If they have hordes of switchers, why do they keep using the same ones, who are Laburisti anyway?

Published: February 24, 2013 at 10:32am

The Labour Party keeps telling us that it has hordes of switchers in its castle, of which I have no doubt.

But then why are these switchers too embarrassed to tell the world they’re voting Labour?

I am not embarrassed at all to tell everyone that I’m not voting Labour, that I’m voting Nationalist, and why.

Didn’t they just put out a video called Courage to Vote? Some courage, if they’re all sitting in their closet just in case there’s a remote chance – you know, like an ice cube’s in hell – that Labour won’t be elected after all and then they won’t be able to carry on pretending that they supported the victors all along.

I ask because I see no switchers in their campaign. Kevin Drake? He hasn’t switched from PN to Labour. He’s switched from AD to Labour.

Kenneth Zammit Tabona? Now that I think about it, he’s probably not a switcher at all. He might have been comfortable with Labour all along. He’s been calling himself a floater for years, for heaven’s sake, even before the 2008 general election. In my considerable experience, that generally means a Laburist/a who temporarily finds the Labour Party distasteful or unfashionable. As if people in their 50s ‘float’. If you can’t make a rational decision at that age, and in such a clear-cut and obvious situation, you never will.

Albert Gauci Cunningham? He’s a switcher all right, because he’s convinced that Labour Loves Gays. Well, what can I say? The day I am faced with a choice between faux women’s issues and keeping the economy on track, and go for the former, call me out on this. Until then, I know where my priorities lie but that might be because, unlike Albert Gauci Cunningham, I actually give a damn about the next generation, and not only about myself.

The Labour Party’s new billboards feature testimonials from supposed switchers. They are the same recycled ones they have used repeatedly throughout the campaign, minus a few who, no doubt, fought shy of having their face magnified all over Malta.

Albert is on one of the billboards. I have also seen Ramona Frendo and Audrey Harrison (again, yawn). Ramona is everywhere. She is in the campaign video, she gave testimonials in igloos and at the Bay Arena, and she’s regularly on Super One. What she fails to say is that Labour is not a rational choice with her but an emotional one. She is the daughter of the woman who ran the Malta Labour Party club in Zejtun. You can’t get more Mintoffjana minn guf ommha than that.

So fine, it’s a free country. But for God’s sake don’t pose as somebody who’s voted Nationalist all your life or even intermittently. Just say the truth: that you’re a Mintoffjana from Zejtun. Unfortunately, that definition doesn’t match the acquired pozi. It always strikes me how the people who claim to be proud of their roots are too embarrassed to mention them in case it cracks their image. They would gather more respect if they did so.

Audrey Harrison is described on her billboard as a ‘MEPA officer’. Imagine that, a MEPA officer giving a campaign testimonial for a political party. How unacceptable – and that would be the case even if it were for the PN. Imma Malta taghhom, u issa se naraw festa shiha.

Mrs Harrison is not just a MEPA officer. She is also married to the policeman who the Labour Party has apparently earmarked to replace Police Commissioner Rizzo: Assistant Commissioner Neil Harrison. Before he met Audrey, he had a relationship with Super One’s Miriam Dalli (before her marriage to Karmenu (Il-Guy) Vella’s son, I hasten to add).

The only switching these people have done is when they turn the lights off as they leave the room.





29 Comments Comment

  1. Nighthawk says:


    Labour? Convinced Europeans and Democrats?

    “The largest number is in Turkey, where there are 49, followed by Iran with 45, China with 32 and Eritrea with 28.

    The rest are in Syria 15, Vietnam 14, Azerbaijan 9, Ethiopia 6, Saudi Arabia and Uzbekistan 4, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, India and Israel and the Occupied Territories 3, Morocco 2, and Bahrain, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cuba, Gambia, Iraq, Kyrgyzstan, Somalia and Thailand 1 each.”

    • canon says:

      We are soon going to have our journalists in prison. Manwel Mallia swore that he will send Paul Borg Oliver to prison.

  2. TROY says:

    They’ve switched,but are not certain if they’re IN.

    Can’t blame them, when the question is not clear.


    IN what, exactly?

  3. Zejtunija Too says:

    Ramona you’ve been exposed. Now please stop lying. You actually discredit yourself to those of us who know you and know EXACTLY where you come from.

    Or is this just a charade, smokescreens like the whole of Muscat’s campaign. Anything to get Labour into power. No surprises who is going to sit on many Government boards going forward.

    • A. Charles says:

      During Sant’s premiership, Ramona Frendo was nominated as legal adviser of KNPD.

      I can honestly say that I found her arrogant and she did not make any eye contact. She used to imitate Gianella in her posture because she started her legal career with her.

    • Sonia says:

      Ramona, Ramona. Wasn’t her husband’s sister the token woman on a board or two during Labour’s 22-month stint in government between 1996 and 1998?

  4. TROY says:


  5. Tabatha White says:

    “So” on the billboard translated from “Biex”? The one out of the three in “English.”

  6. David S says:

    Is it true Labour Party’s mass meeting today will be in English ?

  7. delacroixet says:

    Meritocracy? Like confirming Pullicino-Orlando-almost-Smith as MCST chairman.

    A very Lejber definition of meritocracy.

  8. As a MEPA officer she had to obtain special permission to be present on such billboards, as stated in the Civil Service Code of conduct, as her job is deemed to be ‘politically closed’. Such permission is really hard to get at the moment even if you’re a prospective candidate for a Local Council Election. How did she manage to get it?

    I know of a case were somebody was recently caught by a camera passing by a PN political activity (she wasn’t even present) and was shouted at in a way you wouldn’t even shout to a deviant child.

    It’s a true example that in Audrey’s case its not meritocracy at all. It’s all about who you know and who you even sleep with when it comes to Labour.

    • Iced Coke says:

      Can Audrey tell us if she would have had the opportunity to be accepted as a police officer (2000) and a MEPA officer (2006) as well as offered the opportunity to read for a diploma, then a degree and finally a Masters in Art and Creativity, while at the same time being a full time mother (http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20100425/university/audrey-harrison-mother-student-actress.304389), back in the days of Labour?

      Is she another one who expected a teaching role at the university?

      From what I have seen, most of these switchers are only after their own selfish interests: new jobs (Willy Mangion), easy cash (Kenneth Zammit Tabona, Pitre), promotion (Ramona Frendo – magistrate, judge anyone?), spite (Drake, Bencini and the Muglietts).

      • sssserp says:

        Iced coke, you got it totally wrong on Pitre.

        Pitre is just a victim of a deep-rooted propaganda machine. Some people befriended him during a vulnerable time in his life with the intention of dragging him into this situation.

  9. Labour is using this ‘ex-nationalist’ endorsement strategy on all kinds of social media, including niche ones you’d least likely expect to be politicised.


  10. Giovanni says:

    Albert Gauci Cunningham billboard in Msida is next to a better one showing PL being il- partit tal- Qghad, Ghaks and Gideb.

  11. ken il malti says:

    Albert’s billboard is very close to a public latrine.

  12. PN kburi says:

    Meritokrazija too much for them.
    Ma jifmux bil-Malti elaborat ….
    Joseph iktibhom aktar semplici ghax il-Lejber don’t understand.

  13. Alfred Bugeja says:

    There’s a spelling mistake in Audrey Harrison’s billboard.

    Ufficjal il-MEPA should read Ufficjal fil-MEPA or Ufficjal ‘l-MEPA.

  14. Gabriel Cassar-Torregiani says:

    There seem to be two types of switchers: those out of convenience and those suffering from the Stockholm syndrome.

    It is no coincidence that all the Patty Hearsts out there have lived through the worst years of Labour and have done so in fear.

    Just like Patty, after voting Labour in they will deny any responsibility for having elected a morally and ethically bankrupt prime minister.

  15. hubert grech says:


  16. old-timer says:

    Hubert, I do not know whether you understand simple English, but it would be better if you passed a constructive remark; as it is, your remark is senseless. “Ghandek biza min xiex?” – Vjolenza?, – spell it out and we will have proof that Muscat’s words are just that – words – perhaps empty words

  17. Baffled says:

    Sometimes, in the PL, I cannot make heads or tails on who is doing what to whom?

    [Daphne – They’re generally screwing each other, either literally or figuratively.]

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