Il-Guy forgets what he said three minutes ago. Muscat forgets what he said a year ago.

Published: February 2, 2013 at 5:31pm

Labour Party website, Maltastar, 26 November 2011:

Muscat said that a Labour government would reduce water and electricity bills by converting the Delimara power station to operate on gas, by introducing cheaper night tariffs and by not making consumers pay for the inefficiencies of Enemalta Corporation.

The Times, 31 January 2013:

Joseph Muscat laughed off the Nationalist Party’s proposal to lower electricity tariffs at night, saying the party would probably give families alarm clocks.

Parents, he said jokingly, were unlikely to allow their children to watch television after 10pm in order to save on electricity.

Interviewed by TV presenter Miriam Dalli under the tent in Pieta yesterday, the Labour leader took a dig at the PN’s night tariff proposal saying it was unclear by how much bills would be reduced.

“The PN will probably distribute free alarm clocks for people to wake up at night and use household appliances then.”

I’m guessing that Kurt Sansone, who wrote that report for The Times, doesn’t really know a story when he sees one. Either that, or he’s mainly interested in using his job to further the Labour cause.

Is Kurt Sansone Labour? I wouldn’t know, really – he went through an AD period, but he definitely comes from a Labour family, one of those Sliema Labour families I keep telling you about because some people seem to find this difficult to believe (as though I don’t know what I’m talking about, having lived the first 26 years of my life there).

As for public discussion of his political sympathies, what can I say? If it’s all right for them to do it about me, it’s all right for me to do it about them.

Yes, Kurt Sansone of The Times comes from a Labour family, went through an AD period and is probably back with Labour again judging by his cosiness with Labour communications coconut Kurt Farrugia.

In his job at The Times, he comes across as being torn between his duty to his employer (which is to serve his readers well) and his desire to see Labour give gOnziPn a good thrashing.

Either that, or he’s just a lousy reporter. It only takes a bit of Googling to see that Muscat was recommending night tariffs himself a year ago. That’s essential context for your report, Kurt. You’re doing your job really badly.

38 Comments Comment

  1. Leli says:

    After 40 years we are not buying The Times anymore.

  2. ray says:

    Anyone has a video clip of this moron saying it? I remember him saying it in his budget speech.

  3. canon says:

    I hope Joseph Muscat gives gas masks to the residents of Marsaxlokk and Birzebbuga, just in case.

    • etil says:

      They do not seem to be unduly worried now – it was only during PN times that they protested. Either that, or they know that Muscat will not go through with the power station project anyway.

  4. pl sal mewt says:

    tkomplix taqa an nejk a bicca ta lart mahmuga

    [Daphne – I love working-class insults. I keep a notebook in which I collect them. My all-time favourites (which I had never heard before recently) are “Aqtaghha ghax insabtek ma’ gh*xx Alla” and “F’gh*xx min gibdek mill-utru t’ommok.” And it’s interesting to see how differently ‘floor-rag’ is used in Maltese from English: calling somebody a ‘floor-rag’ in English would mean the person is wet, useless and dumped upon.]

  5. George says:

    At times, I have to check whether I’m reading The Times or Malta Today. The shoddy reporting is becoming more biased by the day.

  6. Antoine Vella says:

    Joseph Muscat’s U-turn on night tariffs should have been immediately splashed by the PN all across its billboards and mentioned by all its speakers.

    I’d like to think this did not happen so as to give him have enough time to make a fool of himself by ridiculing the Nationalist electoral promise.

    • anthony says:

      The PN is tired.

      It could make mincemeat out of Joey every day and any day.

      If it gets its house in order, that is.

      The PN is constantly on the defensive.

      Against a cretin.


      • anthony says:

        oops unbelievable.

      • etil says:

        Yes ‘the PN is tired’ seems to be the buzzword of the day for Mintoffians and the PN switchers.

        So as to justify that they have a youthful leader but ignoring the fact that they have candidates nearing 70 and play the game ‘now it is our turn’ to be in government.

        The PL are conveniently forgetting the 2 years of MLP government and keep on harping about the PN being 25 years in government.

        The PL and its supporters cannot get it into their thick heads that if the PN has been in government for 25 years – barring the two years of MLP government – they did so because the people kept on voting PN.

        The PL have to swallow that pill once and for all. On the other hand the PN needs to become a tad more aggressive in its messages.

  7. Jien Jien Jien says:

    When he lived in Brussels, didn’t Joseph take advantage of the night tariffs? Well, he might not have bothered on that salary. That’s only for ordinary mortals like us.

    • M. says:

      That all depends in whose house he spent the night, doesn’t it?

      • The Phoenix says:

        I don’t think he used electric blankets in Brussels. A qualified source tells me that there were plenty of mice in his bed there, presumably to make it warm.

  8. bystander says:

    If it’s cheaper after 10 then why would parents stop kids watching after 10?

  9. C Falzon says:

    “Is Kurt Sansone Labour? I wouldn’t know, really ”

    More than Labour he comes across to me as anti-Gonzi, as it seems to have become fashionable to be nowadays.

    “Either that, or he’s just a lousy reporter.”

    He’s not just one or the other but both.

  10. anti labour says:

    Dementia can cause memory loss. Forgetting things is not always a sign of dementia but can be one symptom. Memory loss in a person with dementia is persistent and progressive and may involve forgetting skills, events, people and places.

    I think it sounds familiar to the Anzjani in the Moviment

  11. Alfred Bugeja says:

    Daphne, most of what you wrote about Kurt Sansone also applies to a bunch of other journalists working at The Times.

    Most of them are kids who are there just to push their agendas, which are strikingly similar to Labour’s, while the decent and honest and veteran journalists are relegated to writing fairytales which make it to page 8 or worse.

    It’s been that way since the last election. Poor old Mabel must be turning in her grave.

  12. Jozef says:

    Have patience.

    Joseph told the GWU they’ll consider their proposals for inclusion in the program, yesterday.

    He did the same with the fishing cooperatives, behind closed doors, this morning.

    Shadow spokesman for health, Farrugia, said their targets, still undisclosed, will be made obligatory for the private sector.

    Joseph and Edward do not agree, to date, on the introduction of the night tariff.

    Charles Buhagiar said he’s all for concentrating on a revision of the structure plan, albeit with an eye for urban core conservation. Not so Musumeci, who thinks people should be allowed to determine how long it takes them to demolish and rebuild in same.

    Oh joy.

  13. Riya says:

    Ha nergghu nibdew nghajru lil Daphne bil-kliem ghoxxen!

    Ara vera dawn il-Laburisti u l-Mintoffjani qatta slavagg u njoranti.

    Dik hi l-unika mentalita’ li rabba u halla warajh Mintoff u l-Labour gewwa dan il-pajjiz.

    Jekk wiehed joqoghd jikkonsidra in-naha tal-Kottonera f’Malta fejn hemm il-qalba ta’ Mintoff hija sabiha hafna u hemm postijiet meraviljuzi izda Mintoff qatt ma’ ghamel xejn f’din iz-zona ta’ Malta.

    Issa li gvern Nazzjonalista qieghed jaghmel hafna xoghol ta’ infrastruttura u restawr dan il-gmiel tal-kottonera qieghed jidher hafna aktar.

    Fi zmien Mintoff kien hemm kollox imfarrak u l-mentalita’ ta’ Mintoff u tal-Labour kompliet tkerrak u titraskura il-postijiet sbieh u meraviljuzi li jezistu fil-Kottonera.

    Morru u araw ix-xoghol li sar fil-Grand Harbour Marina u Sant Anglu. F’din iz-zona Mintoff u l-Labour kull ma’ ghamel huwa Monument tar-Repubblika izda m’ghamel qatt xejn izjed.

    Iz-zona fejn kien hemm id-Dockyard diga tidher sabiha hafna ahseb u ara meta il-progett ikun lest.

    Dan ix-xoghol kollu qed isir bis-sahha li malta dahlet fl-EU imma il-maggoranza tal-Kottonera kienet kontra li nidhlu fl-EU ghax hekk qallom Alfred Sant u Joseph Muscat imsieken.

    Issa kull ma’ jonqos hija li tinbidel il-mentalita’ li din iz-zona wirtet min ghand Mintoff u l-Labour halli il-generazzjobi il-gdida ma’ tibqax salvagga bhal ma’ rabbiha Mintoff u l-Labour u n-nies ma’ jibqghux bil-metalita’ ji jkissru u jfarku bhal ma’ kien jaghllimhom Mintoff u l-Labour.

  14. MARY ANN says:

    I stopped buying The Times. I just read Andrew Borg Cardona on line.

  15. ciccio says:

    Joseph Muscat 2013 must be used to receiving free alarm clocks as gifts, considering his habit of being late to important appointments.

  16. etil says:

    Sorry to delude you Riya – the Mintoffian mentality will not ever change. Hopefully the next generation or two might be more open minded, tolerant and able to discern who really wants to best for Malta which has always been the PN.

  17. old-timer says:

    It seems that “PL sal-mewt” has not yet been given a blue tie.

  18. Steve says:

    Kurt Sansone might be Labour, or not PN, but the Sansone family are definately NOT Labour.

    [Daphne – You are completely wrong. Kurt’s particular branch of the Sansone family are an aberration in that they Mintoffjani. The rest are not. You’re talking to a Stella Maris parish girl, remember.]

  19. K says:

    Complete with audio recording of Muscat in Parliament – 21/11/2011

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