I’m Not In with the atavastic and sexist party

Published: February 18, 2013 at 7:34pm

This amazingly witty and subtle meme tells you everything you need to know about the progressive and liberal mindset of the Labour Party and its atavistic supporters.

I am definitely Not In. Is this a different culture or something? Even my grandfather knew how to use a washing-machine, for heaven’s sake, and he would have been 113 if he were alive today.


12 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Michelle does the laundry at night. She said so herself.

    Or maybe she was lying.

    • Election Mode says:

      She also said, or rather bragged on The Sunday Times yesterday, that Joseph doesn’t have time to help with house chores BUT he does put his dirty clothes in the laundry basket and not leave them lying around on the floor. My, my how considerate.

      • Rumplestiltskin says:

        I think she said the ‘laundry room’ not the ‘laundry basket.’ Middle class people have rooms not baskets for their dirty laundry.

    • Sandra says:

      Yes, in yesterday’s Sunday Times.I’ve already promised to get her an alarm clock or a timer….for free.

    • Min Jaf says:

      As the old joke goes, forsi tghamel il-hasla weheda.

    • ciccio says:

      It kind of explains why she reads books like Fifty Shades of Grey.

  2. oh no says:

    My grandfather, who passed away around seven years ago, also knew how to use a washing machine. My father, my brother and my husband use a washing machine regularly too. But I guess they are not progressive or liberal. L-aqwa li jghidilha “darling” ghax issa mittelkless.

  3. Tinnat says:

    For the benefit of all those not in Malta at the moment, could you please tell us: is this really on a billboard?

    [Daphne – No, of course not.]

  4. Election Mode says:

    You’re right Rumplestiltskin, she did say room and not basket.

    In which case, he’d probably drop his dirty sports kit on the floor anyway (after the daily workout at the gym), smelly socks and all.

  5. Aunt Hetty says:

    She did say once that she hangs the washing up to dry rather then spin-dry the clothes so as not to use too much electricity.

    I think she made this world-shaking disclosure at the same time that she complained about the high cost of gbejniet for Joseph’s soppa tal-armla and how, in her newly elevated position, she no longer answers the doorbell with her rollers on.

  6. Request says:

    Hi Daphne, what’s your Email address please? Thanks.

    [Daphne – [email protected]]

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