I’m tired of writing, so I’ll let a picture speak 800 words

Published: February 25, 2013 at 9:14pm

forgot to think

18 Comments Comment

  1. Harry Purdie says:

    Would that be 2 balls devided by 400?

  2. Neil Dent says:

    Cruel, Daphne. So bad! I may not sleep tonight….

  3. Ivan Attard says:

    That’s a billboard which PN should seriously consider. Unlike most of their billboards during this campaign, this would convey the.message.

    Simple and straight to the point. :-)

  4. bob-a-job says:


  5. Ghoxrin Punt says:


  6. Wormfood says:

    In a few months time, should Labour win, I bet that one would be hard pressed to identify and meet one of these much adulated switchers, a bit like being in the French resistance after WW2.

  7. TROY says:

    Baxxter wore attire similar to what the man is wearing, but that was ages ago.

  8. Qeghdin Sew says:

    Scarred for life.

  9. bystander says:

    Have to stitch ’em back on first.

  10. ciccio says:

    “Remember that time you forgot to think?”

    If on 9 March you forget to think again, you will experience the pain of Labour’s “cutting edge” government.

  11. just me says:

    Ouch. Lack of thinking can cause mistakes which produce effects which are irreversible.

  12. zizka says:

    Still less painful than having Joseph Prime Minister.

  13. Bubu says:

    Darwin award, surely.

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