella it-tfal paxxuti.
Paxxuti u mhassrin.
Antonella, mela taht gvern ta’ Gonzi PN it-tfal tieghek huma paxxuti minn kollox ghax qed terda frott l-gharaq tal-haddiem onest Malti.
U ta’ ruffjana (biex inkun ftit pulit) li int trid tivvota lil halli forsi ma tafx kif, tkun paxxuta iktar.
X’tak il-Labour biex tkun paxxuta, ghax il-Labour ilu ma jkun fil-gvern 14-il sena.
Next Labour proposal ‘drop’: free tit surgery at Josie Muscat’s Transforma.
They look as natural as two grapefruits under the skin.
Is the tattoo-on-the-tit free also?
‘I’m gonna make a great Mom someday’.
I thought it said “Chocolate” and “Vanilla”.
*Bangs head*
Cringe…..will this person be deciding my and my children’s future? Makes me want to cry in despair! What did we do to deserve this?
You got that right.
News Flash: ‘New Miss Labour’s in danger of losing crown after officials uncover details of her sordid future’.
Sfortunatament f’idejn dawn in-nies se tkun id-decizjoni ta min ha jkun fil-gvern ftit gimghat ohra:
J’Alla m’hawnx hafna bhalhom.
Ok, giopps in childcare, here we come.
“J’Alla m’hawnx hafna bhalhom.”
I’m not so sure. She has ‘liked’ Joseph’s Facebook page. There are at least another 25,000 like her.
That’s why I said J’Alla! I’m afraid that we have to suffer the consequences because of people like these.
Astrid Vella, Kenneth Zammit Tabona and all the other tal-pepe must be so proud to be rubbing shoulders with the likes of Antonella.
Tried reading but could not understand exactly what she was so angry about. And why does every word have so many letterssssssssssss?
Social workers monitoring her kids.
Not good, cheque at stake.
Which is why one was advising her to spend it on the child in time for the next visit.
You are gifted… Understood the social workers bit now – hence LAPOGG as in l-Appogg – but still did not find the bit with the other one advising her to spend on the child. Anyway, poor children!
Il-huta minn rasha tinten!
mla phalek ax inti min fuq sisfel tinten ruhi ,,,,, ax riha ta qziqez andek
Thanks to FB, we have pure evidence of the different species within the Maltese DNA.
Incredible. Absolutely, uttterly, and miserably incredible. This is the stuff on which Labour thrives.
That’s one angry lady. When she is in calm mode her Facebook posts are like sms messages. Perhaps she has not yet crossed the digital divide between mobile sms language and Facebook syntax.
Mur gibha bit-tablet. Nahseb tmur biex tigbru minghand l-ispizjar tal-ghazla taghha.
Tablet? Nimmagina ghandha dwiefer ta’ xi zewg pulzieri – mur uzah iPad.
Maybe Adrian Meli, Labour candidate and pharmacist, can now deliver her ‘tablet’ directly to her home.
Holy smokes! Can someone really write like that on FB?
Fascinating how she refers to the pool of potential boyfriends as ‘ir-redentur li nkunu rridu’.
Extended family.
Definitely Cottonera, most probably Senglea.
Maybe she’ll make a third one with the latest one, “il-fieres”, now.
Poor children. And poor Malta.
Malta Labwhore Party.
poor children mlaaa et tahsibom uliedek jew andom tfal qas timagina inti ruhi ma jonqosom xejn xpoor poor inti u familja kolla liba tijak ax edin taht il partit nazjonalista u poor vera ha gibpkom ja kumidjanta kolok
Kemm int elokwenti, sabrina.
Do not worry about my children, dear Sabrina (or Antonella?).
My children’s grandparents brought up their parents well enough to be able to give them an equally decent upbringing.
At least they never witnessed mummy or granny posing in skimpy clothing, almost naked, showing off their ugly tattooed bodies to attract equally ugly men and sticking out their middle finger for the “edewa”.
It is your children that you need to worry about not others’.
I do not speak your language so the probability is that you will once again misunderstand my comment, but it was worth a try from my end.
Have a look at what x labour MP Anglu Psaila wrote on the wall of Ms Snobby
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Aaron Spiteri nice pic sabiha
January 12 at 1:40pm
Triza Azzopardi Sexy ant hi xx
January 12 at 2:19pm
Antonella Tal Lisnobby tnx alikomm qalbbss xxxx
January 12 at 7:04pm · 1
January 12 at 7:15pm
Madonna, jaf jisthi dan? Il-Profs Psaila!
Le ma jafx.
Ma tafux lil Profs. Psaila jekk qiegħed isaqsi jekk jafx jistħi.
Għasel tinżillu waħda bħal Antonella.
Want to get the behind-the-scenes story of “Profs” Anglu Psaila?
I’m not bound by medical confidentiality. The man’s a predator.
He was always a pervert, Baxxter! He used to undress female medical students with his eyes.
Quite right – If I recall well he was in the news at one time for unethical conduct with patients of the opposite sex.
Here he is in his full glory.
Apparently there is quite a saga related to his warrant.
Would you know if this Anglu Psaila had a clinic, way back, close to St. Luke’s hospital?
I was once given a medical check-up before being accepted at Mid-Med Bank, which I’m pretty sure was abusive in its thoroughness. I didn’t know who the doctor was but years later someone suggested it was him.
Oh, there is a series of sagas related to his behaviour in the wards and the surgeons’ quarters. But of course, he is ‘a sport’, ‘congenial’, ‘minn taghna’, so all is excused.
Jimmy Savile, eh?
Well then, since it takes this blog to break our ridiculous omertà, let’s hear all the stories.
ejraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa antkom biss hij
Tara x’jigrilek meta tipprova tuza keyboard b’dawk id-dwiefer?
id dwifer nuzahom kiku tigi xi wihed phalek ax intaqablek ajnejk bijom ja falz kollok jozef jew iz zobb fox kemm andek inti mlaaaaaaaaaaa ajurin u mantkomx xtamlu alek nazjonalist ax ek biss tafu tamlu intom
Ruhi, jekk nghir, zgur li mhux ghalik u ghal min hu bhalek ghax ma tantx ghandkhom ghal xiex tghir.
‘x Labour MP’? Anglu Psaila never made it to parliament.
L-aqwa ir-ritratt tal-great leader imkahhal fuq il-faccata – ghandu biex jiftahar.
U l-aktar haga tal-biza hi li din il-kwalita ta’ nies ghandhom id-dritt jiddeciedu ghal pajjizna.
Guess who the cowgirls were last Sunday.!/photo.php?fbid=483565091701882&set=a.376556309069428.84297.100001451853599&type=3
The apple certainly does not fall far from the tree.
Their middle-aged mother seems to be even worse than her daugheres.
ajuraaaaaaaaaaa ja kera viva muscat
Vera, kemm nixtieq kont sabiha u intelligenti daqskhom, God bless.
Anke ghal Joseph Muscat nghir. Daqs kemm hu sabih.
Xortiha tajba Michelle.
Tghallem ikteb sew jew kont tmur l-iskola biex ommok toqghod bi kwieta minghajrek? L-edukazzjoni b’xejn hela ta’ taxxi u xejn aktar.
What does she mean “jien il hadt ma rried friend mieghi”? What are we talking about?
You wish you were her! that is your problem!
[Daphne – Miskin.]
What can she actually do, apart from making someone like yourself drool for sex, and make kids, Mr Curmi?
Trash attracts trash, it seems.
B’dawk il-love handles l-aktar.
I wouldn’t wish to be her. I prefer much more my own NATURAL figure and way of speaking and writing. Doesn’t she realise that the social workers she says are trying to take her children away from her can see the terrible things she’s written on Facebook? How does she imagine this way of writing, or the photos she uploads, will help her cause?
Yes that’s it. I wish my wife was a little more like her too.
Yes Mr. Curmi, everyone wants to be an ignorant slut who has the social services knocking on their door because of their kids.
At least we know where she’s spending our tax money, because they are very apparent indeed.
incredible – look at the comments!!/photo.php?fbid=420017741387246&set=a.131153646940325.35801.100001370711397&type=3&theater
(not sure if it’s suitable to be published)
jaaaaaaaaaa kumidjanti nazjonalisti ritrati ta tfal tihdu ajnejkom fsorm dik it tifla ,,,,,, et tistageb fox il familja kolla takom eja qaziztu lalla il ivitakom man
This clearly demonstrates that there’s always a new way of hitting rock bottom.
Anglu Psaila is also a fan of Leanne Snobbija….
But we must not forget Nakita Snobbija, another of Antonella Lisnobbija’s “sisters” or member of “Snobby’s Girls”!/photo.php?fbid=477417185653652&set=a.367739466621425.86380.100001561247058&type=3&theater
Also Nataxha Snobbija!/photo.php?fbid=473299252725761&set=pb.100001370711397.-2207520000.1360081494&type=3&theater
Malta’s Kardashians.
They look like some kind of prostitutes in training.
Forget the ‘in training’.
When Labour says we want a change in direction, the Snobby way of life could well be part of it. Xi trid iktar?
Anglu Psaila again:!/photo.php?fbid=453092078071860&set=a.404647816249620.84893.100001132161436&type=1&theater
page unavailable.
****** **** ***-****** *** ****. Orrajt hij deffni. U mur *** ****** *****.
L-elite ta’ Malta. Antonella l-qahba.
qahba taf fejn tkun meta tigi ma missirek,,,, nazzjonalist hij inti xinti ax tider kemm int hamalu u bla sens ,,,,,, and by the way qahba ax forsi araft il lommok whoaml
L-ewwel meeting li ghamlu il-Labour kien hemm xi ragel u ha il-maktur tat-torca iffirmat minn Duminku u beda ixejru u marru fuqu is-securities u qalulu biex jaghtihulom u jaghtuh tnejn mil-godda (ghax aktar trendy) u meta dan irrifjuta spiccaw bil-glied.
What a lady :)
Prodott iehor tal-karta tal-incova ta’ Mintoff u sangwisuga tas-servizzi socjali. X’ma thobbx il-lejbor.
Without going into the merits of the sheer class of Betty Boob, isn’t this use of language punishable by law?
I assume that the people reading this so-called post understand that Joseph Muscat cannot possible control who presses ‘like’ or not on his Facebook page.
[Daphne – No, but he should be worried about the sort of people he attracts.]
Anthony, I don’t think he minds as long as he gets his 25,000 Likes.
That is exactly one of the reasons our country needs a change.
How come after over 20 years of P.N. we still have this type of persons?
Isn’t this a black mark on the education our country gives our children?
Why should there be such idiots.
One thing for sure we cannot blame labour, it was the duty of the Govt to see that our children are well educated.
The girl in the photo( one with the big boobs) seems to be all tits and no brains. who is to blame?
Silvio, do you really have to laser-engrave I AM AN IDIOT on your forehead?
Such watertight logic. “Hamallagni is wrong. Therefore, let us support the party that attracts hamalli.”
Who is to blame? Herself. Don’t go thinking that Prime Minister Joseph Muscat will be giving her private lessons in deportment and elocution.
Oh and when you say it is the government’s duty to educate you, you show yourself for the totalitarian communist that you are.
Silvio, why are you blaming the PN administration for the thousands of Snobbies who are the ruin of our society on this tiny island?
The only way there is to educate these kind of people is to take them all to Filfla, seperate them family by family and allowing them only limited contact with each other.
Then, employ professional people and experts to first teach them some sex education and to give them very intensive courses in how to behave, speak, and dress, how to cook and bring up their children.
It is not easy, Silvio – do not forget that their roots are too deep to eradicate by simply academic education. It must be done from scratch to obtain the desired results.
I just feel sorry for her kids.
Mur ghidila ‘LE ghax ghandi ugieh ta-ras’ lil din.
last words
Neither would I attempt hoisting this tub of lard around on my shoulders at a mass meeting.
That would surely be the end of me.
They don’t have money for food they say, but they find money to buy new tits, and pout their lips with Botox, not to mention the new full-body tattoos…….impressive artwork which incidentally comes at a high price.
This is like the great leader’s wife, complaining about the cost of soppa tal-armla and then stepping out in her Gucci wellies.
What about their hair, nails, mobile phones, truckloads of makeup and the endless drinks? Then they have the cheek to complain that utilities bills are too expensive! How I wish we could do away with the welfare state which only seems to breed more of the same.
Tal wahx. Nies bhal dawn assolutament li ghandhom ikunu bla vot.
blebda dritt vot qijad em al fuq min tmintax il sena and proud vote lejber ,,,,
Today I found a flyer from a Labour candidate in my letterbox: KAYLOCKE BUHAGIAR.
Around a century ago my grandfather, a man known for his intellectual refinement, is quoted as having said :
“Ignorant Maltese are unique in that they flaunt their ignorance.
They are almost proud of it.
Ignorant people from other countries that I have come across do their very best to conceal it.”
I dread to think he could have been right.
20,000 non-EU nationals need new ID card by end of march.
Par bizlejn sodi.
Joseph hekk qal, se jippremja il-bizla.
kemm intom ta nejk ruhi qalbi hahahaahj
Following from the interview published on the Sunday Times last Sunday, I have a few simple questions. Has Super One invited Anglu Farrugia to any of their programs so that we listen to his story as they did with JDalliBA, Frankie Tabone, Jasmint Regional Road Bridge Mugliette, et al?
Has Miriam Dalli invited him to TX?
Have Robert Musumeci and Simone Cini invited him to Bla Sustanza?
Has Norman Hamilton invited him to Bla Agenda?
Has John Bundy invited him to Affari Taghna?
Has Jason Micallef invited Anglu Farrugia to Jason’s kingdom?
When one facepalm wasn’t enough…and now the links are broken.
I’m starting to believe what they had said about their DNA being different than ours.
Watching a clown on One TV at the moment going by the name of Franco.
The ta’ l-ISnobby people must read your blog, because all the Facebook pages on the links provided above have been taken down.
Franco Debono is back on our screens again. He’s on Super One right now, airing his legendary grudges against the Nationalist Party.
Ejja nqabbduh ma’ Antonella l-iSnobbija. Malajr iggibu f’siktu.
A real life Vicky Pollard! Fascinating.
Interesting to see how Paul Bonello appears to have joined this crowd.
In his case, of course it has nothing to do with obtaining child support, but everything to do with getting a prestigious job at the Malta Financial Services Authority. Of course on the back of all those people, which one presumes, also included a number of his clients, who probably took his advice to invest in the VFM property fund in the first place.
What I find rather difficult to understand is how Joseph Muscat is going to help these poor fund investors recoup more of their losses.
Is he going to force the bank to pay out more compensation?
Will the bank’s thousands of shareholders therefore find themselves out of pocket?
Will he refund them from our taxes, thereby making the people pay for the greed and ignorance of others?
There, but for the grace of God
vavangulooooooooooo nies injoranti bek tridu tigbdu nies lejkom in nazjonalist bili tajru in nies u taqbdu ma nies ja boroz ta zibel lli narmi kul filodu u jintefa il matap
Il-Malti tieghek qiesu ta Dun Karm sabrina ruhi. Il-“matap” nies bhalek posthom ja hamalla
snobbys girls are so sexy , good girls and those chindren are very swt ,,,,, dont be joulesy leave those girls alone kullhad bopinjoni so fuck in xejn ta nies nazjonalisti ….. lejber qatt ma amlu dawn lafarijiet fuq in nazjonalist biex taraw kemm jamlu hsara fuq kollox u kul hadd ,,, dont worry snobbys your super girls and wining ,,,, min jithaq lahar jithaq lahjar
For once I am speechless.
This part of society needs help to overcome such upbringing. The problem is they do not understand which party can really help them to move forward. It is such a pity to see people reaching such lows.
But the party that they are voting in has stopped representing such social cases and they cannot realize this.
Like these cases there are many more and it is not nice to see them like this.
LP loves cases like this because they can build their party case around them but in reality the same big headed LP people use them as laughing stock. What misery can mankind bring about.
Seems like she votes Labour because her brains are in the wrong part of her anatomy ;-)
i dont think it is a good thing to say things like this hux? kulhadd ghandu l opinjon tieghew hux. ghax tieghek mimli hux sur kenneth billi your judging people !!!! imbasta tghejdu ghalina il labour li mohna vojt and in the wrong part of anatomy..
Incredible how Facebook has given a voice to l-ikbar hamalli ta’ Malta, to the social cases, “ta’cacu” I think they call them.
What a shame.
jien ghadni ma nistax nifhem jekk hux legali taqbad ritratti ta nies u titfahom f dil website?! fis sens, xi gifiri jithlu fil privat ta nies u joqodu jitmejlu bijom xarukaza??!! issa kieku din kienet xi hadd min ulidkom?? hekk sew??
jiena ma nafx ara tajdux al labouristi jilhqu salib bin nies nahseb nazzjonalisti mohhom fin nies ja nies imdejqin taf xmiskom tamlu tal pn duru dawra ma nazzjonallisti ghax nasiguralkom li qas jifqu bil comments li taqala mla taqbdu ma nies li qas biss ma tafu xjn fuqom