I’m lost for explanations and I’m turning to you, dear readers, for help – but to me it looks like he’s had scalp lift surgery

Published: February 27, 2013 at 1:50am

These photographs were taken during the break at the Leaders’ Debate yesterday evening. I have examined them closely, but can’t for the life of me work out what that line is which rings Joseph Muscat’s scalp.

Superficially, it looks like some kind of surgery where the hair won’t grow properly on the scar tissue. But what kind of surgery would involve lifting off your scalp and sewing it back on?

Something weird is going on there. Have the Scientologists beamed him up and done something to his brain? Is he now remote-controlled by some wildly rich sociopath in North America, our very own Manchurian Candidate?

I’m not kidding – we need to know the answer. I’m sure there are some professional people out there who might have a good idea of what’s going on. It can’t just be a (spectacularly) failed hair transplant dating back to the summer before last when he disappeared for a couple of months and Michelle and Anglu took over his duties, can it?

Oh my God – I’ve done some quick research on line and he’s had scalp lift surgery. See the link below. They start with an incision on each side of the head, then make an incision at the back which joins up with the other two, then they make an incision in the front. The idea is to ‘cut out’ the area of baldness and stretch the remaining scalp over the head.

The only time he disappeared long enough for this to be done was, yes, that time in the summer when Michelle told us he had fractured his leg at the August Moon Ball and he vanished for weeks, not even turning up for the exhibition of new Labour logo competition entries. Michelle was deputising for him everywhere, at war with Anglu.

Back then I had written a piece saying he must have had some kind of a hair transplant because that would be the only reason he wouldn’t have been able to appear in public at all. If it really were a fractured leg, he could have popped out on crutches occasionally, and knowing his show-off tendencies he would have invited the cameras into his lovely home to film him at his laptop with his leg in plaster.

We were right, girls and boys, he was lying even then. Joseph has had scalp lift surgery.






74 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Interesting. It looks like a subcutaneous pulley suture line.

  2. bystander says:

    Maybe they sucked out his brains and filled the skull with porridge.

    Hang on a mo, that can’t be right, it would have boosted his IQ.

  3. Paul says:

    Watch the news on TVM, reporting the Big Debate, and when the camera is getting Joseph from his right side, his hair is kinda shining, in a plastic-ish way. Scary. Captain Spock’s kinda hair.

  4. Gorg Borg says:

    Yes, that must be it. Parliamentary videos from two years ago show much more scalp.

  5. Matthew says:

    Holy moly.

    We’re about to make Zombie Clown our prime minister.

    • Tabatha White says:

      I’ve had that word Zombie in my mind for days. I think it’s a very adequate development to Goonie squad and stooges. The whole “moviment” acts like that. I can’t understand how they themselves don’t see it.

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:


  7. ken il malti says:

    That scalp lift is the worse excuse to cover up male pattern baldness that I ever seen. He is still balding and he looks bald.

    A better reason is that Joseph has now become one of the POD People.

    This classic film will explain what has happened to the doughboy.


  8. matt says:

    Was the moderator correct when he said that Muscat has an insurmountable lead over Gonzi?

    I can’t understand why the people do not see the good that has been done in this legislature.

    My stomach churn at the thought of Prime Minister Muscat. Within days they will settle a lot of scores.

    • Joe Micallef says:

      Leaving masochism issues aside, it will be fun tearing to pieces the Muscat government, that is, what remains after the built-in self destruct mode takes its toll.

    • Pink says:

      Someone today told me that it’s better to have a comedian as a prime minister rather than Gonzi.

      These people do not appreciate what has been done.

      • Ta' l-istilla - mhux Grillo says:

        Il-Malti jghid “biskuttini f’halq il-hmir”. It seems their are a lot of the latter. But I hope that there are more of those who will appreciate that the very good times we’ve lived these five years, are all due to those members of the government who worked so hard for us to enjoy the life we’re living.

        This amongst all the turmoil in nearby countries.

        Be happy. Vote P.N..

  9. P Shaw says:

    When Berlusconi did his hair transplant way back in 2004, he did not pretend to break a leg, but famously put on a bandana when Tony and Cherie Blair visited him in Sardegna.


  10. Gahan says:

    Daphne, you are really fixated about looks.

    Truly , who gives a hoot wether Muscat has shoe polish applied on his scalp or he had scalp lift surgery.

    It shows a little bit of insecurity,ok.

    But really,how would this affect my bread and butter issues?

    My worries lie elsewhere, the advert on the utility bills is worrying for me.
    March 2014 is the cut off date for the 25% reduction in utility bills it is the same time when the inter-connector would be up and running and the smart meters installed.

    So the logic behind all this PL promise is that Gonzi’s government found the funds for such a mega project (this is a virtual 200MW smokeless power station) and intended to instill some responsibility on how we should consume our electricity with night tariffs, while Joseph will encourage irresponsible use of electricity by applying a flat rate on our bills.

    Bottom line EneMalta will start having higher loads during the day while the pay back period of the inter-connector increases.

    The new middle class will suffer by paying higher taxes.

  11. Makjavel says:

    Could be simply a lousy haircut, his hair dresser must be as incompetent as he is, birds of the same feather fly together.

  12. pazzo says:

    To me it seems like a halo. Perhaps we have the new St Joseph.

  13. bookworm says:

    That’s a tonsure. He’s thinking of taking up monastic vows should the 9th of March rebha be a flop.

  14. steve borg says:

    That is a newly cut hair style. he must shave the sides with one size and the rest with a longer size so it dosnt look thin….. in a few days it will blend in but as its newly cut you end up with the STEP….. imagin him saying. QAXARLI WARA U IL GNUB BIL 1 U FUQ BIT 3..

  15. cikka says:

    And whose money did he use for this oh so expensive op?

  16. anthony says:

    The scars are unmistakeable.

    Daphne, you are almost certainly right.

    The other posibility, though remote, is that he had a (failed) whole-body transplant.

    Truly sad and pathetic.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Maybe they are so desperate to present the “Aryan blonde blue-eyed” in their choice of stunt man stooge, that the thought of him balding is sending them crazy. Plus the fact that fat and short “Aryan” just do not fit the image they have tried to portray.

  17. Jeanette says:

    ara int xi surgery f ilsinek andek bzonn. burn in hell ja kerha

  18. Daisy says:

    “Guests at the ball who spoke to The Times were not aware of the incident and did not notice that anything was wrong with the Opposition leader.
    In fact, an aide said Dr Muscat had twisted his ankle but thought it was something minor and stayed on till the end of the ball at around 1 a.m.”


  19. Daisy says:

    “Unfortunately, during the Ball the Opposition leader Joseph Muscat SEEMED to have twisted his leg, but not to spoil the evening he kept on dancing with Mrs Muscat. In fact those around were not aware that anything was wrong with Dr Muscat.”


  20. Min Jaf says:

    And he was also lying when he said that the most expensive thing he had bought (after his car) was a handbag for Michelle.

    The scalp job should have cost more than that, unless he managed to clandestinely bum that off Mater Dei facilities.

    Either that or, in observance of his ingrained Mintoffian ideology, got the surgeons to drum up a handbag out the odd bits of bald scalp taken out and passed it off as pigskin.

  21. Ooooops says:

    The courage to vote for a goat… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrNKGXnGyWY

  22. Lcert says:

    This would explain why wiccu u sormu l-istess

  23. Beachaven says:

    What if Joseph Muscat twists his ankle again when he is dancing and suffers another hairline fracture while he is Prime Minister, will the country’s affairs come to a halt?

    Was Joseph Muscat really at this party? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxWG-rCs0C4

  24. Bon ton says:

    And a handbag for Michelle is the most expensive thing Joseph ever paid for ?

  25. bystander says:

    FYI, what Muscat has is generally known amongst my English mates as a Monkey’s Bum.

    I used the phrase while talking with some Maltese and got blank looks.

  26. A.Attard says:

    Could it be a simpler explanation?

    Maybe the lower part has been cut with clipper attacment 3mm (bil-one) and the upper part 9mm, to give an impression of more hair on the top side.

    Similar to what is called xaghru maqtugh skutella.

  27. Roughjustice says:

    Has he just been “outed”?

  28. ajs says:

    Perhaps he doesn’t want to overtly resemble Mussolini.

    A noi!

  29. Edward says:

    If you YouTube hair transplant you will come across a procedure where they do exactly what you’ve described. But he hasn t got any hair so I don’t knew if that’s what he’s gone and done. It might just be ‘hat hair’.

  30. anton says:

    You got it all wrong…I did that op myself.Thats not a scar but marks of razors .Anyway Muscat can`t have that kind of op because he has few hair & one must have a concave skull for it to be successful, not everyone can qualify for such an op. I guess I was very lucky .BTW I did it 9 years ago. Had only few hair missing from the front.

  31. Tarzan says:

    He almost certainly has not had scalp lift surgery. First off, he’s still very much balding, and there hasn’t been any improvement in his hair situation. Secondly, scalp lifting has never been very popular or widespread. If he wanted to have more hair on his head, he would most likely have opted for a hair transplant – like Wayne Rooney did recently – and not scalp lift surgery. Occam’s razor comes into play – it is most likely that what we are seeing in the photos is the result of a botched haircut, probably through the use of different clipper attachments, as some others have remarked here.

  32. Joe Zerafa says:

    Kemm int imqarba, Daphne! Brilliant work! So he lied to us then too. Quite the Pinocchio, that Joseph is. Too funny…

  33. Joe Zerafa says:

    Just went to the link on your page. The guy has to be so vain to go through all that!

  34. Li Ding says:

    X’fissazzjoni biex jahbu l-qara’! What’s wrong with a man being bald, anyway?

  35. Drinu says:

    Elton John did the same thing before his famous comeback during a George Michael concert singing “Don’t let the sun go down on me.” Maybe who knows? A surprise will be waiting for us during the 7th May super show for the end of the campaign.

    Regarding his disappearance that summer I remember seeing joseph at a restaurant. I don’t recall anything suspicious with the hair, I just noticed his crutches and a broken foot.

  36. Karl Flores says:

    It’s not the decorations but what is under the skin.

  37. Niki B says:

    If he really had a (failed) surgical attempt to remedy his baldness, at the time when he claimed that he had a fracture, then it would be yet another blatant lie. Is there no evidence of his fractured leg at all, is it possible that he was not photographed once at that time? Is there anyone (doctor, nurse) who can say he/she was present at the time he was treated and his leg was put in a cast? C’mon journalists do your job.

  38. Peter Mamo says:

    Quote from “The Wit of the Greeks and Romans” by John Ferguson (1968), page 74: An ambassador arrived at Sparta with his hair dyed. Said the Spartan King: How can one trust the words of a man who carries a lie on top of his head.

    • il-Ginger says:

      I’d refrain from quoting Spartan ideas. They thought it was OK to practice a primitive form of Eugenics – i.e. kill their own newborns for not being ‘strong enough’.

  39. ta'sapienza says:

    Sounds like a Hannibal Lecter job of scalping a buttock and wearing it like a bathing cap.

  40. ciccio says:

    If it is not scalp lift surgery, it’s a German Youths haircut.


  41. Louis says:

    That’s the way capucins used to have their heads shaved.

  42. Rumplestiltskin says:

    I think the bad haircut explanation in more plausible. I cannot imagine the man being so vain as to go through the serious procedure of scalp lifting and then trying to explain his absence from the public eye by a fractured leg. But then, who knows? If there are people silly enough to ‘switch,’ just for a change, then anything is possible.

  43. Tinnat says:

    Oh my goodness Daphne, you’re on to something there.

    Have a look at this video clip from today – the Great Leader in the sun. From around 0.45 seconds, one sees a very strange hair pattern indeed.


  44. Spiru says:

    Thought it was the Tropic of Capricorn……

  45. jackie says:

    A male acquaintance who underwent the procedure has revealed all.

    The thin line you are seeing is the classic hair transplant scar from a technique called FUT (follicular unit transplant).

    Basically, a strip of skin is taken from the back of the head (often from ear to ear). The individual hairs from this strip are then transplanted into the top of the scalp. The “gap” left by the strip of skin can be a couple of inches wide (Jesus!). The 2 edges where the strip was taken from are stitched backed together leaving a thin scar. Sounds thoroughly unpleasant!

  46. Wilson says:

    Well at least the aliens didn’t alienate him!!!

  47. silvio says:

    `Dear Daphne, I find it ,to say the least, ridiculous that you should allow your blog to be full of stupid matters as the above.
    We are debating whether Muscat had this or that done to his hair, when we are just a couple of weeks awayfrom having to decide the fate and future of our country.
    We are turnig the election in a sort of a beauty contest.
    If we were to elect our representatives on the way they look, I donb’t think Eddie,Gonzi, Pulliciono and Christina, Herr Flick, amongst others would have ever made it.
    On the other hand we would have a parliament full of Justyne,M.Mizzi and of course yourself, if you ever decide to contest the elections.

  48. TROY says:

    A typical ‘dickhead’

  49. chully says:

    One can have a strip of scalp cut from the middle of the scalp and then bring the two edges together. This makes the uncovered scalp smaller as the hair growing on the side of the head will be brought upwards and towards the centre.

  50. Len says:

    That’s a lobotomy. It’s a psychosurgery where you open and insert some 50 shades of grey matter.

  51. ciccio says:

    Could it be that he lost a bet and had to have his hair cut this way as his part of the bet deal?

    Might see him fully shaved on 10 March 2013 if he loses a bigger bet.

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