Ice is actually the street name for crystal meth

Published: February 20, 2013 at 6:24pm
Crystal meth

Crystal meth

Does Joseph Muscat know that ice is the street name for crystal methamphetamine hydrochloride, a synthetic illegal drug more dangerous than cocaine?

We’re all wondering about the discrepancy between Muscat’s claim that he was told the now notorious blokka bajda was ice (silg) and the club president’s panic when he walked into the Labour club kitchen and saw what was going on.

Nobody panics at the sight of ice that’s frozen water. Nobody talks, as deputy leader Toni Abela did, about avoiding the police when what you’re dealing with is some ice cubes.

20 Comments Comment

  1. maryanne says:

    If indeed it was a harmless blokka silg, why was the barman sacked?

    • P Shaw says:

      Ma kienetx frizata bizzejjed

    • Gahan says:

      Emm…emmm ghax fil-kazini tal-Labour il-birra trid tigi servuta go maggijiet keshin u…emmm kif se naqbad infehmek biex forsi tifhimni ?…emmm u il-president ippanikja li dan l-istandard ma kienx se jinzamm, u allura kecca l-barman ovvjament.

      • Gahan says:

        Emm kieku ma kecciehx , kien jigri kif qal Toni “il-Bambin biss jaf x’kien jinqala!”

        Mela b’hekk tista’ tkkonkludi li l-glieda tal-kazin tal-Labour tar-Rabat inqalet minhabba li t-tazzi tal-birra ma kienux imkessha bizzejjed.

        Qedha tara kollox gara minhabba naqra ta’ direttiva fuq kemm ghandom ikunu keshin it-tazzi tal-birra!

    • Pied Piper says:

      Because a good barman who knows his job prepares the ice cubes or ice blocks in advance, in case Tony asks for his favourite cocktail.

      A good barman would not ask the president of a club to fetch it for him. Labour is always right.

  2. afm says:

    As if. What are you saying? That was ICEing sugar. Maaa …
    those cakes have to be ready by the 10th ta.

  3. Futur Imcajpar says:

    This is ridiculous. Who gets sacked for slicing a block of ice?

    Who gets into trouble with the police over ice-cubes?

    And who, for crying out loud, throws a large chunk of ice into the garbage bin?

    I know that people frequenting labour party clubs are not very bright, but surely NOBODY disposes of unwanted ice in a bin.

  4. Neil Dent says:

    One man’s word against another, and the PL found no evidence. That’s why they didn’t bother going to the police.

    • ciccio says:

      Something tells me that Labour is about to solve the delays problem in the courts of law.

      That’s because most of the cases there involve one man’s word against another.

  5. Redneck Rabti says:

    One thing that seems to have escaped Dear Joseph is that Toni Tana Tani Tina also makes reference to “trab abjad”. Never heard of a blokka silg made of white powder…

  6. Jozef says:

    Another incident perhaps?

  7. Joe Micallef says:

    Suggesting a survey

    Do you think Muscat and Abela’s consciences (granted they have one) would budge a nanometre with the next drugs fatality?

  8. Dumbo says:

    Why does the leader of the opposition correspond on PL stationery? I believe the correspondence addressed to Muscat by this club ex president was addressed to him in his capacity as Labour leader and not as leader of the opposition.

    If anything Muscat’s personal assistant should have answered and not the assistant of the leader of the opposition.

    No distinction can be made whilst still not in government. I shudder.

  9. Mesmes says:

    Joe Muscat qed jghid li kien propju l-barman imkecci li kien qed jittraffika d-droga. U jien insaqsi: Liema traffikant mignun imur jaghmel dikjarazzjoni bil-miktub indirizzata lill-quasi-Prim Ministru li kien hemm id-droga fil-bar tieghu? Kieku veru traffikant, mhux jiktiblu imma jmur jistahba fejn ma jsibu hadd. Dawn il-mistoqijiet daqshekk difficli li jsaqsuhomlu lil Muscat il-gurnalisti?

  10. caflanga says:

    at 0:50 Joseph says, ‘dan il-kaz ta’ Hal Safi’

    So it was the Hal Safi Labour party club, then?

    [Daphne – Yes, the drugs case was.]

    • Gahan says:

      Hal Safi is the little tranquil village which elected a PN council since the first local councils were elected.

      They were the best council in their area , where the MLP councillors were respected by Pietru Pawl who was framed up for the murder of Raymond Caruana by Labour.In the last election a PN councillor thought it fit to contest as an independent , and consequently Safi now has a Labour mayor who is a truck driver.

      If you look at the council’s website you will find that the Labour elected council did not even bother to update its website!

      Francis (Frans) is the Mayor and Pietru Pawl is just an”opposition” councillor although he offered all his help to Frans.

      Now we know that one of the Labour elected councillors was backed by Muscat to the point that he covered up a crime in which the son of the newly elected councillor was involved. To put the cherry on the cake Joseph blamed the innocent barman and kicked him out , instead of reporting everything to the police.

      One can draw many parallels with what happened in Safi, to what’s going to happen to Malta.

  11. Another John says:

    My take on it is that JM is taking the nation for a ride (again) with this one.

    I sense a perverse sense of humour from his side. Which adult who is reasonably exposed to the media does not know that ‘ice’ is a euphymism for a type of drug?

    That’s why he came up with blokka silg; simply to poke fun at his detractors.

  12. verita says:

    SO now we have water turning into wine, water turning into whisky and now the new miracle of a white block turning into a block of ice. Welcome to the Opportunist Movement.

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