I wonder what the Labour Party has promised that desperate Saviour Balzan
I also wonder why Roger de Giorgio, who owns the other 50 per cent of Malta Today, is stooping so low and what he hopes to get out of having Joseph Muscat as prime minister and a bunch of people he mocked and still mocks privately in government. But that’s another story.
Last Sunday, Malta Today ran an appalling story about the Ta’ Qali convention centre and a debt write-off for the Nationalist Party. It did not seek either the company’s side of the story or the Nationalist Party’s. This is straight out of the Super One and L-Orizzont school of journalism.
So much for Saviour Balzan’s grandstanding on the subject.
The Nationalist Party issued the following response yesterday, and distributed it to all media.
Din l-ittra li s-Segretarju Generali tal-PN, Paul Borg Olivier baghat ilbierah lis-Sur Saviour Balzan dwar storja li dehret fil-faccata tal-Malta Today
Għażiż Sur Balzan,
Nagħmel referenza għall-artikolu li deher fil-paġna ta’ quddiem fil-ħarġa tal-MaltaToday, ta’ llum, 3 ta’ Frar 2013, intitolat: “Zaren’s €350,000 PN
Campaign Budget.”
Il-Partit Nazzjonalista jiċħad kategorikament illi l-Kumpanija MFCC b’xi mod għamlet write off ta’ €1,000,000 favur il-Partit Nazzjonalista.
Il-Partit Nazzjonalsita kategorikament jiċħad ukoll illi Zaren Vassallo u, jew xi kumpanija fejn għandu interess inkluż ma terzi, bħal fil-każ tal-MFCC, b’xi mod ħallsu u/jew ikkommettew €350,000 għall-Kampanja Elettorali 2013 kif spekulat fl-istorja fuq imsemmija.
Il-Partit Nazzjonalista jikri servizzi kemm mill-MFCC kif ukoll minn suppliers oħra biex jorganizza l-attivitajiet tiegħu b’arranġamentikummerċjali għal ħlas, inkluż b’barter agreements kif inhu normali għaż-żewġ partiti.
Ninfurmak li jekk din l-istorja fittizja ma tiġix irtirata minufiħ, nirriżerva li jittieħdu passi kontra tiegħek bil-Qorti skont il-liġi.
Din l-ittra qed isir a tenur tal-Artikolu 21 tal-Liġi tal-Istampa.
Dr Paul Borg Olivier
Segretarju Ġenerali, PN
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I would have thought that you would also print Saviuor’s response to the above letter.
[Daphne – He hasn’t sent it to me yet.]
The FAA and Ramblers were dragged to Evil GonziPN’s den yesterday morning.
Edward Mallia’s Friends of the Earth led the group.
There Astrid Vella sat, silent.
Mario de Marco had one steely gaze. Simon was all smiles.
Hi Daphne
I know that quite a lot is going on among the ungodly and you are spoilt for choice on what to write about, but I think that this takes the biscuit:
Just goes to show what a coward Joseph is, hiding behind his wife’s skirts, to avoid facing Dr. Calvagna.
Mhux ahjar li Saviour Balzan jghidilna minn fejn u kif qed jiffinanzja dawk il-gazzetti u website, b’daqstant attivisti Laburisti (Miriam Dalli, Julia Farrugia, Nestor Laiviera, u diversi ohra) jithallsu dawk il-pagi kollha matul il-gimgha, qabel ma joqghod ifittex x’jaghmel haddiehor.
MEP candidature on Labour ticket. But first Saviour Balzan has to prove himself.
Tghid jekk jitla l-Labour Dalli u Farrugia Sacco jehilsuha hafif? Ghandi kurzita kbira.
That’s another difficult question – worth 60 million Euros or, at least, a couple of tickets at the next Winter Olympics, perhaps?
Saviour Balzan is concerned about the relationships between big business and political parties?
How about us being worried about the relationship of the Malta Today media group with the Malta Labour Party?
Kiku iwahhaxhom l-Ewropa kieku jilhaq MEP Salvu… hemm vera tispicca l-Ewropa.
Diga’ ghandna kampjun iehor Malti fil-Parlament Ewropew, tafx. Dam jistenna s-siggu, imma fl-ahhar tawhulu.
The Nationalist Party was accused of something. The Nationalist Party responded promptly.
JosephMuscat.com was accused of something. All we got was a ‘No comment.’
In order for Malta Today to be credible, they should publish a report on noise pollution from Gianpula.