If you’re In, you’re Out of your mind. I can’t believe anyone sane would want to bring back Leo Brincat as a cabinet minister.

Published: February 25, 2013 at 2:59pm

Leo letter

Ara kemm huma najs: Karmenu Vella and Leo Brincat, coming soon to a government near you.

Ara kemm huma najs: Karmenu Vella and Leo Brincat, coming soon to a government near you.

As if it wasn’t enough that in fairly recent memory, as Alfred Sant’s finance minister, he presided over the VAT to CET catastrophe that brought the economy a halt and helped unemployment skyrocket.

All you have to do is read the letter I’ve shown here for some really nice and happy memories of the days when he was cabinet minister to PM Zero.

This is about the distribution of colour televisions to Laburisti bazuzli. You got your colour TV through recommendation by a minister – because we were living in a version of East Berlin. Leo Brincat wrote this letter to Philip Muscat, MINISTER FOR THE PEOPLE’S INDUSTRIES, explaining how he usually recommends people for permission to buy a colour TV by making a telephone call, only this time he decided to send the lady in question a note instead, but the name on the envelope was wrong and the note went to her neighbour, who gave it to the Nationalist Party’s newspaper.

Tsk tsk, Leo.

Be sure to take a good look at Philip Muscat’s handwritten note at the bottom: instructions for Leo Brincat to summon the woman who got the letter. I wonder what happened to her.

Perhaps some enterprising journalist will ask Leo at his next press conference – jew dak jghodd bhala passat?

Imbaghad ghandu l-wicc joqghod jghid dwar l-arlogg ta’ Tonio Fenech u jerga johrog ghall-elezzjoni minflok imur jinheba.

I never thought I’d live to see the day that this boiled-white, bloodless scum from my teens and early 20s would be back in government again, and not once but twice.

What’s he going to distribute now, I wonder. One-week trips to Beppe Hili’s holiday home in Croatia?

24 Comments Comment

  1. one of us says:

    Even the title ‘Minister of People’s Industries’ gives me the creeps.

    I cannot believe the switchers and shifters and brown-noses are stupid enough to let themselves be ‘ruled’ by a shit like Brincat. He never cleaned his typewriter keys either.

  2. kram says:

    U tghid ma tawhx xi rigal talli rrangalhom ghat-televixin jew telefon?

  3. rc says:

    Aren’t there any laws in force at the national or EU/International level under which this sort of behaviour can be prosecuted?

  4. ciccio says:

    Good Lord. I had heard about those Dear Philip letters but had never seen one. A copy of this should be published in Grajjet Malta in the chapter about “is-Snin tad-Deheb.”

  5. Qeghdin Sew says:

    “instructions for Leo Brincat to summon the woman who got the letter”

    M’ahniex boloh, but for the record, the instructions refer to Mignon Formosa (the intended recipient), not Mangion (the actual recipient and most probably the informant).

    • ta'sapienza says:

      Sure, that’s why there is so much emphasis including repeating Mangion’s address and referring to her as the probable leak.

      Nahseb biex jibghatilha Valentine card u bukkett fjuri.

      Jaqq x’nies.

  6. NA says:

    Daphne, Philip Muscat’s grandson, Robert Muscat, calls for your head on a daily basis on (ironically) Facebook.

    [Daphne – Yes, and his niece Josanne Cassar has spent the last few years bitching against me in print and on the internet, while pretending to be an independent and impartial observer.]

    He and his dad are busy roaming Europe watching football matches, taf int, ghax Malta hemm l-ghaks.

    I’m sure the Minister for the People’s Industries would not have approved of Facebook. Maybe he would have handed it to a select number of people only, his son and grandson included I assume.

  7. observer says:

    “Imbaghad ghandu l-wicc… minflok imur jiheba”. Sorry, I think you typed the wrong consonant in the last word. It wasn’t a ‘b’ you were looking for.

  8. A Montebello says:


    I remember a schoolyard discussion about a particular singer on Canale 5 who was wearing a see-through blouse of sorts. One of the boys wasn’t sure who I was referring to and asked whether she was the one in the pink top.

    Well, I wouldn’t have known cause we weren’t allowed a colour TV. We were Nationalist.

  9. Wilde One says:

    Just heard there’s a press conference on Net TV at 16.30.
    Can anybody confirm?

  10. pablo says:

    And this wanker thirty years later has the temerity to send me glossy leaflets asking me to vote him back into cabinet.

    Sorry Leo, go and sexual intercourse yourself…naturally, bir-rispett kollu.

  11. Wilson says:

    Maybe this should be distributed to the kids at MCAST and University, maybe they will comprehend what they are promoting.

    In those days Malta was definitely not taghna lkoll.

    In fact if there ever was a miniscule greedy clique, it was very much so in those days.

    That life, seemed so far away before this election came about.

    Now it is here knocking us off our rockers with the possibility of such people coming to power again.

    I always asked myself – doesn’t someone like Leo feel ashamed to be in the public eye again?

    If the oil scandal people are being condemned from all corners of society, what should happen to the people from the Mintoff and KMB years? A public hanging?

    There was a time when people like Leo and Ghaddafi were very much working on the same lines. How could someone vote him in, in this day and age?

  12. Nighthawk says:

    What interesting times we lived in.

    One wonders how much of Gaddafi’s ‘cheap’ oil (mixed with the blood of Libyans) was resold for personal gain in the eighties.

    Will time-barring be lifted also on this, perhaps?

  13. diapason says:

    The “Minister for People’s Industries” was the one to boast in front of the telecommunications world (in 1985) that the socialist government of Malta was to use the island as a refurbishment hub for scrapped equipment and exchanges. Very progressive indeed.

  14. steven gerrard says:

    Lowest scum on earth

  15. AE says:

    what scum

  16. manum says:

    It was as if we lived in a nightmare! Suddenly we found ourselves breathing in 1987 and 25 years just slipped away. We will sleep again and yet to live the nightmare again as from 10th March. God Help us all.

  17. Nico says:

    I say scum are the people who remember the 80s very well, and can go on the same stage with people like Leo Brincat.

  18. A Montebello says:

    I’m so upset by Brincat’s letter that I keep going to it and each time I notice something new.

    (1) He sees this blatant corruption os the highest kind as an “inconvenience”.

    (2) The reason the communicates with people orally has nothing to do with time constraints – otherwise he wouldn’t refer to the one time he issued written “chits” as a mistake.

    (3) He felt he had to “investigate” when the chit was mis-adressed.

    (4) Why would there be the need to pass on the letter to The Democrat, and why all the fuss, if everything was done above board?

    (5) The assurance that he would only be communicating orally so as not to leave a paper trail.

    (6) And as you so rightly and frighteningly put it, why the need to summon Mrs Mangion.

    And this man is going to be a minister again? Jesus f**king wept.

    • Jozef says:

      Let’s have Leo answer some questions. Now that Labour wants out on corruption.

    • ta'sapienza says:

      U mbaghad gejjin jghajjtu bil-Whistleblower Act.

      U Il-Guy irid ifittex lil xi hadd talli semma il-kaz tal-kuntrabandu tal-Ghadira. L-iskuza kienet li kellu kondotta nadifa.

      Bhallikieku kien hawn xi pulizija li kien ser iressaq zewg ministri Laburisti.

      X’zibel ta’ nies.

  19. Jon F Hunter says:

    “I wonder what happened to her.”

    what are you trying to insinuate?

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